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(Created page with "Na výrobu medených nástrojov sú potrebné tieto materiály:")
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[[File:Native copper in chert.png|300px|thumbnail|right|Medenú rudu možno nájsť zberom povrchových ložísk.]]
[[File:Native copper in chert.png|300px|thumbnail|right|Medenú rudu možno nájsť zberom povrchových ložísk.]]

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Na výrobu medených nástrojov sú potrebné tieto materiály:
Crafting copper tools requires the following materials:

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Revision as of 09:48, 10 December 2023


Fakle sa vyrábajú umiestnením suchej trávy, pálka širokolistej (trstiny), alebo bambusu na palicu vo vyrábacom menu. Dajú sa zapáliť napríklad umiestnením do ohniska , avšak zapálené fakle umiestnené na pevných blokoch po 48 hodinách zhasnú. Medzi trvalejšie zdroje svetla patria olejové lampy a lampáše. Zoznam dostupných svetiel nájdeš v hlavnom článku o svetelných zdrojoch .

Priestor v inventári a skladovanie


Hráči majú nasledujúce možnosti ako si rozšíriť inventár . Použi príručku, ktorú otvoríš pomocou klávesy H, kde si môžeš pozrieť ako si ich môžeš vyrobiť.

Vec Kapacita Veci potrebné na výrobu Recept
Grid Hand basket.png Príručný košík 3 miesta 10 Cattails.png kusov trstiny (pálky)
Grid hunterbackpack.png Lovecký batoh 4 miesta 18 Cattails.png kusov trstiny (pálky)

1 Grid Hide-pelt-medium.png Kožušina (stredná)

Grid Hide-pelt-medium.png
Linensack.png Ľanové vrece 5 miest 1 Flaxtwine.png Ľanový špagát

1 Linen-normal-down.png Ľanové plátno

Grid Backpack.png Kožený batoh 6 miest 8 Leather.png Koží
Grid Mining Bag.png Banský vak 10 miest
pre kamene a minerály
1 Flaxtwine.png Ľanový špagát

1 Linen-normal-down.png Ľanové plátno

2 Grid Tin Bronze Plate.png Bronzové platňe

Grid Tin Bronze Plate.png
Grid Tin Bronze Plate.png


Hráč má nasledovné možnosti ako si vytvoriť neprenosné kontajnery :

Vec Kapacita Veci potrebné na výrobu Recept
Reed chest.png Trstinová truhlica 8 miest 24 Cattails.png Pálka širokolistá
Storage-vessel.png Skladovacia nádoba 12 miest 35 Modrý íl


35 Šamot

Formovanie z ílu


Grid Chest.png Truhlica 16 miest 8 Grid Oak Board.png Doska

1 Grid Nails-and-strips.png Klince a pásovina

Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Nails-and-strips.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png
Grid Oak Board.png

Rôzne veci majú rôzne požiadavky na skladovanie. Niektoré kontajnery sú vhodnejšie na určité úlohy – napríklad, hoc hlinená nádoba na skladovanie je dobrá aj na skladovanie rôznych vecí na začiatku hry, najlepšie sa hodí na skladovanie potravín v pivnici , pretože sa v nej potraviny menej kazia.


Jedlo varené z rôznych ingrediencií je výživnejšie ako surové, alebo jednoducho opečené kusy na ohni. V konečnom dôsledku, pokročilé varenie udrží hráčom na vysokej úrovni živiny, sýtosť (a zdravie). Potraviny sa časom kazia, preto si postav pivnicu na dlhodobé skladovanie potravín .


Divoké plodiny poskytujú semená, ktoré sa môžu vysádzať na poľnohospodárskej pôde. Pestovanie plodín potrebuje výživnú pôdu , takže pri hľadaní je výhodou nájsť vysoko úrodnú pôdu (čiernozem - terra preta). K farmárčeniu je potrebná motyka , vyrobená z kameňa, alebo kovu, ako aj blízky zdroj vody, dostatok zrážok, alebo každodenné zavlažovanie pomocou krhle. Kríky nemajú žiadne špeciálne požiadavky na pôdu, ale vyčerpaná pôda spomalí rýchlosť rastu plodín. Plodiny si vyžadujú aj špecifické živiny, preto nezabudni plodiny vhodne striedať. Viac informácií nájdeš v Príručke o poľnohospodárstve .

Chov zvierat

Zvieratá sa dajú nalákať do pripravených ohrád pomocou naplnených korýt, ktoré prilákajú divú zver do vzdialenosti 48 blokov. Zvieratá kŕmené pomocou korýt sa budú množiť a rozmnožovať. Každá ďalšia generácia zvierat chovaných v zajatí sa stane krotkejšou, a teda ľahšie ovládateľnou v roli hospodárskych zvierat. Viac informácií nájdeš v príručke Chov zvierat .

Obrábanie kovov

Doba medená

Medenú rudu možno nájsť zberom povrchových ložísk.

