List of server commands

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 15:14, 31 December 2020 by Akineko (talk | contribs) (added translation markers)

This is a list of commands that are executed on the server and therefor list/change things that may affect all players. Some of these commands may need coordinates, so make sure you use the right notation.

See also: List of client commands

Server commands all start with a /

Multiplayer Commands for Players


  • /land [claim|free|info|list]
    Claim an area of the world where only you can build or use blocks in.
  • /land list
    Displays a list of the claims that you made so far, you can use displayed index number to modify it, see below.
  • /land info
    Display information on the claimant of the current position, if there is any.
  • /land free [index]
    Deletes a claim of yours.
  • /land adminfree
    Deletes the claim of a player as an admin.
  • /land claim [load|new|grant|revoke|grantgroup|revokegroup|grow|shrink|start|end|add|allowuseeveryone|plevel|fullheight|save|cancel|download]
    Create or modify an existing claim.
    • /land claim load [0..999]
      Load an existing claim for modifying. Use index number as shown in /land list to select which claim.
    • /land claim new
      Create a new claim, also marks the start position.
    • /land claim grant [playername] [use|all]
      Grant given player access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.
    • /land claim revoke [playername]
      Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player on your claim.
    • /land claim grantgroup [groupname] [use|all]
      Grant given player group access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.
    • /land claim revokegroup [groupname]
      Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player group on your claim.
    • /land claim allowuseeveryone [true|false]
      Grant or Revoke use access to all players
    • /land claim start
      Mark a start position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.
    • /land claim end
      Mark an end position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.
    • /land claim grow [north|east|south|west|up|down] [-99..99]
      Grow the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied then the selection is grown by 1 block.
    • /land claim shrink [north|east|south|west|up|down] [-99..99]
      Shrink the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied then the selection is shrunk by 1 block.
    • /land claim add
      Adds the currently selected cuboid to the currently edited claim. A claim may exist of multiple cuboids, as long as they are adjacent to eachother.
    • /land claim fullheight
      Vertically grow the currently selected cuboid to encompass the full height from world bottom to world top. Note that with default settings this is not possible because players cannot claim that many chunks.
    • /land claim save [description]
      Save current claim modifications and stop editing the current claim.
    • /land claim cancel
      Discard all modifications to this claim.
    • /land claim download [0..999]
      Download an existing claim of yours to your computer. Use index number as shown in /land list to select which claim. The .json file is saved in AppData/Roaming/VintageStoryData/WorldEdit. This command can be used on a server even if you are not an admin.


  • /group [create|disband|rename|invite|acceptinvite|leave|list|info|kick|op|deop]
    Create/manage or destroy a player group. Player groups currently only serve the function of offering a seperate channel to chat in in addition to granting access to claimed areas.
    • /group create [groupname]
      Creates a new player group, own chat channel. While in the this group's chat channel:
    • /group invite [group] [playername]
      Invites a player to this group
    • /group acceptinvite [groupname]
      Accept an invite to join the group
    • /group leave [group]
      Leaves this player group.
    • /group list
      Lists all groups you are currently in.
    • /group info [groupname]
      Lists the players of a group.
    • /group rename [oldgroupname] [newgroupname]
      Renames the group.
    • /group kick [group] [playername]
      Removes a player from the group.
    • /group op [group] [playername]
      Grants operator status to this player, which allows them to invite other players.
    • /group deop [group] [playername]
      Revokes operator status from this player.
    • /group disband [group]
      Destroy a player group. Must be owner to perform this command.


These commands affect the players Worldmap and waypoints.

  • /waypoint [add|addat|list|remove]
    Add and edit your list of waypoints.
    • /waypoint add [color] [title]
      Adds a waypoint with given color and text at your current position. The color may be any named .NET Color or a Hex Code.
    • /waypoint addat [coords] [pinned] [color] [title]
      Add a waypoint at the given coordinates.
    • /waypoint addati [icon] ~0 ~0 ~0 [pinned] [colour] [title]
      Add a waypoint at your current location, including colour and icon info.
    • /waypoint list
      Shows a list of all player waypoints by id number.
    • /waypoint remove [id]
      Removes the waypoint id as shown in /waypoint list.


  • /kill
    Kills the player.

Commands for Moderators and Admins


  • /help
    List all server commands.


  • /giveblock [blockcode] [quantity] [toplayername]
    Creates an itemstack of given block with given stack size to given player name. If player name is not set, the own player is targeted.


  • /giveitem [itemcode] [quantity] [toplayername]
    Same as above but for items.


