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== 土壤和农田 ==
== 土壤和农田 ==
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=== 创造农田 ===
=== 创造农田 ===

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
在土壤方块上 {{Using|使用}} {{ll|hoe|锄头}} + {{RMB}} 来创造干燥的田地。如果农田附近三格范围内有淡水方块,它将从干燥转变为湿润。 也可以通过雨水或者使用浇水壶来将农田湿润。 高于50%的含水量可以提高作物的盛装速度,具体来讲,如果含水量保持在100%,则可减少作物每个阶段最多两小时游戏时间的生长时间。
{{Using|Using}} a {{ll|hoe|hoe}} + {{RMB}} on a soil block creates dry farmland. If the farmland is within 3 blocks of a freshwater source block, it will be converted from dry to moist farmland. Other solutions for creating moist farmland include daily watering using a watering can or relying on rain in a rainy area. Moisture levels above 50% give a bonus to growth speed. More specifically, reducing the total hours needed for a crop to grow to the next stage by up to two hours of in-game time, if at 100% moisture.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Nearby water provides moisture to horizontally adjacent farmland within 3 blocks, including along the diagonal. The moisture bonus provided by nearby water is reduced by 25% for each 1 block that the farmland is distant from the water. Thus, farmland immediately next to a water block will be granted 75% moisture, two blocks away will be granted 50% moisture, and 3 blocks away will be granted 25% moisture. Farmland does not absorb moisture from water in a vertical direction (i.e. farmland created directly above the surface of a lake will not stay moist from the water below it).

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Saltwater cannot be used to provide moisture, and will instantly kill crops.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''农田方块''一但放下便无法被拾起或替换'' 。 破坏农田方块不会产生掉落物。'''
'''Farmland blocks ''cannot be picked up and replaced'' once converted. Breaking farmland destroys the block.'''

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== 土壤养分 ===
=== Soil nutrients ===

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
All soil, dirt, and dry or moist farmland, has 3 nutrient levels, N, P, and K. Each crop consumes one of these nutrients. Some crops require higher values of nutrients than others, as shown in the table below. Crop growth rates also differ. Each crop has a different total growth speed, which is shown by the number of growth days.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When crops advance from one growth stage to the next, they consume nutrients from the farmland on which they are planted. The required nutrient, K, P, or N, is the nutrient that will be consumed, reducing the concentration of that nutrient in the farmland. The amount of the nutrient required per growth stage is determined by dividing the Nutrient Consumption by the number of growth stages.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== 养分补充 ====
==== Nutrient replenishment ====

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Nutrients in farmland slowly replenish over time and return to the maximum level per soil type, for instance, medium fertility will only regain nutrients to their original levels. The rate of nutrient replenishment is slower if a crop is growing on it and faster when left fallow - meaning no crop growing. The nutrition type used by the currently growing crop will regenerate even slower than the two not actively used, and effectively won't replenish at all, as the currently growing crop reduces it with every growth tick. If the crop on the farmland is ripe, none of the nutrients will replenish.

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Nutrition replenishment ticks every 3 to 4 ingame hours.

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==== 轮作 ====
==== Crop rotation ====

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2021-05-13 CropRotation.png |right|320px|thumb|轮作农田]]
[[File:2021-05-13 CropRotation.png |right|320px|thumb]]

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area over time and has been used since ancient times to maximize crop production. Nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K) dependent crops can be rotated on the same growing area. For example, after harvesting a nitrogen-dependent crop such as turnips, the soil will have a lower level of nitrogen but higher levels of the two other nutrients. Therefore a phosphate or potassium-dependent crop can be planted in the same soil.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A common crop rotation strategy is to divide the fertile area into four sections, one each for N, P, or K-dependent crops and one left fallow (without any crops growing). In the screenshot on the right, turnips (N-dependent) are planted in the top left, onions (P-dependent) in the top right, carrots (K-dependent) in the bottom right and the bottom left area are left without any crops. After harvest the planting will be rotated clockwise so that turnips will now be planted in the top right, onions in the bottom right, carrots in the bottom left and the top left will not have any crops. Rotate clockwise again after each harvest.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Note that the rotation will depend on the slowest crop to mature which in this case are the carrots (4 in-game days). Because nutrients replenish best in fallow soil, one area is kept unplanted during each rotation. This strategy is particularly useful if the player does not have access to fertilizer yet. You can make variations on this strategy to suit your crop mix.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== 肥料 ====
==== Fertilizer ====

