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Broken static translocator
Материал Metal
Размер стака 64
Выпадают предметы Nothing

Транслокаторы-это устройства, используемые для телепортации на большие расстояния в пределах Винтажной Истории. Сломанные статические транслокаторы можно найти под землей и отремонтировать, используя 2 металлические детали и 3 темпоральная шестерня.


Static translocators cannot be crafted; they can be found only through exploring. They cannot be destroyed or relocated. Other types of teleporters can be crafted.


Broken static translocators generate in ruins , almost always underground.

While some translocators can only be reached by going deep underground, many translocator rooms are near enough to the surface that you don't need high-tier gear to risk searching. Watch for any unnatural blocks, such as stone bricks or aged wood, which indicate the presence of a manmade structure that might contain a translocator or other valuables.

It's not possible in singleplayer to find an unbroken static translocator.


Broken static translocators are useless until repaired. "Ruined static translocators" cannot be repaired; they're simply decorative.

Broken translocators can be repaired using 2 metal parts and 3 temporal gears .

Note: If your character's class is Clockmaker , you will only need 2 metal parts and 2 temporal gears to repair the broken translocator.

Repair process:

  1. Holding 2 Metal parts in the active hand, rightclick on the broken static translocator. The platform glass returns to its proper place. Must hold 2: Rightclicking with only 1 metal part accomplishes nothing. Must start with metal: Rightclicking with a temporal gear before the Metal parts accomplishes nothing.
  2. Holding a temporal gear, rightclick on the broken static translocator. A blue-green gear appears under the platform glass.
  3. Rightclick with a second temporal gear. A blue-green gear appears on top of the frame.
  4. Rightclick with a third temporal gear. A blue-green gear appears in the control box to the left.

In the images below, the interact tooltips display what the next step is. To toggle the interact tooltips, press Ctrl+B.

Repair process
Unrepaired Metal parts applied 1 temporal gear 2 temporal gears 3 temporal gears
Displays a translocator from above, before repairs

Displays a translocator from above, partially repaired

Displays a translocator from above, partially repaired Displays a translocator from above, partially repaired Displays a translocator from above, fully repaired


A repaired translocator will find a spot a few thousand of blocks away from itself, where a paired translocator will be generated, allowing the player to easily move between the two. The newly-linked translocator will be at least 400 blocks away, but no further than 8000 blocks.[1]

Occasionally, the process of pairing with another translocator goes awry; make a backup of your world before trying a newly-repaired translocator.

To use a translocator, stand onto the platform until the sound effects complete. If you step off the platform within a few seconds, the transportation will be cancelled.

Recommended to take with you through a new translocator:

  • a light source, preferably a waterproof one
  • a pickaxe with decent durability, as there might not be a quick or safe route to the surface
  • ladders or rope ladders
  • a stack of dirt or other building material, as you might need to block passageways to avoid being swarmed by monsters
  • food



  • A steel pickaxe was not successful in getting a translocator to break. After a full minute of mining, there was no indication that any progress had been made.
  • It's possible to customize a translocator's destination through commands. Use /help settlpos for details. For example, if you want to connect to a TL that you know is at x 10, y 100, z 20, type /settlpos l[] 10 100 20 while looking at another TL.


См. также

  •   Телепорт возвращения на базу — это одноразовое перемещение в место, где игрок использовал временную шестерёнку, чтобы установить точку появления.
  •   Телепортер Терминуса это перемещение в сторону к месту, где последний раз умер игрок. При многократном использовании каждый раз в качестве топлива требуется временная шестерёнка.


  1. Lines 19-20 of vssurvivalmod-master\BlockEntity\BEStaticTranslocator.cs

Terrain  Clay Cob Gravel Peat Sand Soil ( Packed dirt)
Stone  Cobblestone ( Cobble skull) •  Ember Obsidian Mantle Rocks ( Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Cracked) •  Stalagmite
Ore  Alum Anthracite Black coal Bismuthinite Borax Cassiterite Chromite Cinnabar Native Copper Corundum Fluorite Galena Graphite Halite Hematite Ilmenite Kernite Lapis lazuli Brown coal Limonite Magnetite Malachite Meteoric iron Pentlandite Phosphorite Quartz Rhodochrosite Sphalerite Sulfur Uranium
Plants  Bamboo Berry bush Cactus Crops Grass Fern Flowers Hay Mushroom Lace lichen Leaves Log Reed Sapling Seaweed Waterlily Wild vine
Liquids  Ice Lava Snow block Water
Miscellaneous  Ancient segment Bony ribcage Carcass Chicken egg Crystal Glow worms Locust nest Loose boulders Loose flint Loose ore Loose stick Cracked vessel Pile of junk metal Sea shell Stones Termite mound Wild bee hive
Structural  Debarked log Drystone Glass ( Glass panes) •  Hardened clay Metal block Mudbricks Planks Plaster Polished rock Refractory brick Roofing Shingle block Slab Stairs Stone brick Strewn straw Support beam Translocator
Decorative  Carpet Chair Chandelier Clay brick chimney Display case Dry stone fence Fence Flowerpot Linen Painting Planter Plaque Sign Signpost Stone coffin Stone path Wallpaper Wooden path
Lighting  Torch Torch holder
Storage  Barrel Bookshelf Crock Curd bundle Jug Shelf Storage vessel Tool rack Vertical rack Wooden bucket
Functional  Anvil Archimedes screw Armor stand Base return teleporter Bed Bloomery base ( Bloomery chimney) •  Boiler Bowl Clay oven Condenser Chute Cooking pot Crucible Door Farmland Fence gate Fruit press Forge Henbox Ingot mold Ladder Lightning rod Quern Resonator Rift ward Skep Straw dummy Table Terminus teleporter Tool mold Trapdoor Trough
Mechanical  Angled gear Brake Clutch Helve hammer base Large wooden gear Pulverizer Transmission Windmill rotor Wooden axle Wooden toggle
Creative only  Command block Creative blocks Creative glows Creative lights Creative rotor Paper lantern Teleporter base
Unused/Unreleased  Altar Stove Workbench

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