  • /gamemode [0..4|guest|survival|creative|spectator]
    Mode names can be shortened to any length. Sets your game mode:
    • 0|guest Guest mode - Cannot place/remove any blocks but can interact with them
    • 1|survival Survival mode - Can slowly break/place blocks. Can die. Cannot fly. Survival inventory.
    • 2|creative Creative mode - Access to all blocks through the creative inventory. Instant block breaking. Cannot die. Can fly.
    • 3|spectator Spectator mode - Cannot place/remove blocks and cannot interact with anything, but can fly.
  • /gamemode [playername] [0..4]
    Sets the gamemode for given player.


  • /tp [coordinates]
    Teleport yourself to the position given.
    • /tp x y z
      Teleports the player to given pretty coordinate visible from the pretty coordinate box.
    • /tp =x =y =z
      Teleports the player to given absolute coordinate visible from the debug screen on CTRL + F3.
    • /tp ~x ~y ~z
      Teleports player by a given relative distance, i.e. teleport ~1 ~0 ~0 will teleport the player one block in x direction.
  • /tp [playername] [coordinates]
    Teleport given player to a different position.
  • /tp [playername]
    Teleport yourself to given player.
  • /tpwp [starts with name]
    Teleport yourself to a waypoint.


  • /ban [reason]
    Ban a player.


  • /unban [playername]
    Unban a player.


  • /kick [reason]
    Kick a player.


  • /clear
    Removes all items from your inventory.

Privilege Control


  • /op [playername]
    Alias of /player [playername] role admin.


  • /role [rolename] [roleproperty]
    Display or modify [roleproperty] on role [rolename].
    • /role [rolename] spawnpoint [x] [y?] [z]
      Configure a role specific spawn point. Any player that has this role will spawn at this location.
    • /role [rolename] privilege [grant|revoke] [privelegename]
      Grant or revoke privileges from given role.
    • /role [rolename] landclaimallowance [value]
      Set the max allowed claimable area in cubic meters for every player that has this role. (default: 4 chunks = 4*32*32*32 cubic meters = 131072)
    • /role [rolename] landclaimmaxareas [value]
      Set the max quantity of non-adjacent areas a player may claim. (default: 3)
    • /role [rolename] landclaimminsize [x y z]
      Set the smallest cuboid a player may claim. (default: 6 by 6 by 6)


  • /player [playername] movespeed
    Set a player's move speed.
  • /player [playername] clearinv
    Clear the player's entire inventory.
  • /player [playername] wipedata
    Wipe the player data such as the entire inventory, skin/class etc..
  • /player [playername] [whitelist|privilege|role|entity|stats|gamemode|landclaimallowance|landclaimmaxareas]
    Modify or display player data.
    • /player [playername] whitelist
      See current whitelist mode of given player.
    • /player [playername] whitelist on
      Adds a player to a server whitelist.
    • /player [playername] privilege
      Lists the players current privileges.
    • /player [playername] privilege [grant|revoke] [privilegename]
      Grants or revokes given privilege for this player.
    • /player [playername] role
      Shows the players current privilege role. (default: suplayer)
    • /player [playername] role [rolename]
      Sets the players current privilege role. (default: suplayer)
    • /player [playername] stats
      Shows a summary of the players current privileges.
    • /player [playername] gamemode [0..4 or partially/fully written game mode name]
      Shows or sets the players current game mode.
    • /player [playername] landclaimallowance [0..9999]
      Shows or sets a player specific extra land claim allowance, independent of the allowance set by the role. (default: 0)
    • /player [playername] landclaimmaxareas [0..9999]
      Shows or sets a player specific extra land claim areas allowance, independent of the allowance set by the role. (default: 0)
    • /player [playername] allowcharselonce
      Allows the player to re-select their class after doing so already.
    • /player [playername] entity
      Shows info (position, satiety, health) about the player.
      • /player [playername] entity temp [value]
        Set player's body temperature.
      • /player [playername] entity health [0.1-1]
        Set player's health. (default: 1, making the health by 100% of full health bar)
      • /player [playername] entity maxhealth [0.1-999]
        Set player's max health.
      • /player [playername] entity satiety [0.1-1]
        Set player's satiety. (default: 1, making the satiety by 100% of full satiety bar)
      • /player [playername] entity maxoxygen [int]
        Set player's maximum oxygen. Integer is the length of the oxygen timer in milliseconds. (default: 20000, or 20 seconds)
    • /player [playername] entity intox [0.1-1]
      Sets player's intoxication value.
    • /player [playername] movespeed [value]
      Sets the player's speed.

World Control


  • /seed
    Shows the world seed



This page is outdated.
Reason: Possibly outdated, see protip below for up to date information.
The content on this page is not up to date with the most recent game update. If you do wish to contribute, please request wiki edit access on the Discord.

Game worlds can be customized to a great extent. In single player this is done simply through the "Customize" button when creating a new world. If you however changed your mind or updated to a new version, many of these configurations can be changed for existing worlds. The world configurations can also be set before a world is created through the serverconfig.json file.

