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Revision as of 14:16, 22 January 2024 by Dauerzockerhoch2 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Block |Name=Fackel |Image=File:Torch.png |lässt fallen=sich selbst |Material=Holz |LichtLevel=14 |Temp=600 |Dauer=8 }}")
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This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.19.1.

Fackel (erloschen)
Material Holz
Stackable 64
Drops None
Temperature 600°C
Duration {{{Duration}}} s

Material Holz
Stackable 64
Drops None
Temperature 600°C
Duration {{{Duration}}} s

Burned out torch
Stackable 64
Drops Nothing

Torches are the simplest light sources players can create. They provide light when held in the main and off hand. When placed, they last for 48 hours before turning into burnt out torches. If they are rained on, they turn into extinguished torches. These may be relit with another torch placed on a solid block (not in a torch holder), a firepit , a forge , a pit kiln , a bloomery . To do that, just click shift+Right mouse button on the heat source, with the unlit torch in hand. If the player enters deep water, any torches in the main or off hand are extinguished.

When carrying torches, only hold one in your hand. If you fall in water, you only need to relight one torch!



Ingredients Crafting Recipe
2 Dry grass +






Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Cattails +




Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Papyrus +




The newly made "Extinguished" torch must be lit either on a firepit, or with another torch or firestarter; however, it takes no fuel to use a lit torch to re-light a placed extinguished torch.

Burned out torches are decorative only. They cannot be re-ignited in a firepit. They cannot be crafted in a normal survival game.

Natural Generation

Lit torches do not appear placed in any ruins, however, extinguished or burned out torches do appear as loot in collapsed chests.


They provide light when put on either off-hand or main hand. They can placed on the ground, on a wall or in a torch stand. Torches can be also used for lighting firepits or setting grass or wooden-based materials on fire. Torches can be used as a makeshift weapon (range attack : 2 m). whilst dealing poor damage they have a chance of setting the enemy on fire.

Preventing Burnout

If one wants to place torches such that they do not burn out over time, a torch holder can be constructed via brass plates or found in ruins. These torch holders, when equipped with a torch on a block, keep the torch lit indefinitely, though it may extinguish if flooded or exposed to rain.

Terrain  Clay Cob Gravel Peat Sand Soil ( Packed dirt)
Stone  Cobblestone ( Cobble skull) •  Ember Obsidian Mantle Rocks ( Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Cracked) •  Stalagmite
Ore  Alum Anthracite Black coal Bismuthinite Borax Cassiterite Chromite Cinnabar Native Copper Corundum Fluorite Galena Graphite Halite Hematite Ilmenite Kernite Lapis lazuli Brown coal Limonite Magnetite Malachite Meteoric iron Pentlandite Phosphorite Quartz Rhodochrosite Sphalerite Sulfur Uranium
Plants  Bamboo Berry bush Cactus Crops Grass Fern Flowers Hay Mushroom Lace lichen Leaves Log Reed Sapling Seaweed Waterlily Wild vine
Liquids  Ice Lava Snow block Water
Miscellaneous  Ancient segment Bony ribcage Carcass Chicken egg Crystal Glow worms Locust nest Loose boulders Loose flint Loose ore Loose stick Cracked vessel Pile of junk metal Sea shell Stones Termite mound Wild bee hive
Structural  Debarked log Drystone Glass ( Glass panes) •  Hardened clay Metal block Mudbricks Planks Plaster Polished rock Refractory brick Roofing Shingle block Slab Stairs Stone brick Strewn straw Support beam Translocator
Decorative  Carpet Chair Chandelier Clay brick chimney Display case Dry stone fence Fence Flowerpot Linen Painting Planter Plaque Sign Signpost Stone coffin Stone path Wallpaper Wooden path
Lighting  Torch Torch holder
Storage  Barrel Bookshelf Crock Curd bundle Jug Shelf Storage vessel Tool rack Vertical rack Wooden bucket
Functional  Anvil Archimedes screw Armor stand Base return teleporter Bed Bloomery base ( Bloomery chimney) •  Boiler Bowl Clay oven Condenser Chute Cooking pot Crucible Door Farmland Fence gate Fruit press Forge Henbox Ingot mold Ladder Lightning rod Quern Resonator Rift ward Skep Straw dummy Table Terminus teleporter Tool mold Trapdoor Trough
Mechanical  Angled gear Brake Clutch Helve hammer base Large wooden gear Pulverizer Transmission Windmill rotor Wooden axle Wooden toggle
Creative only  Command block Creative blocks Creative glows Creative lights Creative rotor Paper lantern Teleporter base
Unused/Unreleased  Altar Stove Workbench

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