Na výrobu medených nástrojov sú potrebné tieto materiály:

  • Find copper nuggets either by panning or scavenging the surface for nuggets in loose stones. In the beginning, it is recommended to find 40 nuggets to get you started.
  • Find clay and form tool molds as well as a crucible and fire them in a pit kiln (a one block hole in the ground, fill with dried grass sticks and firewood) - the two starting tools should be a pickaxe and a hammer.
  • Harvest wood and create a Charcoal pit to produce charcoal.

Once these items are assembled, metal tools can be crafted by casting using the crucible . Detailed instructions can be found on the casting page. Placing the crucible into the firepit will open 4 slots where nuggets can be added. When heated with a high temperature fuel , the copper will melt and the crucible will transfer to the output slot. Remove the crucible with tongs and hold Right mouse button to pour metal into a prepared tool mold. When the metal drops below 200 degrees, the tool head can be removed from the mold.

As soon as the player acquires a pickaxe and hammer, they should return to the spots were nuggets were previously found on the surface. The player can dig down under these spots to find shallow native copper veins. They are not as large as their underground counterparts, but will give enough copper to start into the further metal ages. The pickaxe is necessary to dig stone and the ore once found - the hammer is required to break the ore chunks into usable nuggets.

Bronze Age

Bronze alloys are created by casting using the crucible . However, the three types of bronze (Tin bronze , Bismuth bronze and Black bronze ) require additional base metal components to create alloys and must be mixed according to these ratios. Smeltable nuggets contain 5 units of metal, but chunks of ores harvested by mining contain various amounts of metal, as shown in the tooltip information.

Options to find these:

  • Use the prospecting pick to figure out where *not* to mine for the desired ore, or just do a lot of caving. You can check the Handbook ingame to see which ores can spawn in which stone types, which helps narrowing down the search area.
  • Find a trader that sells ores.
  • Find cracked vessel in ruins .
  • Tin is a rare drop obtained when panning .

When copper and other base metals are placed in the correct ratio in the crucible, the firepit dialog will show an output based on a valid combination. Ratios can be looked up in the handbook (opened via H).

Late Copper/Bronze Age

Copper and Bronze age tool casting is a simple process. However, players cannot create some of the more advanced tools and weapons, such as the saw , shears or the metal version of the spear . These can only be created through the smithing mechanic. For detailed instructions and how to use each item, see the smithing page. The general process is as follows

  1. Using clay , craft ingot molds , a hammer mold, and an anvil mold, and craft these items by casting . The anvil alone requires 900 units of metal, which translates to 180 nuggets.
  2. Craft a forge using 7 cobblestone blocks in the crafting grid (See the in-game handbook H)
  3. Prepare the ingots for smithing using the forge and high temperature fuel .
  4. Use some tongs to place the heated ingot on the anvil and use the dialog to select which tool/weapon to craft.
  5. Craft the item by filling the empty blue squares with metal using the different hammer tool modes (accessed by F) and Left mouse button.

If a mistake is made, half-forged bronze or copper work items can be broken into metal bits with a chisel . The chisel must be of a higher level metal than the metal of the piece to be broken. The metal bits can be re-smelted and cast into ingots. In the case of iron, the metal bits must be re-smelted in a bloomery .

Iron Age

Iron tools provide players with tools that have a significant boost in strength and durability.

The only method to smelt iron ore and quartz (to make glass) is to use a bloomery . Bloomeries reach temperatures higher than a firepit and can be used to smelt any ore, but cost significant quantities of fuel. The iron bloom , harvested from the bloomery, must be worked on the anvil to yield iron ingots, which can then be used to smith tools. This is a rather tedious process but this task can be mechanized using the helve hammer.

Steel Age

Steel tools again provide a significant boost in strength and durability, however they are hard to come by and require a lot of preparation.

  • Build a refractory furnace
  • Prepare plenty of charcoal or coke as well as iron ingots
  • Carbonize the iron ingots with charcoal in the refractory furnace and process the resulting blister steel ingots either by hand or with a helve hammer into steel

Keep in mind that blister steel and steel can only be worked on an iron anvil , which cannot be cast but instead has to be smithed and welded.


To be able to craft advanced wooden items like a door or buckets and barrels, the player first needs to acquire a saw . This tool can only be crafted by smithing, and is thus gated behind both the metal ages, as well as finding enough of the chosen ore to cast your first anvil .

Leather Working

Unlike the simple oiled pelts required for a hunter's backpack , the leather necessary for advanced armour and a proper backpack is harder to get. To craft usable leather, the player first needs to find limestone , chalk stone or borax ore, as well as oak or acacia logs. Leather making is further gated behind the possession of a saw , since at least one bucket and several barrels are required. For an in-depth look into leather making, check the Leather Working guide.


The power of the wind, is used to provide mechanical power

This power is used in the following process:

  • Iron bloom , blister steel and metal plate working can be automated with the helve hammer
  • Grinding materials in the quern can be automated
  • Smashing minerals in the pulverizer requires automation to work

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