Book-normal-brickred.png Protip:
It is advised to utilize in-game command handbook available under client command .chb as it is generally up to date with current game version and often has more information than what is available on Wiki.

General usage

  • /worldconfig name
    Show current configuration value
  • /worldconfig name value
    Set a configuration value
  • /worldconfigcreate datatype name value
    Creates a new configuration value. This is necessary when setting some configurations for the first time (datatype can be float double int string and bool)

Please note: Commands are case-sensitive. Type them exactly as you see, except for the [ ] shown in below command syntax, which is intended only to show which values can be changed! The pipe (|) symbol is there to seperate allowed values, e.g. [true|false] means you can set true or false here

Player spawn and death

  • /worldconfig deathPunishment [drop|keep]
    Whether to drop your inventory upon death (default: drop)
  • /worldConfig droppedItemsTimer [number]
    Defines the despawn time of items dropped on death, measured in seconds (default: 600, equivalent to 10 minutes). Only affects items dropped on death, not other dropped items.
  • /worldConfig spawnRadius [number]
    Sets how far players spawn in a radius from world spawn.
  • /worldconfig temporalGearRespawnUses [-1 .. 9999]
    The temporal gear allows you to set a spawn point. Here you can configure how often it can be used for respawning at the set point. -1 means infinite (default: 20)

The configs startingClimate and graceTimer can only be set during world creation.

Survival challenges

  • /worldConfig seasons [enabled|spring]
    If enabled, seasons will pass over time, otherwise 'spring' will make the climate always stay at spring (default: enabled)
  • /worldConfig playerlives [-1 .. 99]
    Set the amount of lives a player has before he can no longer respawn. -1 means infinite. (default: infinite)
  • /worldConfig lungCapacity [number]
    Sets how long the player can hold their breath under water. (default: 40000, equivalent to 40 seconds)
  • /worldConfig daysPerMonth [1-99]
    Set the number of days each month has. Setting it to a higher value will make seasons go by slower (default: 9)
  • /worldConfig harshWinters [true|false]
    If true, cold temperatures will damage crops, reduce animal spawn during winter and reduce meat harvested from animals (default: true)
  • /worldconfig blockGravity [sandgravel|sandgravelsoil]
    Set the block gravity behavior for either just sand and gravel or additionally also soil (default: sandgravel)
  • /worldConfig caveIns [on|off]
    If on, solid rocks and cracked rocks now collapse if not supported while being broken/placed (default: off (except in Wilderness Survival))
  • /worldConfig allowUndergroundFarming [true|false]
    If true, plants can be grown deep underground, given enough sunlight. (default: false)
  • /worldconfig bodyTemperatureResistance [-40.. 40]
    Sets the temperature an undressed seraph can bear without starting to freeze
  • /worldconfig creatureHostility [aggressive|passive|off]
    Set default creature hostility (default: aggressive)
  • /worldconfig creatureStrength [0-99]
    Sets the creature damage multiplier (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig playerHealthPoints [1-999]
    Set the players base health points. Does not affect already joined players, use /player command for that. (default: 15)
  • /worldconfig playerHungerSpeed [0-10]
    Set the players hunger rate multiplier (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig playerMoveSpeed [0-10]
    Set the players move speed multiplier (default: 1.5)
  • /worldconfig foodSpoilSpeed [0-10]
    Set the spoilage rate multiplier of all perishable foods, e.g. 0.5 means all food lasts twice as long (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig saplingGrowthRate [0.1-20]
    Set the sapling growth rate multiplier of all trees. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig toolDurability [0-99]
    Set the tool durability multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have double durability. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig toolMiningSpeed [0-99]
    Set the tool mining speed multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have break blocks twice as fast. (default: 1)
  • /worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius [0-12]
    If above zero, a second prospecting mode will be enabled that allows for exact searches at the defined radius (default: 6)
  • /worldConfig globalDepositSpawnRate [0.1 - 5]
    Set a global ores and mineral deposit spawn rate (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig microblockChiseling [off|stonewood|all]
    Whether to allow microblock chiseling. 'Stonewood' means all stone and wood materials are allowed. 'all' means most cubic blocks are allowed. (default: Stonewood)
  • /worldconfig loreContent [true|false]
    Whether the story related lore content is included in world generation (default: true)
  • /worldconfig clutterObtainable [ifrepaired|yes|no]
    Whether the clutter items in ruins can be repaired with glue to obtain them (ifrepaired), or if they can be obtained without glue (yes), or if they cannot be obtained at all (no) (default: ifrepaired)

World map

  • /worldconfig allowCoordinateHud [true|false]
    Whether players are allowed to used the coordinate HUD. (default: true)
  • /worldconfig allowMap [true|false]
    Whether players are allowed to use the world map. (default: true)

