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(Created page with "ニワトリ小さな餌入れに置いた穀物しか食べません。雌鶏は満腹感が6に達すると交尾の準備が整います。今の...")
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Vintage Storyには、ワールドを放浪する動物の一部を家畜化することができるゲームメカニズムがあります。動物を家畜化するにはオスとメスを最低でも1匹ずつ捕獲し、「監禁」した状態で子供を産ませる必要があります。世代を経ることで動物の行動は変化しますが、[[boar|イノシシ]]とオオツノ[[sheep|ヒツジ]]は家畜化しても攻撃されれば攻撃的になります。

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'''Domestication''' is the concept of animals losing fear of and aggressiveness towards players over generations.

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Vintage Storyには、ワールドを放浪する動物の一部を家畜化することができるゲームメカニズムがあります。動物を家畜化するにはオスとメスを最低でも1匹ずつ捕獲し、「監禁」した状態で子供を産ませる必要があります。世代を経ることで[[boar|イノシシ]]とオオツノ[[sheep|ヒツジ]]は、家畜化しても攻撃されれば攻撃的になります。
Vintage Story includes a number of game mechanics that allow the domestication of some of the animals that roam the world. To domesticate animals, players must capture at least one male and one female so that offspring can be bred to become more and more accustomed to the player. The animals' behavior changes after multiple generations - you can't change aggressiveness and fear of a specific animal; only their offspring will be less fearful and aggressive towards the player. Even after reaching high generations, {{ll|boar|boars}} and {{ll|bighorn sheep|bighorn sheep}} will still become aggressive when attacked.


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Only the mother's heritage matters; the father is not considered when checking for the offspring's generation. This means, if you have a female gen3 and a male gen4, the offspring will always be gen4, as the offspring will always be one generation higher than the mother.

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* 3世代後
* 3世代後
** 動物は[[cleaver|肉切り包丁]]でほぼ即座に殺すことができるようになります。
** 動物は[[cleaver|肉切り包丁]]でほぼ即座に殺すことができるようになります。
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** 攻撃的な動物は中立になり、刺激したときだけ攻撃してくるようになります。
** 攻撃的な動物は中立になり、刺激したときだけ攻撃してくるようになります。
** 動物はプレイヤーから逃げなくなります。
** 動物はプレイヤーから逃げなくなります。

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バージョン1.14には、家畜の世代を変更するテスト用のコマンド<code>/debug setgen [number]</code>があります。設定したい世代を「number」で指定します。
バージョン1.14には、家畜の世代を変更するテスト用のコマンド<code>/debug setgen [number]</code>があります。設定したい世代を「number」で指定します。

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For capturing wild animals, three different methods can be employed:
# '''Craft:''' Create a Reed Basket Trap and insert the appropriate food item as bait.  Small creatures might enter the trap.  The player then has 24 game-hours to transport the captured animal to an enclosure and release it before it dies inside the basket. Note that the player must have an empty backpack slot to pick up and transport these traps once an animal is inside.
# '''Active:''' Provoke the animal with a weak attack. In return, it will try to attack the player. If the player then runs away, they will follow for a short distance. Alternatively, the animal may flee, in which case the player can chase them towards the desired location. This behavior can be used to guide them into previously prepared animal pens. If the player encounters a group of animals together, focus on the males, as females will follow their male counterpart. Wild hens will always try to flee from the player, while wild roosters will occasionally try to attack; again, use this to your advantage by leading them into a pen.
# '''Passive:''' In an area nearby the desired animals, dig a pit at least 2 blocks deep and place a {{ll|Trough|trough}} with the appropriate food portions in it. Wait for the animals to fall into the pit trap, and convert the pit into the animal pen. Players may also dig a "moat" around the desired animal pen. As long as the desired food is placed correctly inside the pen, wild animals may be drawn to it and become trapped.

