Json Random Generator

From Vintage Story Wiki

avg: Stands for the default drop quantity. If var is 0 or not specified it will always drop the given average.

var: How much the drop rate can vary. Meaning the drop rate can be avg - var at minimum and age + var at maximum.

Furthermore you can also switch between different distribution modes using the dist property.

Overview - Distribution modes
Name Explanation
uniform Select completely random numbers within avg-var until avg+var.
triangle Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a triangle curve.
gaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a gaussian curve.
narrowgaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a narrow gaussian curve.
inversegaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the least commonly selected ones, following an upside down gaussian curve.
narrowinversegaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the least commonly selected ones, following an upside down gaussian curve.
invexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are preferred.
stronginvexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are strongly preferred.
strongerinvexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are very strongly preferred.
dirac Select completely random numbers within avg-var until avg+var only ONCE and then always 0.

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