Horno bajo

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 17:22, 28 February 2023 by Eleli (talk | contribs)

Bloomery chimney
Grid Bloomery Chimney.png
Material Ceramic
Stackable No
Drops 2-4 Fire bricks

Bloomery base
Grid Bloomery base.png
Material Ceramic
Stackable No
Drops 4-8 Fire bricks

El Horno bajo es un bloque funcional que se puede utilizar en las fases avanzadas del juego para fundir vidrio y metales como hierro que requieren temperaturas que no se pueden obtener utilizando la hoguera. Acepta la mayoría de combustibles carbón, excepto el lignito, y aumenta su temperatura para poder fundir cuarzo y mineral de hierro.


El horno bajo completo consta de dos bloques: la base y la chimenea. Los bloques separados del horno bajo deben ensamblarse como una unidad para su uso. La fabricación de ambos bloques requiere un total de 12 ladrillos de arcilla de fuego y se realiza en la grilla de fabricación del jugador:

















Una vez fabricados estos dos bloques, coloque la base sobre una superficie sólida y, a continuación, coloque la chimenea en la parte superior de la base para completar el horno bajo. A la derecha se muestra un horno bajo completo.


Smelting items in a bloomery requires high temperature fuel and the desired item to process. A bloomery holds enough ore nuggets to make a maximum of 6 iron blooms or metal ingots (copper, gold), from 120 nuggets, or 12 glass blocks, from 24 quartz, and 20 fuel items. The bloomery does not have to be completely filled to fire it, but both the ores to be smelted and the fuel to complete the smelting process must be added to start the process. The bloomery does not have a GUI. A player may read the description of the items currently in the bloomery by aiming the white crosshairs at the base block. The interface window should display any currently loaded contents when the block info GUI is enabled (press 'B', by default).

  1. Loading the bloomery: Aim at the bloomery base and

place the item, e.g. quartz, into the base. Be sure to add fuel as well, but only after the ores or quartz. 'Sneaking' while loading items allows players to place multiple items (5) into the bloomery base.

  1. Firing the bloomery: To ignite the bloomery and begin smelting,

use a torch/fire starter on the base. After a few seconds smoke particles should begin to rise from the chimney, and the hole in the base block will glow and spark.

  1. Harvesting the bloomery: After 10 hours the smelting process is completed, break the bloomery blocks to gather the product. Breaking the bloomery does not require a tool and will drop some fire bricks used in crafting another bloomery.

Note: You will recover 6–12 bricks when breaking the bloomery, on average about 9. Expect to spend 3 bricks per bloomery run for large-scale operations.

While the bloomery holds 20 fuel items, not all are needed to fuel the maximum amount for iron blooms, metal ingots or glass. Since Version 1.12.10 however, the bloomery will automatically keep you from inputting more fuel items then are actually needed. This way, inputting as much fuel as the bloomery will take ensures a successful smelting process while not wasting any fuel.
The bloomery accepts charcoal, bituminous (black) coal and anthracite - or generally any fuel that burns with at least 1200°C, for at least 30 seconds.

Game Versions

  • Before version 1.12, the bloomery produced iron ingots.
  • Starting from version 1.12, the bloomery produces iron blooms, which must be heated and worked on an anvil with a hammer or helve hammer to produce iron ingots.