# アクティブな方法:イノシシ/ブタやオオツノヒツジを弱い攻撃で挑発します。イノシシやヒツジはお返しにプレイヤーを攻撃しようとします。プレイヤーが逃げると、動物たちは短い距離を追いかけてきます。この行動を利用して、注意深く準備した囲いに誘導することができます。メスのブタやヒツジは、オスのブタやヒツジについていきます。動物の群れに出くわした場合は、オスだけを敵に回せば、メスは自動的についてきます。野生のニワトリは常にプレイヤーから逃げようとしますが、この特性を利用して囲いの中に追い込みましょう。
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# パッシブな方法:捕獲する動物の近くで、少なくとも2ブロックの深さの穴を掘り、その中に餌の入った[[Trough|餌入れ]]を置きます。動物が落とし穴に落ちるのを待ち、落とし穴を動物の囲いに変えます。あるいは、この落とし穴に野生のニワトリを追い込むこともできるでしょう。
[[File:Animal funelling.PNG|right|300px]]
[[File:Animal funelling.PNG|right|300px]]
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[[File:Animal funelling.PNG|400px|thumb|right|Example of a bighorn sheep walking to their new enclosure through a funelling system]]
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Moving animals around can be complicated after the player has already started breeding them, as animals will loose their fear of the player after generation 10, and might not easily run away or be provoked to attack and follow.
Therefore, as an alternative to the above mentioned methods, a funneling technique can be employed to move animals or even separate them if need be, for instance to cull lower generations.<br>
To achieve this, the player needs:
* At least one trough
* Plenty of fence
* The appropriate food for the animals.
Then simply build a corridor from the original enclosure to the next one (or an in between stop). Place a filled trough in the new enclosure, and open the corridor on both ends. Make sure you are in a good position to place fences in the corridor as need be.
The animals will start walking from the original enclosure towards the one with the filled trough, and the player should have enough time and space to place fences to separate the animals from each other. Depending on where the trough is placed, the walking direction of the animals can be influenced to give the player even more opportunity to intervene and pull animals out of the herd.<br>
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Another useful moving technique is water. Be careful, though; water also lifts animals up, so they can climb fences of single height.

== 飼育 ==  
== 飼育 ==  

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動物を飼育するには飼料を食べさせなければなりません。餌入れに[[dry grass|枯れ草]]8個か[[grain|穀物]]2個を入れることで、動物に餌を与えることができます。オスとメスの両方を、飽和するまで食べさせる必要があります。飽和度は動物を見たときのブロック情報HUDに表示されます。また動物の体重や世代、繁殖や搾乳の準備ができているか、暗闇で消えてしまう可能性があるかなども確認できます。<br>
動物を飼育するには飼料を食べさせなければなりません。餌入れに[[dry grass|枯れ草]]8個か[[grain|穀物]]2個を入れることで、動物に餌を与えることができます。オスとメスの両方を、飽和するまで食べさせる必要があります。飽和度は動物を見たときのブロック情報HUDに表示されます。また動物の体重や世代、繁殖や搾乳の準備ができているか、暗闇で消えてしまう可能性があるかなども確認できます。<br>

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'''(Note:''' Feed is ''not required'' for captured or domesticated animals to survive. They cannot starve to death. Additionally, all the time frames listed below assume the player has default, 9-day months. The length of gestation and maturation will scale accordingly if this setting is altered.)


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=== ヒツジ ===  
=== ヒツジ ===  

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=== Goats ===
{{ll|Goat|Goats}} eat food placed in a {{ll|Trough|large trough}}: dry grass (or hay), grains (except rice), vegetables (except parsnips), or fruit mash<ref>Lines 58-61 of goat.json</ref>. When the {{BlockInfo}} says nannies are ready to mate, they need to eat 10 portions<ref>Line 442 of goat.json</ref> of food from a large trough. If an adult male of the same type is within 10 blocks<ref>Lines 432-435 of goat.json</ref>, she will become pregnant shortly.  After a gestation period of 20 days,<ref>Line 439 of goat.json</ref> nannies bear one kid at a time.<ref>Lines 429-437 of goat.json</ref> The chances for male or female are 50/50.<ref>Needs confirmation; lines 429-455 of goat.json are unclear.</ref> Kids take 336 game-hours to grow up,<ref>Lines 451 of goat.json</ref> and the nannies will need 4-11 days<ref>Lines 440-441 of goat.json</ref> before they are ready to breed again.<br>
Unlike sheep, goats are safe from random bear attacks.

=== ニワトリ ===  
=== ニワトリ ===  

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== Harvesting and Butchering ==
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Once the eggs hatch, a chick will appear, which will grow up after 168 hours (7 days), with a 90% chance to be a hen and only a 10% chance to be a rooster. Once a hen has laid an egg, they will have to wait 1-2 hours before they're ready to lay again.