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
肥料是指 {{ll|saltpeter|硝石}}, {{ll|potash|钾肥}} {{ll|bonemeal|骨灰}} 等可以用于土壤的物品,以补充作物生长消耗的养分而无需等待休耕 (不种植作物) 或进行轮作。
Fertilizers such as {{ll|saltpeter|saltpeter}}, {{ll|potash|potash}} and {{ll|bonemeal|bonemeal}} can be applied to the soil to replenish nutrients depleted by the growth of crops without waiting for the slow natural replenishment in fallow soil (no crops planted) or the need for crop rotation.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
For example, the important crop flax removes potassium from the soil as it grows. Adding potash or saltpeter to the depleted soil after harvest will replenish potassium levels and allow replanting of flax on the same soil without waiting for natural replenishment and without the need for crop rotation. The type and amount of nutrient required for each crop is shown in the table of available crops in the next section. Having sufficient nutrients for each crop allows for the optimal growth rate if temperature and light requirements are also met.

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Using fertilizer is the only time a soil type can exceed the maximum nutrient level of the soil type.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
注意,硝石无法被 {{ll|prospecting pick|勘矿镐}} 检测到,只能在探索洞穴时发现。
Note that saltpeter cannot be detected by a {{ll|prospecting pick|prospecting pick}} and must be found while exploring caves.

{| class="wikitable"  
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! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Fertilizer</span> !! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nitrogen (N) %</span> !! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Phosphorus (P) %</span> !! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Potassium (K) %</span> !! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Obtention</span>
! 肥料 !! (N) % !! (P) % !! (K) % !! 获取方法
| [[File:potash.png|30px]] {{ll|Potash|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Potash</span>}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 0 ||style="text-align: center;"| 0  ||style="text-align: center;"| 60 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">grinding sylvite</span>
| [[File:potash.png|30px]] {{ll|Potash|钾肥}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 0 ||style="text-align: center;"| 0  ||style="text-align: center;"| 60 || 研磨钾盐
| [[File:saltpeter.png|30px]] {{ll|Saltpeter|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Saltpeter</span>}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 13 ||style="text-align: center;"| 0  ||style="text-align: center;"| 44|| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">mined from caves</span>
| [[File:saltpeter.png|30px]] {{ll|Saltpeter|硝石}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 13 ||style="text-align: center;"| 0  ||style="text-align: center;"| 44|| 从洞穴中开采
| [[File:bonemeal.png|30px]] {{ll|Bonemeal|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bonemeal</span>}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 3 || style="text-align: center;"|30  || style="text-align: center;"|0|| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">grinding bones</span>
| [[File:bonemeal.png|30px]] {{ll|Bonemeal|骨灰}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 3 || style="text-align: center;"|30  || style="text-align: center;"|0|| 研磨骨头
| [[File:compost.png|30px]] {{ll|Compost|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Compost</span>}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 40 || style="text-align: center;"|8  || style="text-align: center;"|8|| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">sealing 64 rot in a barrel for 20 days</span>
| [[File:compost.png|30px]] {{ll|Compost|堆肥}} ||style="text-align: center;"| 40 || style="text-align: center;"|8  || style="text-align: center;"|8|| 将64份腐烂物在桶中密封20天

<div id="crops">
<div id="crops">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 收获 ==
== Crops ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
要收割作物,请使用空手或者收割工具左键单击作物。例如 {{ll|knife|小刀}} {{ll|scythe|镰刀}}。完全成熟的作物将掉落种子,果实,亚麻会额外掉落纤维。所有完全成熟的作物在收获时有5%的概率额外掉落种子。
To harvest, left-click on the crop with an empty hand or harvesting tool, {{ll|knife|knife}} or {{ll|scythe|scythe}}. Fully mature crops will return seeds, food, and in the case of flax, fiber. All fully mature crops have about a 5% chance of dropping an extra seed when harvested.
Each crop is characterized by a set of Crop Properties. Crop properties consist of the following individual properties:

