Параметры запуска сервера

From Vintage Story Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Server startup parameters and the translation is 6% complete.

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To get a list of all the startup parameters (command line arguments) currently implemented, go to your game directory and call VintageStoryServer.exe --help. Parameters with multiple values can be supplied with the values separated by space, for example: VintageStoryServer.exe --addModPath="path/to/dir1" "path/to/dir2"

Currently implemented server startup parameters are:

-v, --version Print game version and exit

-h, --help Print help info and exit

--tracelog Print log also via Trace.WriteLine() to get it to show up in the visual studio output window

--append Do not overwrite log files

--genconfig Generate a new default serverconfig.json and exit. Warning, this deletes any existing config.

--setconfig Set a config value. Generates a serverconfig.json if it doesn't exist. Use the format --setconfig="{ key: 3, foo:'value' }"

--dataPath Set a custom data path, default is Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData

--logPath Default logs folder is in dataPath/Logs/. This option can only set an absolute path.

--addOrigin Tells the asset manager to also load assets from this path

--addModPath Tells the mod loader to also load mods from this path

--ip Bind server to given ip, overwrites configured value (default: all ips)

--port Bind server to given port, overwrites configured value (default: 42420)

--maxclients Maximum quantity of clients to be connected at the same time, overwrites configured value (default 16)

--help Display this help screen.

--version Display version information.

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