Modding:Community Resources

From Vintage Story Wiki
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There are a number of resources created by the community to assist with creating mods. These are listed below.

Adding to this page

To add to this page, it is recommended to ask someone who has wiki-editing access. Or, create a wiki account and ask for wiki edit access in #wiki-and-translations on Discord. Don't forget to include your wiki username.

Using the visual editor, insert a new table row in the appropriate category and fill in all the details.

Tools for Content Mods

Tool Name Author Link For VS Version... Description
Achievements API Nat (Nateonus) 1.19+ Add achievements into your mods using a simple JSON format.
Config lib Maltiez 1.19+ Add configuration files editable via GUI
Recipe Patcher DanaCraluminum 1.19+ Patches existing recipes before resolving them to replace ingredients and/or outputs.
Prettier VS Rhoun - Utility to automatically format JSON in a compact yet readable way.

Tools for Code Mods

Tool Name Author Link For VS Version... Description

Other Resources

Tool Name Author Link For VS Version... Description
Icon Sign.png

Wondering where some links have gone?
The modding navbox is going through some changes! Check out Navigation Box Updates for more info and help finding specific pages.

Modding Introduction Getting Started Theme Pack
Content Modding Content Mods Developing a Content Mod Basic Tutorials Intermediate Tutorials Advanced Tutorials Content Mod Concepts
Code Modding Code Mods Setting up your Development Environment
Property Overview ItemEntityBlockBlock BehaviorsBlock ClassesBlock EntitiesBlock Entity BehaviorsWorld properties
Workflows & Infrastructure Modding Efficiency TipsMod-engine compatibilityMod ExtensibilityVS Engine
Additional Resources Community Resources Modding API Updates Programming Languages List of server commandsList of client commandsClient startup parametersServer startup parameters
Example ModsAPI DocsGitHub Repository