Welt Konfiguration

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 7 August 2023 by Tarbrough (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<strong>Achtung</strong>: Auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung achten. Schreib die Befehle <strong>exakt</strong> wie du sie hier siehst, bis auf die [ ] in der unten anliegenden Syntax, welche dir einen Wert markieren welchen du ändern kannst. Das (|) Symbol zeigt dir verschiedene Möglichkeiten eine Wert einzustellen, so in etwa <code>[true|false]</code> was bedeutet das der Wert entweder <code>true</code> oder <code>false</code> sein kann.")

Die Spielwelt kann auf vielerlei Arten beinflusst werden. Im Einzelspieler geschieht diese einfach durch das Klicken des "Konfigurieren"-Knopfes beim erstellen einer neuen Welt. Solltest du dich jedoch einmal umentscheiden oder zu einer neuen Version geupdated haben, so können viele dieser Einstellungen auch im Nachhinein noch geändert werden.

Dies ist eine komplette Liste aller Befehle - für andere, nicht Weltgenerierungs Befehle, schau bei den Serverbefehlen . Diese können jedoch mit Hilfe der serverconfig.json auch vor dem Generieren schon festgelegt werden.


  • /worldconfig name
    Zeigt den Wert einer Einstellung an.
  • /worldconfig name value
    Ändert den Wert einer Einstellung.
  • /worldconfigcreate datatype name value
    Erstellt einen neuen Einstellungswert, dies kann bei Erstnutzung einer Einstellung erforderlich sein (zugelassene Datentypen sind float double int string und bool)

Achtung: Auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung achten. Schreib die Befehle exakt wie du sie hier siehst, bis auf die [ ] in der unten anliegenden Syntax, welche dir einen Wert markieren welchen du ändern kannst. Das (|) Symbol zeigt dir verschiedene Möglichkeiten eine Wert einzustellen, so in etwa [true|false] was bedeutet das der Wert entweder true oder false sein kann.

Player spawn and death

The configs starting climate and grace timer can only be set during world creation.

  • /worldconfig deathPunishment [drop|keep]
    Whether to drop your inventory upon death (default: drop)
  • /worldConfig spawnRadius [number]
    Sets how far players spawn in a radius from world spawn.
  • /worldconfig temporalGearRespawnUses [-1 .. 9999]
    The temporal gear allows you to set a spawn point. Here you can configure how often it can be used for respawning at the set point. -1 means infinite (default: 20)

Survival challenges

  • /worldConfig seasons [enabled|spring]
    If enabled, seasons will pass over time, otherwise 'spring' will make the climate always stay at spring (default: enabled)
  • /worldConfig playerlives [-1 .. 99]
    Set the amount of lives a player has before he can no longer respawn. -1 means infinite. (default: infinite)
  • /worldConfig daysPerMonth [1-99]
    Set the amount of days each month has. Setting it to a higher value will make seasons go by slower (default: 9)
  • /worldConfig harshWinters [true|false]
    If true, cold temperatures will damage crops, reduce animal spawn during winter and reduce meat harvested from animals (default: true)
  • /worldconfig blockGravity [sandgravel|sandgravelsoil]
    Set the block gravity behavior for either just sand and gravel or additionally also soil (default: sandgravel)
  • /worldConfig allowUndergroundFarming [true|false]
    If true, plants can be grown deep underground, given enough sunlight. (default: false)
  • /worldconfig bodyTemperatureResistance [-40.. 40]
    Sets the temperature an undressed seraph can bear without starting to freeze
  • /worldconfig creatureHostility [aggressive|passive|off]
    Set default creature hostility (default: aggressive)
  • /worldconfig creatureStrength [0-99]
    Sets the creature damage multiplier (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig playerHealthPoints [1-999]
    Set the players base health points. Does not affect already joined players, use /player command for that. (default: 15)
  • /worldconfig playerHungerSpeed [0-10]
    Set the players hunger rate multiplier (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig playerMoveSpeed [0-10]
    Set the players move speed multiplier (default: 1.5)
  • /worldconfig foodSpoilSpeed [0-10]
    Set the spoilage rate multiplier of all perishable foods, e.g. 0.5 means all food lasts twice as long (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig saplingGrowthRate [0.1-20]
    Set the sapling growth rate multiplier of all trees. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig toolDurability [0-99]
    Set the tool durability multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have double durability. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig toolMiningSpeed [0-99]
    Set the tool mining speed multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have break blocks twice as fast. (default: 1)
  • /worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius [0-12]
    If above zero, a second prospecting mode will be enabled that allows for exact searches at the defined radius (default: 6)
  • /worldConfig globalDepositSpawnRate [0.1 - 5]
    Set a global ores and mineral deposit spawn rate (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig microblockChiseling [off|stonewood|all]
    Whether to allow microblock chiseling. 'stonewood' means all stone and wood materials are allowed. 'all' means most cubic blocks are allowed. (default: stonewood)
  • /worldconfig allowCoordinateHud [true|false]
    Whether or not players are allowed to used the coordinate hud. (default: true)
  • /worldconfig allowMap [true|false]
    Whether or not players are allowed to used the world map. (default: true)

