Modding:Navigation Box Updates

From Vintage Story Wiki
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

As of March 27th 2024, the standard navigation box is being split up into a number of different navigation boxes.


The standard navigation box contained nearly 70 links, split into 8 categories, and there are plans to create a considerable number of new pages.


Content and code mods were split using an underline/highlight system, and links were split by topics. Numerous users have had critisicms based on how difficult it is to navigate the modding section of the wiki.


(Currently working on - May be changed shortly)

The main navbox of the wiki will be split into (currently) 4 navigation boxes. These will be:

  • Modding Navigation - Contains landing pages for the other three navigation boxes. The main navigation box will be converted into this.
    • This navigation box should be available on every modding page.
  • Content Modding - Contains all links for content pages, including basic information, tutorials, and currently uncategorized content.
    • This navigation box should be available on all pages that feature content modding, and will automatically add the Modding Navigation navbox.
  • Code Modding (In Progress) - Contains all links for code pages, including information, tutorials, etc.
    • This navigation box should be available on all pages that feature code modding, and will automatically add the Modding Navigation navbox.
  • Property References (In Progress) - Contains all links regarding JSON property references.
    • This navigation box should be used on any json property pages, which are currently to-be-added, and will automatically add the Modding Navigation navbox.

Finding Certain Links

From the main navigation box, if you are looking for:

  • Content Modding Pages - Click on any of the links inside the 'Content Mods' section. This will pass you onto a page that will have the content modding navbox at the bottom.
  • Code Modding Pages - Click on any of the links inside the 'Code Mods' section. This will pass you onto a page that will have the code modding navbox at the bottom.
  • Property References - Click on any of the links inside the 'Property References' section. This will pass you onto a page that will have the property references navbox at the bottom.

Potential Limitations

This new system of navigation is designed to help find and organise specific pages, however for those of you who are already acquainted with the old system it may be annoying to try and find some pages. I apologise, but I hope in the end it does become easier to navigate and use the wiki.

There are a number of pages that currently contain both content and code topics. These are in the process of being split into two separate pages.

A number of pages are currently going through significant rewrites. Translations are going to be invalidated, and I'm sorry that there's no real way to resolve that.

To Conclude...

In general, this is quite a substantial task and may take some time to fully refine. If you have any concerns or critiscms about splitting the navigation boxes, please contact Nat (the one with the dog picture!) on the #wiki-and-translations page on the VS discord.

This is the only page that will contain all the navigation boxes.

Content Modding
Basics Content Mods Developing a Content Mod Packaging & Release
Concepts Modding Concepts Modinfo Variants Domains Patching Remapping World Properties
Moddable Assets
Icon Sign.png

Wondering where some links have gone?
The modding navbox is going through some changes! Check out Navigation Box Updates for more info and help finding specific pages.

Modding Introduction Getting Started Theme Pack
Content Modding Content Mods Developing a Content Mod Basic Tutorials Intermediate Tutorials Advanced Tutorials Content Mod Concepts
Code Modding Code Mods Setting up your Development Environment
Property Overview ItemEntityEntity BehaviorsBlockBlock BehaviorsBlock ClassesBlock EntitiesBlock Entity BehaviorsCollectible BehaviorsWorld properties
Workflows & Infrastructure Modding Efficiency TipsMod-engine compatibilityMod ExtensibilityVS Engine
Additional Resources Community Resources Modding API Updates Programming Languages List of server commandsList of client commandsClient startup parametersServer startup parameters
Example ModsAPI DocsGitHub Repository