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=== Hares ===
{{ll|Hare|Hares}} can eat from a large trough, and can also consume any vegetable items tossed on the ground nearby.  Though the {{BlockInfo}} will not indicate ''when'' they are ready to mate, adult females need to eat 2 portions<ref>Line 117 of hare-female.json</ref> of food. If an adult male is within 10 blocks<ref>Lines 109-110 of hare-female.json</ref>, she will become pregnant shortly. After a gestation period of 5 days,<ref>Line 114 of hare-female.json</ref> hares bear litters of 1-4 [ leverets] at a time.<ref>Lines 111-112 of hare-female.json</ref>  Leverets take 336 game-hours to mature,<ref>Line 85 of hare-baby.json</ref> and the females need to wait 2-5 days<ref>Lines 115-116 of hare-female.json</ref> before they are ready to breed again.<br>
After awhile, the {{BlockInfo}} will show that some of the hares are generation 1, i.e. not quite wild anymore.  They still flee the player at gen 5, but not at gen 10.

Domesticated and/or wild animals can be killed and harvested for meat, [[Leather Working|raw hides]], [[bone|bones]], and [[fat]].

* In order to harvest, a player must {{SneakClick}} with a [[Knife]] in hand to harvest or butcher animals.
:'''''Note:''' The amount of items acquire by this method depends on the Weight Condition of the animal. ''

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家畜や野生の動物は、殺して肉や[[Leather Working|未加工の皮]]、[[bone|骨]]、[[fat|脂]]を採取することができます。
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* 採取するには、[[Knife|ナイフ]]を持った状態でスニーク+右クリックで動物を解体する必要があります。
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[[File:Ewe lactating.PNG|425px|thumb|right|出産したばかりの雌羊のツールチップ]]
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[[File:Ewe lactating.PNG|425px|thumb|right|Tooltip on an ewe that gave birth recently.]]
[[File:Ewe lactating.PNG|425px|thumb|right|Tooltip on an ewe that gave birth recently.]]
* '''0~1世代''':バケツを持った状態で右クリックを押し続けると雌羊が苦痛を感じ、その日はも乳が出なくなってしまう可能性があります。一番良い方法は、まず右クリックを押し続け、雌牛がバケツを拒否するほど痛みを感じたら離し、リラックスするまで数秒待つことです。適切に搾乳できるようになるまで、このプロセスを繰り返します。
* '''2世代以降''':バケツを持って雌羊を右クリックするだけで簡単に搾乳できますが、どれほど家畜化しても5%の確率で苦しがる可能性があります。
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Female goats can also be milked after giving birth.
== 生き物の体重と暗闇 ==
=== 生き物の体重 ===
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Ewes lactate for 21 days after giving birth. When hovering over an ewe, if tooltips are enabled, it will indicate if it's lactating. Ewes will indicate lactating regardless of generation. However, the milking process might vary:
=== 暗闇 ===
*'''Generation 0 and 1''': If you hold right click while carrying a bucket, you risk distressing the ewe too much that it won't provide milk for the rest of the day. The best way to do it involves holding right click up until the ewe feels distresses enough to reject your bucket. At that point, you must release right click and wait a couple seconds until the ewe relaxes itself. Repeat this process until the bucket stays long enough for you to properly milk the animal.
*'''Generation 2 and above''': Ewes can be milked easily by just holding right click while holding a bucket, however there remains a 5% chance for them to become distressed even at this and all following levels of domestication.

:'''''Note:''' Ewes cannot be milked every day, despite lactating. This can be checked by reading the tooltip.''

The milk can either be consumed directly when taken from the bucket with a bowl, or used in a barrel to make [[Cheese]].
== 他の生き物 ==

== Creature Weight and Darkness ==
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Two parts of husbandry that may be confusing for new players are the '''creature weight''' and '''darkness''' mechanics.
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Goats (and other species in the goat family, such as musk ox) behave in most respects like sheep: they can be bred and females can milked after giving birth.

=== Creature Weight ===
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Deer (and other species in the deer family, such as moose) will eat from troughs but not become pregnant after 10 portions, even with a male nearby.

The {{BlockInfo}} shows a property called "Creature Weight" which can range from good, decent, low, and starving. A lower creature weight causes fewer items to be dropped when it is killed. This is an issue over winter, or in cold areas, as it can significantly reduce the yield of livestock. Keeping animals well-fed prevents their weight from decreasing.
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=== Darkness ===
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== History ==

Many animals will disappear if they are in darkness for too long and players can see if animals will disappear by looking at the {{BlockInfo}}. Light sources like oil lamps or lanterns, as well as sunlight, can prevent animals from disappearing. This is the only way for animals to despawn without being killed.
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* The ability to transport small animals in baskets was added in version 1.19.0-pre.1: "Animal catching: Domesticated animals can be picked up with a basket."  [ Official Devlog]  According to the teaser image, the captured animal will die within a day if not released. Apparently, a populated basket occupies a backpack slot, like a populated skep does (that is, replaces a backpack rather than fits inside one).
* Prior to version 1.19, wild boars and sows were passive unless provoked, even when piglets were nearby.