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* 生长阶段 - 作物的生长阶段数量。
* Growth Stages - The number of growth stages for a crop.
* 总生长时间 - 在游戏内,作物完全生长(可收获)所需的天数。
* Total Growth Days - The number of in-game days it takes for a crop to be fully grown (harvestable).
* 养分 - 作物生长至下一阶段时,从农田中消耗的养分类型(N、P、K)。
* Nutrient - The type of nutrient (N, P, K) consumed from the farmland when a crop grows to the next stage.
* 养分消耗 - 在作物的整个生长过程中所需消耗的养分总量。
* Nutrient Consumption - The total amount of the required nutrient that will be consumed over the lifetime of a crop.
* 寒冷/炎热抗性 - 作物可以不受损害生长的 {{ll|Temperature|温度}} 范围 ,受到损害的作物收成较少。一般来说,所有作物只能在0°C以上生长。它们也许能忍受较低温度不受损害,但在这种情况下将不会生长。目前唯一能人工调节作物生长环境温度的方法是使用 {{ll|Room#Greenhouse|温室}} 结构,这将使温度升高5°C。记住,太冷或太热都会使作物收成减半,甚至可能完全杀死作物,但仍旧能收获到种子。
* Cold/ Heat Resistance - {{ll|Temperature|Temperature}} range the crop can endure before it takes damage and then will yield less harvest on breaking. Generally, all crops can keep growing only above 0°C. They might be able to endure lower temperatures without damage, but will not be able to grow under such circumstances. The only way to artificially regulate temperature for crop growth at the moment is through the use of a {{ll|Room#Greenhouse|greenhouse}} structure, which will raise the temperature by 5°C. Keep in mind that getting too cold or too hot can halve the harvest of a crop or even kill a crop entirely, but the seeds will always be dropped.
* 产量 - 收获完全生长的作物时掉落的可食用农产品的数量。
* Yield - The amount of edible produce items that are dropped when a fully-grown crop is harvested.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== 可用作物表格 ===
=== Table of available crops ===