All of the following work[1] in a singleplayer world to restore the parchment-style map to the classic colorful map:

  • /worldconfig colorAccurateWorldmap true (default: false)
  • /worldconfigcreate bool colorAccurateWorldmap true
  • /player [playername] privilege grant colorAccurateWorldmap

In a multiplayer world, the following restores the classic map for an individual:

  • /player [playername] privilege grant colorAccurateWorldmap

while the following restores the classic map for all players:

  • /worldconfig colorAccurateWorldmap true
  • /worldconfigcreate bool colorAccurateWorldmap true

(needs confirmation)

Temporal stability

  • /worldconfig temporalStorms [off|veryrare|rare|sometimes|often|veryoften]
    How frequent temporal storms should be (default: sometimes)
  • /worldconfig tempstormDurationMul [value]
    Command to change the duration of temporal storms
  • /worldconfig temporalStability [false|true]
    Whether the temporal stability mechanic should apply (default: true)
  • /worldconfig temporalRifts [off|invisible|visible]
    Defines temporal rift behavior (default: visible)
    Off: No rifts spawn, which also means no drifters can spawn on the surface.
    Invisible: Rifts are not visible to the player, make no sound and do not affect players in any way, but do spawn drifters.
    Visible: Rifts are visible to the player, make sound, drain stability on nearby players and spawn drifters.
  • /worldconfig temporalGearRespawnUses [-1 .. 9999]
    How many times you can respawn from a spawnpoint set by the temporal gear. -1 means infinite. (default: 20)
  • /worldconfig temporalStormSleeping [0|1]
    Whether or not to allow sleeping during temporal storms (default: 0)

World generation

The configs world climate, world size and polar-equator distance can only be set during world creation.

  • /worldconfig worldClimate [realistic|patchy]
    Sets the climate of the world (only during world create) (default: realistic)
  • /worldconfig landcover [0.1-1]
    Sets the amount of the world that will be covered in land (only during world create) (default: 1)*
  • /worldconfig oceanscale [0.1-4] (In game world customization labeled as 'Landcover scale'.)
    Sets the amount of the world that will be covered in ocean (only during world create) (default: 1)*
  • /worldconfig upheavelCommonness [0-1]
    Sets the percentage chance that there will be upheaval in the land (only during world create) (default: 0.3)*
  • /worldconfig geologicActivity [0-0.4]
    Sets the percentage chance that there will be geological activity in the world generation (only during world create) (default: 0.05)
  • /worldconfig landformScale [0.5-1.5]
    Sets the percentage variation of various landforms, making them larger or smaller during generation (only during world create) (default: 1.0)*
  • /worldconfig worldEdge [blocked|traversable]
    Whether you can fall off the world edge (default: traversable)
  • /worldconfig globalTemperature [0-5]
    Sets the global temperature multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super cold, and 5 is super hot. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig globalPrecipitation [0-5]
    Sets the global rainfall multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super dry and 5 is super wet (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig globalForestation [-1 .. 1]
    Sets the global forestation offset for world generation. -1 means there will be no forests, 1 means there will be only forests, the value 0 means default forestation density (default: 0)
  • /worldconfig surfaceCopperDeposits [0-5]
    Set chance of surface copper spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.12[2])
  • /worldconfig surfaceTinDeposits [0-5]
    Set chance of surface tin spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.007[3])
  • /worldconfig snowAccum [true|false]
    If true, snow will accumulate during winter (default: true)

* See the table below for the effects of changing these settings.

World seed 612031164 with various configurations
Result Landcover Landcover
Map configsdefault.png default
Plentiful ponds and lakes
Half vs double
Map landcover50.png 50% default
Half as much of the world with land.
200% default
not available in Customize screen
Map coverscale50.png default
50% default
With landcover at 100%, ocean size appears unchanged.
Map coverscale200.png default
200% default
With landcover at 100%, ocean size appears unchanged.
Map upheaval10.png Screenshot upheaval10.png default
10% default
More flat areas.
Map upheaval60.png Screenshot upheaval60.png default
60% default
More raised areas.
Map formscale40.png Screenshot formscale40.png default
40% Raised areas are skinny/spiky.
Map formscale200.png Screenshot formscale200.png default
200% Raised areas are broad/blunt.
Multi-variable configs
Result Landcover Landcover
Map landcover10.png 10% default
Barely any land.
Map landcover70.png 70% default
Significant seas/oceans.
Map landcover70 coverscale10.png 70% 10% default
Significant quantities of water separating islands.
Map landcover70 coverscale50.png 70% 50% default
Significant seas/oceans, separated by plenty of land.
Map landcover70 coverscale200.png 70% 200% default
Nearly default: plenty of land between bodies of water.
File:Map landcover70 coverscale50 formscale300.png
Screenshot landcover70 coverscale50 formscale300.png
70% 50% 30% 300% Frequent water rather than distinct landmasses.
File:Map landcover70 coverscale50 upheaval50 formscale300.png
Screenshot landcover70 coverscale50 upheaval50 formscale300.png
70% 50% 50% 300% Rarely flat terrain at sealevel.