== Other animals ==  
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== Notes ==
* Females try to stay near males, and babies try to stay near adult females.  Occasionally they will start running to close the gap.
* The ability to breed hares needs to be confirmed by more players without mods.

[[Bees]] cannot be domesticated, but the art of [[Beekeeping]] can help them be put in a 'controlled environment' as to be able to harvest their produce without having to kill them all off.
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== Gallery ==

[[Fox]]es, [[hare]]s, [[hyena]]s, [[raccoon]]s, [[Wolf|wolves]], [[drifter]]s and [[locust]]s cannot be domesticated and will have to be trapped and/or hunted down in order to reap the fruits of their dead bodies.
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== See also ==

Foxes, hares, hyenas, raccoons, and wolves can be hunted for their meat, [[fat]], hides and [[bone]]s. Hunting [[Drifter]]s can provide you with [[flax]], [[rusty gears]] and [[temporal gear]]. [[Locust]]s however, have no drops so they only provide a distraction to harvest.
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== References ==
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{{Navbox|Vintage Story}}
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Latest revision as of 13:46, 1 June 2024

This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.16.


Vintage Storyには、ワールドを放浪する動物の一部を家畜化することができるゲームメカニズムがあります。動物を家畜化するにはオスとメスを最低でも1匹ずつ捕獲し、「監禁」した状態で子供を産ませる必要があります。世代を経ることで動物の行動は変化しますが、イノシシとオオツノヒツジは家畜化しても攻撃されれば攻撃的になります。

Domestication is the concept of animals losing fear of and aggressiveness towards players over generations.

Vintage Story includes a number of game mechanics that allow the domestication of some of the animals that roam the world. To domesticate animals, players must capture at least one male and one female so that offspring can be bred to become more and more accustomed to the player. The animals' behavior changes after multiple generations - you can't change aggressiveness and fear of a specific animal; only their offspring will be less fearful and aggressive towards the player. Even after reaching high generations, boars and bighorn sheep will still become aggressive when attacked.



Only the mother's heritage matters; the father is not considered when checking for the offspring's generation. This means, if you have a female gen3 and a male gen4, the offspring will always be gen4, as the offspring will always be one generation higher than the mother.

  • 3世代後
    • 動物は肉切り包丁でほぼ即座に殺すことができるようになります。
  • 10世代後
    • プレイヤーが近づいても、寝ている動物は起きません。
    • 攻撃的な動物は中立になり、刺激したときだけ攻撃してくるようになります。
    • 動物はプレイヤーから逃げなくなります。

バージョン1.14には、家畜の世代を変更するテスト用のコマンド/debug setgen [number]があります。設定したい世代を「number」で指定します。





For capturing wild animals, three different methods can be employed:

  1. Craft: Create a Reed Basket Trap and insert the appropriate food item as bait. Small creatures might enter the trap. The player then has 24 game-hours to transport the captured animal to an enclosure and release it before it dies inside the basket. Note that the player must have an empty backpack slot to pick up and transport these traps once an animal is inside.
  2. Active: Provoke the animal with a weak attack. In return, it will try to attack the player. If the player then runs away, they will follow for a short distance. Alternatively, the animal may flee, in which case the player can chase them towards the desired location. This behavior can be used to guide them into previously prepared animal pens. If the player encounters a group of animals together, focus on the males, as females will follow their male counterpart. Wild hens will always try to flee from the player, while wild roosters will occasionally try to attack; again, use this to your advantage by leading them into a pen.
  3. Passive: In an area nearby the desired animals, dig a pit at least 2 blocks deep and place a trough with the appropriate food portions in it. Wait for the animals to fall into the pit trap, and convert the pit into the animal pen. Players may also dig a "moat" around the desired animal pen. As long as the desired food is placed correctly inside the pen, wild animals may be drawn to it and become trapped.


Animal funelling.PNG

飼育を進めて10世代を過ぎると動物はプレイヤーへの恐怖心を失い、逃げさせたり挑発して追いかけさにくくなるため、動物を移動させるのが難しくなります。 そのため前述の方法の代わりに「漏斗テクニック」を使うことで、動物を移動させたり、前の世代を淘汰するためなどの必要に応じて分離させたりすることができます。

Example of a bighorn sheep walking to their new enclosure through a funelling system

Moving animals around can be complicated after the player has already started breeding them, as animals will loose their fear of the player after generation 10, and might not easily run away or be provoked to attack and follow. Therefore, as an alternative to the above mentioned methods, a funneling technique can be employed to move animals or even separate them if need be, for instance to cull lower generations.
To achieve this, the player needs:

  • At least one trough
  • Plenty of fence
  • The appropriate food for the animals.

