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This page is a translated version of the page Locust and the translation is 8% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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Corrupt Sawblade Locust
Health 40
Base Attack 16
Damage Tier 3
Abilities Climb Walls
Rusty gear 1*
Metal Parts 0.25 - 0.75*
Metal Scraps 0.25 - 1.25*
Jonas parts 0.1 - 0.14*

Corrupt Locust
Health 12
Base Attack 4
Damage Tier 3
Abilities Climb Walls
Nothing *

Bronze Locust
Health 6
Base Attack 1.5
Damage Tier 2
Abilities Climb Walls
Nothing *

Las Langostas son un tipo de enemigo hostil en Vintage Story, que generalmente se encuentran bajo tierra. Se distinguen por su capacidad para trepar por paredes y techos.


Las langostas se encuentran bajo tierra en grandes grupos junto con sus nidos.

Locusts are found underground in large groups along with their nests.


Las langostas aparecen en las jaulas y nidos que se encuentran en el techo de las cuevas donde la luz del cielo es inferior a 3. Aparecen poco después. Un nido puede ser destruido con una piqueta y devuelve, Metal-parts.pngpartes de metal, Flaxtwine.pnglino cordel y Metal-scraps.pngchatarra.

Locusts spawn from cages and nest found in cave ceiling where light from the sky is less than 3, they respawn sometime after. Nest can be destroyed with a pickaxe and yields, Metal-parts.pngmetal parts, Flaxtwine.pngflax twine, Metal-scraps.pngmetal scraps and Jonasparts-tank01.pngJonas parts.


Ataques al jugador

Las langostas tienden a permanecer en grupo en la misma zona. Cuando un jugador se acerque a menos de 15 bloques de una langosta, ésta empezará a brillar y buscará al jugador, a veces llevando consigo a otras langostas. Las langostas de bronce atacan cuerpo a cuerpo e infligen 1,5 puntos de daño, mientras que las corruptas infligen 4 puntos. Atacan saltando, a veces burlándose del jugador.

Locusts will tend to stay as a group in the same area. When a player comes within 15 blocks of a Locust it will begin to glow and seek out the player sometimes bring along other locusts with it. Bronze Locusts have a melee attack that does 1.5 damage, Corrupt ones deal 4. They attack by leaping, sometimes taunting the player.

Helping the Player

Hacked Corrupt Locust
Health 36
Base Attack 4
Damage Tier 3
Abilities Climb Walls
Defend the player
Nothing *

Hacked Bronze Locust
Health 18
Base Attack 1.5
Damage Tier 2
Abilities Climb Walls
Defend the player
Nothing *

If your character's class is Clockmaker , you have the exclusive ability to craft and use a Tuning spear . This weapon allows you to hack a bronze locust or a corrupt locust by hitting it once.

  • You can not have several hacked locusts at the same time.
  • The hacked locust will follow you and defend you from any creature that attacks you.
  • If you right click on the hacked locust, you can order it to wait or to follow. You can see its status in its infobox.
  • The hacked locust can teleport to you if you ran too fast, if it was in follow mode.
  • If the hacked locust is lost or dies, you can always go hack another one.
  • The hacked locust has the same attack power as the normal locust but much more health.
  • You can hurt your hacked locust if you hit it.
  • The hacked locust does not get hurt if it falls from a great height.
  • The hacked locust can "swim".
  • The hacked locust will not follow you through a translocator.
  • The hacked locust has the ability to regenerate its health over time.
  • The hacked locust sometimes emits some light when it is dark.
  • If you reconnect to the game, the hacked locust will still be there.



Spoilers ahead!
This page contains spoilers. If you do not want the game's story spoiled, go back!

Locusts are depicted in one of the Schematic tapestries, as shown to the right. The description of the tapestry describes them as "a device to dig and organize materials," and "a little helper."

A device to dig and organize materials. Think of it as a little helper. One of his first automatons. They were precocious little things, always jittering about. Many of us took them as pets: a jolly companion for the workshop or the dig.

The locusts may have been created by inventor Jonas Falx. It is not yet known why they rebelled against humans.

Jonas Falx is a very important character in the game's story. Several Lore Books mention his name, but most important of all is the five-part narrative entitled Reflection .

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