  • /worldconfig allowLandClaiming [true|false]
    Whether players are allowed to use the land claiming system. (default: true)
  • /worldConfig classExclusiveRecipes [true|false]
    If true, class exclusive recipes are enabled (default: true)
  • /worldConfig auctionHouse [true|false]
    Whether the auction house is available to players (default: true)

Configurations not in the customize world screen

These configs need to be created first. Subsequent edits to those can be done with /worldconfig [variable name] [value]

  • /worldconfigcreate double tempStormFrequencyMul [value]
    A multiplier on the frequency of temporal storms.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool disableDeathMessages [true|false]
    Whether or not death messages will be displayed.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool windAffectedEntityMovement [true|false]
    Whether or not wind affects player and creature movement.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool allowCropDeath [true|false]
    Whether or not crops can die.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool processCrops [true|false]
    Whether or not the game will process growth of fruit trees, berries, and crops.
  • /worldconfigcreate double cropGrowthRateMul [0.1 ... 10]
    Sets the growth rate for crops and berry bushes.
  • /worldconfigcreate float fertilityRecoverySpeed [value]
    The speed at which soil recovers fertility. (default: 0.25)
  • /worldconfigcreate float auctionHouseDeliveryPriceMul [0..10]
    A multiplier on the delivery costs for purchased items in the auction house (default: 1)
  • /worldconfigcreate int auctionHouseDurationWeeksMul [1,2,3,4...]
    A multiplier on how many weeks a auction can stay listed before expiring, does change the cost of listing (e.g. doubling this value will have items listed twice as long for the same cost). Can not use decimal numbers. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfigcreate float auctionHouseSalesCutRate [0..1]
    The sales cut the trader takes for a sold item on the auction. (default: 0.1, which is 10%)
  • /worldconfigcreate string undergroundWindmills [true|false]
    Whether or not the game will disable windmill spinning when sunlight level is below 5.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool lightningDamage [true|false]
    Whether or not the lightning does damage on strikes.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool legacywecommands [true|false]
    Whether or not you can use old world edit commands in addition to new ones.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool mapHideOtherPlayers [true|false]
    Whether or not the game will display other players on the map.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool entityMapLayer [true|false]
    Whether or not the game will display the entity map layer, showing all non-player entities on the map using the icons that normally show players.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool allowDeathwaypointing [true|false]
    Whether or not the game will display a death waypoint on the map when you die.
  • /worldconfigcreate string potatoeMode [true|false]
    Whether or not the game generates moss on trees.
  • /worldconfigcreate string allowOpenFireFiring [true|false]
    Whether or not you can fire raw clay items in an open fire instead of a pit kiln.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool player2PlayerCollisions [true|false]
    Whether or not players will have collision with each other.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool allowCreativeModeCommandBlocks [true|false]
    Whether or not players are allowed to edit command blocks in the world.


  • The ability to configure the despawn timer for death-dropped items was added in version 1.18.10. Description of how it works: Official Devlog
  • Feature addition: Cave-in system was added in version 1.19.0.

See Also


  1. Tested 15 Mar 2024 in version 1.19.4
  2. Line 259 of [AssemblyInfo.cs]
  3. Line 260 of [AssemblyInfo.cs]
Icon Sign.png

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  • /entity [subcommand]
    Spawn, remove, and count entities (item drops, creatures, etc).
    • /entity cmd [subcommand]
      Issue commands on existing entities
      • /entity cmd stopanim
        Stop an entity animation.
      • /entity cmd stoptask
        Stop an AI task.
      • /entity cmd setattr
        Set entity attributes.
      • /entity cmd setgen
        Set entity generation.
      • /entity cmd setlact
        Set entity lactating.
      • /entity cmd move
        Move a creature.
      • /entity cmd kill
        Kill a creature.
      • /entity cmd wipeall
        Removes all entities except players from all loaded chunks.
    • /entity debug [0|1]
      Enable entity debug mode, this will send continous debug information to all connected clients, which are displayed above the entity if the client used the command .clientConfig showEntitydebuginfo 1
    • /entity spawndebug [0|1]
      Enable entity spawn debug mode.
    • /entity count [entityfilter]
      Count entities by code/filter and show a summary.
    • /entity countg [entityfilter]
      Count entities by code/filter and show a summary grouped by first code part.
    • /entity spawnat [entitytype] [amount] [position] [radius]
      Spawn an entity by type at given position, within a given radius. Valid types can be found in the survival mod assets folder /entities.
    • /entity remove [entityfilter]
      Remove selected creatures.

entity filter is either a player name, or else one of the following selection codes:

  • s[] for self.
  • l[] for the entity currently looked at.
  • p[] for all players.
  • e[] for all entities.