{| class="wikitable sortable align-left-1 align-left-5 align-left-9" style="text-align: right;"
{| class="wikitable sortable align-left-1 align-left-5 align-left-9" style="text-align: right;"
! rowspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crop</span>
! rowspan="2"|作物
! rowspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Growth<br/>Stages</span>
! rowspan="2"|生长<br/>阶段
! colspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Total Growth</span>
! colspan="2"|总生长时间
! rowspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nutrient</span>
! rowspan="2"|所需养分
! rowspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nutrient<br/>Consumption</span>
! rowspan="2"|养分<br/>消耗
! colspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Temperature Resistance</span>
! colspan="2"|温度范围
! rowspan="2"|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Yield</span>
! rowspan="2"|产量
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Months</span>
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Days</span>*
! *
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cold</span>
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Heat</span>
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Carrot</span>|icon=Grid Carrot|page=Carrot}} || 7 || 1.20 || 10.80 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''K''' (Potassium)</span> || 40 || -10°C || 32°C || {{Range|11|2}}
| {{Item List|item=胡萝卜|icon=Grid Carrot|page=Carrot}} || 7 || 1.20 || 10.80 || '''K''' () || 40 || -10°C || 32°C || 9-13
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Flax</span>|icon=Grid flax|page=Flax}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''K''' (Potassium)</span> || 50 || -5°C || 40°C || {{Range|8|1}}
| {{Item List|item=亚麻|icon=Grid flax|page=Flax}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || '''K''' () || 50 || -5°C || 40°C || 5-7**
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Onion</span>|icon=Grid onion|page=Onion}} || 7 || 1.85 || 16.65 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''P''' (Phosphorus)</span> || 35 || -1°C || 40°C || {{Range|12|2}}
| {{Item List|item=洋葱|icon=Grid onion|page=Onion}} || 7 || 1.85 || 16.65 || '''P''' () || 35 || -1°C || 40°C || 10-14
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Spelt</span>|icon=Grid spelt|page=Spelt}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 40 || -5°C || 40°C || {{Range|12|2}}
| {{Item List|item=斯佩尔特小麦|icon=Grid spelt|page=Spelt}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || '''N''' () || 40 || -5°C || 40°C || 10-14
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Turnip</span>|icon=Grid turnip|page=Turnip}} || 5 || 1.00 || 9.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 30 || -5°C || 27°C || {{Range|7|1}}
| {{Item List|item=大头菜|icon=Grid turnip|page=Turnip}} || 5 || 1.00 || 9.00 || '''N''' () || 30 || -5°C || 27°C || 6-8
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Parsnip</span>|icon=Grid parsnip|page=Parsnip}} || 8 || 2.00 || 18.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''P''' (Phosphorus)</span> || 20 || -10°C || 32°C || {{Range|12|2}}
| {{Item List|item=欧防风|icon=Grid parsnip|page=Parsnip}} || 8 || 2.00 || 18.00 || '''P''' () || 20 || -10°C || 32°C || 10-14
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rice</span>|icon=Grid rice|page=Rice}} || 10 || 2.25 || 20.25 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''K''' (Potassium)</span> || 50 || 8°C || 46°C || {{Range|13|2}}
| {{Item List|item=稻米|icon=Grid rice|page=Rice}} || 10 || 2.25 || 20.25 || '''K''' () || 50 || 8°C || 46°C || 11-15
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rye</span>|icon=Grid rye|page=Rye}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 40 || -12°C || 27°C || {{Range|11|2}}
| {{Item List|item=黑麦|icon=Grid rye|page=Rye}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || '''N''' () || 40 || -12°C || 27°C || 9-13
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Soybean</span>|icon=Soybean|page=Soybean}} || 11 || 1.25 || 11.25 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''K''' (Potassium)</span> || 35 || -5°C || 40°C || {{Range|6|1}}
| {{Item List|item=大豆|icon=Soybean|page=Soybean}} || 11 || 1.25 || 11.25 || '''K''' () || 35 || -5°C || 40°C || 5-7
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Amaranth</span>|icon=Grid_amaranth|page=Amaranth}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 15 || 6°C || 42°C || {{Range|6|1}}
| {{Item List|item=苋米|icon=Grid_amaranth|page=Amaranth}} || 9 || 2.00 || 18.00 || '''N''' () || 15 || 6°C || 42°C || 5-7
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bell Pepper</span>|icon=Bellpepper|page=Bell Pepper}} || 19 || 2.20 || 19.80 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 35 || 8°C || 34°C || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">{{NA|Not implemented}}</span>
| {{Item List|item=甜椒|icon=Bellpepper|page=Bell Pepper}} || 19 || 2.20 || 19.80 || '''N''' () || 35 || 8°C || 34°C || {{NA|未实装}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cassava</span>|icon=Cassava|page=Cassava}} || 9 || 5.00 || 45.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''K''' (Potassium)</span> || 25 || 4°C || 44°C || {{Range|16|2}}