Terrain  Special:MyLanguage/Clay Special:MyLanguage/Cob Special:MyLanguage/Gravel Special:MyLanguage/Peat Special:MyLanguage/Sand Special:MyLanguage/Soil ( Special:MyLanguage/Packed dirt)
Stone  Special:MyLanguage/Cobblestone ( Special:MyLanguage/Cobble skull) •  Special:MyLanguage/Ember Special:MyLanguage/Obsidian Special:MyLanguage/Mantle Special:MyLanguage/Rock ( Special:MyLanguage/Sedimentary Special:MyLanguage/Metamorphic Special:MyLanguage/Igneous Special:MyLanguage/Cracked) •  Special:MyLanguage/Stalagmite
Ore  Special:MyLanguage/Alum Special:MyLanguage/Anthracite Special:MyLanguage/Black coal Special:MyLanguage/Bismuthinite Special:MyLanguage/Borax Special:MyLanguage/Cassiterite Special:MyLanguage/Chromite Special:MyLanguage/Cinnabar Special:MyLanguage/Copper Special:MyLanguage/Corundum Special:MyLanguage/Fluorite Special:MyLanguage/Galena Special:MyLanguage/Graphite Special:MyLanguage/Halite Special:MyLanguage/Hematite Special:MyLanguage/Ilmenite Special:MyLanguage/Kernite Special:MyLanguage/Lapis lazuli Special:MyLanguage/Brown coal Special:MyLanguage/Limonite Special:MyLanguage/Magnetite Special:MyLanguage/Malachite Special:MyLanguage/Meteoric iron Special:MyLanguage/Pentlandite Special:MyLanguage/Phosphorite Special:MyLanguage/Quartz Special:MyLanguage/Rhodochrosite Special:MyLanguage/Sphalerite Special:MyLanguage/Sulfur Special:MyLanguage/Uranium
Plants  Special:MyLanguage/Bamboo Special:MyLanguage/Berry bush Special:MyLanguage/Cactus Special:MyLanguage/Crops Special:MyLanguage/Grass Special:MyLanguage/Fern Special:MyLanguage/Flower Special:MyLanguage/Hay Special:MyLanguage/Mushrooms Special:MyLanguage/Lace lichen Special:MyLanguage/Leaves Special:MyLanguage/Log Special:MyLanguage/Reed Special:MyLanguage/Sapling Special:MyLanguage/Seaweed Special:MyLanguage/Waterlily Special:MyLanguage/Wild vine
Liquids  Special:MyLanguage/Ice Special:MyLanguage/Lava Special:MyLanguage/Snow block Special:MyLanguage/Water
Miscellaneous  Ancient segment Caja torácica Carcass Chicken egg Crystal Glow worms Locust nest Stone Flint Ore Stick Cracked vessel Metal scraps Sea shell Stone Termite mound Beekeeping
Structural  Special:MyLanguage/Debarked log Special:MyLanguage/Drystone Special:MyLanguage/Glass ( Special:MyLanguage/Glass pane) •  Special:MyLanguage/Hardened clay Special:MyLanguage/Metal block Special:MyLanguage/Mudbrick Special:MyLanguage/Planks Special:MyLanguage/Plaster Special:MyLanguage/Polished rock Special:MyLanguage/Refractory brick Special:MyLanguage/Roofing Special:MyLanguage/Shingle block Special:MyLanguage/Slab Special:MyLanguage/Stairs Special:MyLanguage/Stone brick Paja esparcida Special:MyLanguage/Support beam Special:MyLanguage/Translocator
Decorative  Special:MyLanguage/Carpet Special:MyLanguage/Chair Special:MyLanguage/Chandelier Special:MyLanguage/Clay brick chimney Special:MyLanguage/Display_Case Special:MyLanguage/Dry stone fence Special:MyLanguage/Fence Special:MyLanguage/Flowerpot Special:MyLanguage/Linen Special:MyLanguage/Painting Special:MyLanguage/Planter Special:MyLanguage/Plaque Special:MyLanguage/Sign Special:MyLanguage/Signpost Special:MyLanguage/Stone coffin Special:MyLanguage/Stone path Special:MyLanguage/Wallpaper Special:MyLanguage/Wooden path
Lighting  Special:MyLanguage/Torch Special:MyLanguage/Torch holder
Storage  Special:MyLanguage/Barrel Special:MyLanguage/Bookshelf Special:MyLanguage/Crock Special:MyLanguage/Curd bundle Special:MyLanguage/Jug Special:MyLanguage/Shelf Special:MyLanguage/Storage vessel Special:MyLanguage/Tool rack Special:MyLanguage/Vertical rack Special:MyLanguage/Wooden bucket
Functional  Special:MyLanguage/Anvil Special:MyLanguage/Archimedes screw Special:MyLanguage/Armor stand Special:MyLanguage/Base return teleporter Special:MyLanguage/Bed Special:MyLanguage/Bloomery base ( Special:MyLanguage/Bloomery chimney) •  Special:MyLanguage/Boiler Special:MyLanguage/Bowl Special:MyLanguage/Clay oven Special:MyLanguage/Condenser Special:MyLanguage/Chute Special:MyLanguage/Cooking pot Special:MyLanguage/Crucible Special:MyLanguage/Door Special:MyLanguage/Farmland Special:MyLanguage/Fence gate Special:MyLanguage/Fruit press Special:MyLanguage/Forge Special:MyLanguage/Henbox Special:MyLanguage/Ingot mold Special:MyLanguage/Ladder Special:MyLanguage/Lightning rod Special:MyLanguage/Quern Special:MyLanguage/Resonator Special:MyLanguage/Rift_ward Special:MyLanguage/Skep Special:MyLanguage/Straw dummy Special:MyLanguage/Table Special:MyLanguage/Terminus teleporter Special:MyLanguage/Tool mold Special:MyLanguage/Trapdoor Special:MyLanguage/Trough
Mechanical  Special:MyLanguage/Angled gear Special:MyLanguage/Brake Special:MyLanguage/Clutch Special:MyLanguage/Helve hammer Special:MyLanguage/Large wooden gear Special:MyLanguage/Pulverizer Special:MyLanguage/Transmission Special:MyLanguage/Windmill rotor Special:MyLanguage/Wooden axle Special:MyLanguage/Wooden toggle
Creative only  Special:MyLanguage/Command block Special:MyLanguage/Creative blocks Special:MyLanguage/Creative glows Special:MyLanguage/Creative lights Special:MyLanguage/Creative rotor Special:MyLanguage/Paper lantern Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter base
Unused/Unreleased  Special:MyLanguage/Altar Special:MyLanguage/Stove Special:MyLanguage/Workbench

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