Inside the square brackets, one or more filters can be added, to be more selective. Filters include name, type, class, alive, range. For example, e[type=gazelle,range=3,alive=true].

The filters minx/miny/minz/maxx/maxy/maxz can also be used to specify a volume to search, coordinates are relative to the command caller's position.

Find the entity id by using .clientConfig showEntityDebuginfo. Useful for removing a specific trader permanently, for instance.

This argument may be omitted if the remainder of the command makes sense, in which case it will be interpreted as self.


  • /time [set|get|speed]
    Time related functions
    • /time
      Shows current time.
    • /time stop
      Stop passage of time and time affected processes
    • /time resume
      Resume passage of time and time affected processes
    • /time set [lunch|day|night|latenight|morning|latemorning|sunrise|sunset|afternoon|midnight|witchinghour]
      Sets the clock to the given time of day.
    • /time set [time]
      Sets the clock to the time given in hours, in 24 hour format. E.g. 1.5 is 1:30 AM.
    • /time setmonth [jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec]
      Sets the calendar to the given month of the year
    • /time add [hours]:[minutes]
      Adds given hours and minutes to the calendar.
    • /time speed [0-9999]
      Shows or sets current game time speed (default 60).
    • /time hoursperday [0-9999]
      Shows or sets the current hours per day (default 24).
    • /time calendarspeedmul
      Shows or set the calendar speed multiplier, changing the overall time speed in game (default 0.5, making the hours pass by 50% of normal speed).
Time name Time value
lunch 12
day 12
night 20
latenight 22
morning 8
latemorning 10
sunrise 6.5
sunset 17.5
afternoon 14
midnight 0
witchinghour 3


  • /weather [setprecip|stoprain|acp|lp|t|c|setw|setev|setevr|set|seti|setirandom|setir]
    Controls weather and wind patterns. If /weather is run by itself it prints the current weather stats.
    • /weather setprecip [-1..1|auto]
      Running with no arguments returns the current precip. override, if one is set. Including an argument overrides the precipitation intensity and in turn also the rain cloud overlay. -1 removes all rain clouds, 0 stops any rain but keeps some rain clouds, while 1 causes the heaviest rain and full rain clouds. The server will remain indefinitely in that rain state until reset with auto or /weather acp.
    • /weather stoprain
      Stops any current rain by forwarding to a time in the future where there is no rain.
    • /weather acp
      Toggles auto-changing weather patterns.
    • /weather lp
      Lists all loaded weather patterns.
    • /weather t
      Transitions to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather c
      Quickly transitions to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather setev [event]
      Sets a weather event globally.
    • /weather setevr [event]
      Set a weather event only in the player's region.
    • /weather setw [lightbreeze|mediumbreeze|still|storm|strongbreeze]
      Sets the current wind pattern to the given wind pattern.
    • /weather [set|seti] [weatherpattern]
      Instantly sets the weather pattern to weatherpattern.
    • /weather setirandom
      Instantly sets the weather to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather setir [weatherpattern]
      Instantly sets the weather to [weatherpattern] only in the current region.

Server control and configuration


  • /serverconfig [config]
    Modify or display the server config [config]
    • /serverconfig maxchunkradius [integer]
      Displays the max chunk radius. Sets the max chunk radius to the integer passed, which is the highest chunk radius a player may load.
    • /serverconfig maxclients [integer]
      Displays the max clients. Sets the max number of connected clients to the integer passed.
    • /serverconfig password [string]
      Sets the server password that is required to connect to the server. It may not contain spaces.
    • /serverconfig nopassword
      Removes the password protection.
    • /serverconfig antiabuse [Off|Basic|Pedantic]
      Sets anti-abuse level, this protects against a range of malicious player operations, but is currently a work in progress.
    • /serverconfig allowpvp [bool]
      Control allowing players to combat each other.
    • /serverconfig allowfirespread [bool]
      Enable/Disable spread of fire
    • /serverconfig allowfallingblocks [bool]
      Enable/Disable block gravity.
    • /serverconfig onlywhitelist [bool]
      Control allowing only whitelisted players to connect to the server.
    • /serverconfig entityspawning [bool]
      Control global entity spawning. Disabling it will cause no creatures to spawn (default: on).
    • /serverconfig tickrate [10-100]
      Shows or sets the server tick rate. A higher tickrate makes the server more responsive. A lower tick rate has the opposite effect.
    • /serverconfig blockTickSamplesPerChunk
      Control how many random update ticks per chunk should be executed.
    • /serverconfig defaultspawn [x y? z]
      Shows or sets the default spawn point. y can be omitted to automatically use the surface position at given x/z location.
    • /serverconfig setspawnhere
      Sets the default spawn point to where the player is currently standing.
    • /serverconfig passtimewhenempty [bool]
      Shows or sets if time should pass when the server has no connected players.
    • /serverconfig spawncapplayerscaling [0..1]
      Helps to evenly distribute mob spawns around each player. A value of 0 means no extra mobs can spawn on increased player count, a value of 1 means a second player doubles the spawn cap, 3 players triple the spawn cap and so on (default: 0.75).