Temporal stability

  • /worldconfig temporalStorms [off|veryrare|rare|sometimes|often|veryoften]
    How frequent temporal storms should be (default: sometimes)
  • /worldconfig tempstormDurationMul [value]
    Command to change the duration of temporal storms
  • /worldconfig temporalStability [false|true]
    Whether or not the temporal stability mechanic should apply (default: true)
  • /worldconfig temporalRifts [off|invisible|visible]
    Defines temporal rift behavior (default: visible)
    Off: No rifts spawn, which also means no drifters can spawn on the surface.
    Invisible: Rifts are not visible to the player, make no sound and do not affect players in any way, but do spawn drifters.
    Visible: Rifts are visible to the player, make sound, drain stability on nearby players and spawn drifters.
  • /worldconfig temporalGearRespawnUses [-1 .. 9999]
    How many times you can respawn from a spawnpoint set by the temporal gear. -1 means infinite. (default: 20)
  • /worldconfig temporalStormSleeping [0|1]
    Whether or not to allow sleeping during temporal storms (default: 0)

World generation

The configs world climate, world size and polar-equator distance can only be set during world creation.

  • /worldconfig worldEdge [blocked|traversable]
    Wether you can fall off the world edge (default: traversable)
  • /worldconfig globalTemperature [0-5]
    Sets the global temperature multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super cold, and 5 is super hot. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig globalPrecipitation [0-5]
    Sets the global rainfall multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super dry and 5 is super wet (default: 1)
  • /worldconfig globalForestation [-1 .. 1]
    Sets the global forestation offset for world generation. -1 means there will be no forests, 1 means there will be only forests, the value 0 means default forestation density (default: 0)
  • /worldconfig surfaceCopperDeposits [0-5]
    Set chance of surface copper spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.1)
  • /worldconfig surfaceTinDeposits [0-5]
    Set chance of surface tin spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.07)
  • /worldConfig snowAccum [true|false]
    If true, snow will accumulate during winter (default: true)


  • /worldconfig allowLandClaiming [true|false]
    Whether or not players are allowed to use the land claiming system. (default: true)
  • /worldConfig classExclusiveRecipes [true|false]
    If true, class exclusive recipes are enabled (default: true)
  • /worldConfig auctionHouse [true|false]
    Whether or not the auction house is available to players (default: true)

Configurations not in the customize world screen

These configs need to be created first. Subsequent edits to those can be done with /worldconfig [variable name] [value]

  • /worldconfigcreate bool disableDeathMessages [true|false]
    Whether or not death messages will be displayed.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool windAffectedEntityMovement [true|false]
    Whether or not wind affects player and creature movement.
  • /worldconfigcreate bool allowCropDeath [true|false]
    Whether or not crops can die.
  • /worldconfigcreate float auctionHouseDeliveryPriceMul [0..10]
    A multiplier on the delivery costs for purchased items in the auction house (default: 1)
  • /worldconfigcreate int auctionHouseDurationWeeksMul [1,2,3,4...]
    A multiplier on how many weeks a auction can stay listed before expiring, does change the cost of listing (e.g. doubling this value will have items listed twice as long for the same cost). Can not use decimal numbers. (default: 1)
  • /worldconfigcreate float auctionHouseSalesCutRate [0..1]
    The sales cut the trader takes for a sold item on the auction. (default: 0.1, which is 10%)
  • /worldconfigcreate float cropGrowthRateMul [0.1 ... 10]
    Sets the growth rate for crops and berry bushes.

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