Then simply build a corridor from the original enclosure to the next one (or an in between stop). Place a filled trough in the new enclosure, and open the corridor on both ends. Make sure you are in a good position to place fences in the corridor as need be. The animals will start walking from the original enclosure towards the one with the filled trough, and the player should have enough time and space to place fences to separate the animals from each other. Depending on where the trough is placed, the walking direction of the animals can be influenced to give the player even more opportunity to intervene and pull animals out of the herd.

Another useful moving technique is water. Be careful, though; water also lifts animals up, so they can climb fences of single height.




(Note: Feed is not required for captured or domesticated animals to survive. They cannot starve to death. Additionally, all the time frames listed below assume the player has default, 9-day months. The length of gestation and maturation will scale accordingly if this setting is altered.)






Goats eat food placed in a large trough : dry grass (or hay), grains (except rice), vegetables (except parsnips), or fruit mash[1]. When the Block info HUD says nannies are ready to mate, they need to eat 10 portions[2] of food from a large trough. If an adult male of the same type is within 10 blocks[3], she will become pregnant shortly. After a gestation period of 20 days,[4] nannies bear one kid at a time.[5] The chances for male or female are 50/50.[6] Kids take 336 game-hours to grow up,[7] and the nannies will need 4-11 days[8] before they are ready to breed again.
Unlike sheep, goats are safe from random bear attacks.



Once the eggs hatch, a chick will appear, which will grow up after 168 hours (7 days), with a 90% chance to be a hen and only a 10% chance to be a rooster. Once a hen has laid an egg, they will have to wait 1-2 hours before they're ready to lay again.


Hares can eat from a large trough, and can also consume any vegetable items tossed on the ground nearby. Though the Block info HUD will not indicate when they are ready to mate, adult females need to eat 2 portions[9] of food. If an adult male is within 10 blocks[10], she will become pregnant shortly. After a gestation period of 5 days,[11] hares bear litters of 1-4 leverets at a time.[12] Leverets take 336 game-hours to mature,[13] and the females need to wait 2-5 days[14] before they are ready to breed again.
After awhile, the Block info HUD will show that some of the hares are generation 1, i.e. not quite wild anymore. They still flee the player at gen 5, but not at gen 10.




  • 採取するには、ナイフを持った状態でスニーク+右クリックで動物を解体する必要があります。


Tooltip on an ewe that gave birth recently.


  • 0~1世代:バケツを持った状態で右クリックを押し続けると雌羊が苦痛を感じ、その日はも乳が出なくなってしまう可能性があります。一番良い方法は、まず右クリックを押し続け、雌牛がバケツを拒否するほど痛みを感じたら離し、リラックスするまで数秒待つことです。適切に搾乳できるようになるまで、このプロセスを繰り返します。
  • 2世代以降:バケツを持って雌羊を右クリックするだけで簡単に搾乳できますが、どれほど家畜化しても5%の確率で苦しがる可能性があります。


Female goats can also be milked after giving birth.









Goats (and other species in the goat family, such as musk ox) behave in most respects like sheep: they can be bred and females can milked after giving birth.

Deer (and other species in the deer family, such as moose) will eat from troughs but not become pregnant after 10 portions, even with a male nearby.



  • The ability to transport small animals in baskets was added in version 1.19.0-pre.1: "Animal catching: Domesticated animals can be picked up with a basket." Official Devlog According to the teaser image, the captured animal will die within a day if not released. Apparently, a populated basket occupies a backpack slot, like a populated skep does (that is, replaces a backpack rather than fits inside one).
  • Prior to version 1.19, wild boars and sows were passive unless provoked, even when piglets were nearby.


  • Females try to stay near males, and babies try to stay near adult females. Occasionally they will start running to close the gap.
  • The ability to breed hares needs to be confirmed by more players without mods.


See also


  1. Lines 58-61 of goat.json
  2. Line 442 of goat.json
  3. Lines 432-435 of goat.json
  4. Line 439 of goat.json
  5. Lines 429-437 of goat.json
  6. Needs confirmation; lines 429-455 of goat.json are unclear.
  7. Lines 451 of goat.json
  8. Lines 440-441 of goat.json
  9. Line 117 of hare-female.json
  10. Lines 109-110 of hare-female.json
  11. Line 114 of hare-female.json
  12. Lines 111-112 of hare-female.json
  13. Line 85 of hare-baby.json
  14. Lines 115-116 of hare-female.json

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