  • /stats
    Show current server statistics, tick rate, memory usage, etc..


  • /announce
    Announce a server wide message in all chat groups.


  • /welcome
    Sets the server's welcome message.


  • /stop
    Stops the server.


  • /list [clients|banned|role|privileges]
    Show various lists of information.
    • /list clients
      Show current connected clients.
    • /list banned
      Show current list of banned players.
    • /list role
      Show list of all configured privilege roles.
    • /list privileges
      Show list of all configured privileges.

Utility and Debug Tools


  • /fixmapping applyall
    Applies block and item remapping in order to upgrade to a new version of the game


  • /genbackup
    Creates a full copy of the current save game and stores it in the backups folder. Can be run without pausing the server.


  • /bir [getid|getcode|remap]
    Block id remapper tools. Useful to fix broken blocks after removing/updating custom blocks.


  • /forceloadchunks x1 z1 x2 z2 [sendtoclient]
    Tells the server to load given area and prevents unloading. If the Boolean sendtoclient is added it will also forcefully send all these chunks to the client.


  • /sendchunks [0|1]
    Toggles whether to send any new chunks to the client. Forced chunks are still loaded.


  • /chunkunload [0|1]
    Toggles whether the server should automatically unload chunks that are no longer in range of any players and also send chunk unload commands to the clients.


  • /reloadmods
    Reloads all server mods that support reloading.


  • /cit
    Current chunk generation info.


  • /debug [subcommand]
    Various debug commands
    • /debug logticks [milliseconds]
      If a server tick required more then supplied milliseconds to process, a breakdown of that tick will be logged to server-main.txt
    • /debug tickhandlers
      Displays a summary of ticking blocks and entities are currently registered.
    • /debug tickhandlers dump [gtblock|gtentity|dcblock|sdcblock|dcentity]
      Dumps a complete list of all tick/callback listeners to server-debug.txt
    • /debug helddurability [value]
      Sets the durability of the currently held item
    • /debug helddura [value]
      Alias of /debug helddurability
    • /debug heldtemperature [value]
      Sets the temperature of the currently held item
    • /debug heldtemp [value]
      Alias of /debug heldtemperature
    • /debug heldstattr key [int|bool|string|tree|double|float] [value]
      Sets the stack attribute for the currently held item (e.g. /debug heldstattr key type normal-generic for chest-east).
    • /debug heldcoattr key [int|bool|string|tree|double|float] [value]
      Sets the collectible attribute for the currently held item.
    • /debug setgen [value]
      Sets the generation of the currently looked-at entity
    • /debug printcl [all|missing]
      Prints a full list of all/missing collectible codes to the server-debug.txt
    • /debug itemcodes
      Exports a full list of all item codes to the server-main.txt
    • /debug blockcodes
      Exports a full list of all block codes to the server-main.txt
    • /debug blockids
      Lists the blocks that consume most block ids to the server-main.txt
    • /debug blockstats
      Generates amount of block ids used, grouped by first block code part to server-main.txt
    • /debug privileges
      Changes privilege debugging mode
    • /debug netbench
      Toggles network benchmarking
    • /debug tickposition
      Tick position
    • /debug stacktrace
      Stack trace
    • /debug chunk
      Various chunk commands.
      • /debug chunk queue [quantity]
        Amount of generating chunks in queue.
      • /debug chunk q [quantity]
        Alias of /debug chunk queue
      • /debug chunk stats
        Statistics of currently loaded chunks.
      • /debug chunk printmap
        Exports a map of loaded chunk as a png image.
      • /debug chunk here
        Information about the chunk at the caller's position.
      • /debug chunk resend
        Resends a chunk to all players.
      • /debug chunk relight
        Relights a chunk for all players.
    • /debug sendchunks [0|1]
      Allows toggling of the normal chunk generation/sending operations to all clients. Force loaded chunks are not affected by this switch.
    • /debug rebuildlandclaimpartitions
      Rebuilds land claim partitions
    • /debug octagonpoints
      Prints octagon points
    • /debug cloh
      Compacts a large object heap
    • /debug mainthreadstate
      Main thread state
    • /debug killmainthread
      Kills the main thread
    • /debug expclang
      Exports a list of block and item translations to collectiblelang.json and adds placeholders for missing translations.
    • /debug rift [clear|fade|spawn|spawnhere]
      Various rift commands
      • /debug rift clear
        Immediately removes all loaded rifts.
      • /debug rift fade
        Slowly removes all loaded rifts, over a few minutes.
      • /debug rift spawn [quantity]
        Spawns the specified quantity of rifts.
      • /debug rift spawnhere
        Spawns one rift.
    • /debug rooms
      Room registration debug tools. Equivalent of the previous /roomregdebug command.
      • /debug rooms list
        Lists all rooms the player is in.
      • /debug rooms hi
        Highlights the space of rooms with color. Unsuitable rooms are in red, eligible rooms are in green.
      • /debug rooms unhi
        Removes room highlighting.
    • /debug tiledd [tiled_dungeon_code] [amount_of_tiles]
      Tiled dungeon generator debugger/tester. Usage: amount of tiles is an integer number.
    • /debug astar [command]
      A path-finding debug testing tool. Usage: command is one of the following: start, end, bench, clear.


  • /wgen [testmap|testnoise|chunk|region|pos|tree]
    World generation tools
    • /wgen autogen
      Change automatic worldgen mode
    • /wgen gt
      Generate trees mode
    • /wgen testmap [climate|forest|wind|gprov|landform|ore]
      Generates a sample 512x512 map using a fixed worldseed as a png, saved where the game executables is located. May need to be administrator to work properly.
      • /wgen testmap climater [hot|warm|cool|icy]
        Same as /wgen testmap climate, but you can choose the temperature preset
      • /wgen testmap oretopdistort
        Ore top distort maps
      • /wgen testmap rockstrata
        Rock strata maps
    • /wgen genmap [climate|forest|wind|gprov|landform|ore]
      Same as testmap? (Need more info)
    • /wgen region [climate|ore|forest|wind|gprov|gprovi|landform|landformi|rockstrata]
      Generates a map of the current region (16x16 chunks) using the save game worldseed as a png, saved where the game executables are located. May need to be administrator to work properly. rockstrata is based on the rockstrata JSON file at Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen. Limestone is 6, chalk is 8, bauxite is 9, slate is 10.
    • /wgen regions [radius] [ore] [orename]
      Show availability of ore maps for ore in the regions. Radius can only be up to 2 - larger radius doesn't seem to show more. May require increasing viewing range.
    • /wgen pregen [radius]
      Pregenerate chunks around the player
    • /wgen regen [radius]
      Regenerate chunks around the player
    • /wgen regenr [radius]
      Regenerate chunks around the player with random seed
    • /wgen regenc [radius]
      Regenerate chunks around the world spawn
    • /wgen regenrc [radius]
      Regenerate chunks around the world spawn with random seed
    • /wgen delrock [radius]
      Remove rocks around the player - radius is ignored? Looks like 160x160 box centered on player. Will cause server overload, make take several minutes for server to recover
    • /wgen delrockc [radius]
      Remove rocks around the world spawn - Does not work
    • /wgen del [radius]
      Remove chunks around the player
    • /wgen tree <code> [size] [aheadoffset]
      Spawn a tree at the player's current x z coordinates. The y coordinate is the first non-empty block at or below the player's eye position. The code parameter is required. The size and aheadoffset parameters are optional. The tree generators are reloaded from the json files before generating the tree. Example: /wgen tree walnut
    • /wgen treelineup
      Spawn tree line
    • /wgen pos [ymax|coords|latitude|structures|height|cavedistort|gprov|rockstrata|landform|climate]
      Shows info at the current position
    • /wgen testnoise [octaves]


  • /macro [addcmd|setcmd|syntax|desc|priv|save|delete|show|list]
    Create a server side macro that can execute one or more commands
    • /macro addcmd [command]
      Add a command to a temporary macro.
    • /macro setcmd [command]
      Override a command to a temporary macro.
    • /macro [syntax]
      Sets the syntax help info displayed when using /help [name].
    • /macro [desc]
      Sets the description text displayed when using /help [name]
    • /macro [priv]
      Sets the privilege required to execute this command, e.g. controlserver if only for admins or, build for any player with build rights.
    • /macro show
      Shows the contents of the temporary macro currently being defined by above commands.
    • /macro save [name]
      Saves the temporary macro defined by above command to given command name.
    • /macro list
      Shows a list of all saved macros.
    • /macro show [name]
      Shows the contents of a saved macro.
    • /macro delete [name]
      Deletes a previously saved macro.
    • /macro discard [name]
      Discards the temporary macro.