| {{Item List|item=木薯|icon=Cassava|page=Cassava}} || 9 || 5.00 || 45.00 || '''K''' () || 25 || 4°C || 44°C || 14-18
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Peanut</span>|icon=Legume-peanut|page=Peanut}} || 9 || 2.50 || 22.50 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''P''' (Phosphorus)</span> || 45 || 10°C || 42°C || {{Range|10|2}}
| {{Item List|item=花生|icon=Legume-peanut|page=Peanut}} || 9 || 2.50 || 22.50 || '''P''' () || 45 || 10°C || 42°C || 8-12
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pineapple</span>|icon=Pineapple|page=Pineapple}} || 16 || 6.00 || 54.00 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 15 || 6°C || 48°C || 1
| {{Item List|item=菠萝|icon=Pineapple|page=Pineapple}} || 16 || 6.00 || 54.00 || '''N''' () || 15 || 6°C || 48°C || 1
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Sunflower</span>|icon=Grid_sunflower|page=Sunflower}} || 12 || 1.85 || 16.65 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 40 || -5°C || 40°C || {{Range|13|2}}
| {{Item List|item=葵花|icon=Grid_sunflower|page=Sunflower}} || 12 || 1.85 || 16.65 || '''N''' () || 40 || -5°C || 40°C || 11-15
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pumpkin</span>|icon=Grid pumpkin|page=Pumpkin}} || 8 || 1.70 || 15.30 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''P''' (Phosphorus)</span> || 30 || -5°C || 40°C || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Variable</span>**
| {{Item List|item=南瓜|icon=Grid pumpkin|page=Pumpkin}} || 8 || 1.70 || 15.30 || '''P''' () || 30 || -5°C || 40°C || 变量***
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cabbage</span>|icon=Grid cabbage|page=Cabbage}} || 12 || 1.50 || 13.50 || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''N''' (Nitrogen)</span> || 40 || -5°C || 35°C || 2
| {{Item List|item=卷心菜|icon=Grid cabbage|page=Cabbage}} || 12 || 1.50 || 13.50 || '''N''' () || 40 || -5°C || 35°C || 2
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Growth times are calculated based on number of days in a month. Changing the length of a month will change the total growth time in days proportionally.
<nowiki>**</nowiki> 5-7 grains, 7-9 fibers<br>
<nowiki>**</nowiki>南瓜的生长方式与其他作物有所不同。请参考 {{ll|pumpkin|南瓜}} 页面来了解南瓜的详细说明。
<nowiki>**</nowiki>Pumpkins are cultivated differently than all other crops. Please see the {{ll|pumpkin|pumpkin}} page for detailed instructions about establishing a pumpkin patch.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 果树 ==
== Fruit trees ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{{ll|Fruit trees|果树}} 在基地更新(v.1.16)中被加入。共有九种不同类型的果树: 红苹果, 粉苹果, 黄苹果, 桃子, , 樱桃, 橙子, 橄榄, 和芒果。一些果树,如芒果和桃子,适应热带的气候,而苹果、梨和桃子则在温带气候中生长。
{{ll|Fruit trees|Fruit trees}} were introduced in the Homesteading Update (v.1.16). There are a total of nine different types of fruit-bearing trees: red apple, pink apple, yellow apple, peach, pear, cherry, orange, olive, and mango. Some of the trees, like mango and orange, are specifically adapted to warmer climates, whereas apples, pears, and peaches thrive in temperate climates.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
在野外发现果树后, 可以通过 {{ll|axe|斧头}} 切断树枝用于扦插。 如果温度满足要求,每个扦插在地上的树枝有40%的概率生长为一颗完整的果树。有些树木必须经历 "春化", 当温度下降到某个点以下时,它们才能结果。
After a fruit tree is found in the wild, a tree cutting can be acquired by breaking its branches with an {{ll|axe}}. Each cutting has a 40% chance to grow into a full tree when planted in the ground - if the temperature requirements are met. Some trees must go through "vernalization," when the temperature drops down below a certain point, for them to set fruit.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 保护作物 ==
== Protecting crops ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{{ll|Hare|兔子}} 会寻找作物并吃掉它们。它们会留下死去的作物,可以从中收获到一粒种子,但不会有任何果实。有些作物 ''不会'' 被兔子吃掉, 如洋葱、 菠萝,南瓜。这些作物可以在没有保护的情况下单独种植。
{{ll|Hare|Hares}} will go after planted crops and eat them. They will leave behind a dead plant that drops one seed, but no crops. Some crops are ''not'' eaten by hares, namely onions, pineapples, and pumpkins. These can be planted without protection if grown alone.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
由于兔子会在草上生成, 因此建议使用墙体, {{ll|fence|栅栏}}, 或者在农场周围挖掘两格深的沟壑。玩家必须注意,被封闭保护的区域内不能有草方块。沟壑有一个优点,当兔子试图靠近作物时,它们会被困住。请注意,如果一格栅栏旁边有水,雪会在水冻结后堆积,成年兔子将能通过雪跃过栅栏。兔子的生成也可以通过在地上放置石块或者清除所有能生长肏的方块来阻止。在农田方块上生长的草不会生成兔子,因为农田方块并不是完整方块。
Since rabbits spawn on grass blocks, rabbit-proofing farms with walls, {{ll|fence|fences}}, or a two-block deep dry moat around farm blocks is recommended. Players must take care to leave no grass blocks within the enclosed area. The moat has the bonus of catching hungry rabbits when they try to reach the player's crops. Keep in mind that adult rabbits can jump over a single fence block if it is bordered by water. Rabbit spawns can also be blocked inside an enclosed area by placing stones on the ground or removing all grass. Grass that grows on fallow farm blocks does not grow tall enough to be a valid rabbit spawn.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Rabbits ignore wild crops.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 地下种植 ==
== Underground farming ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
1.14 版本对地下种植加入了很大的限制。在海平面以下的种植时,植物生长会遭到限制。 种植在海平面以下的作物每低一层,都需要额外的光照等级才能生长, 最大为19, 每缺乏1级的光照会降低10%的生长速度, 这意味着作物将在低于9级的光照等级下完全停止生长。
Version 1.14 introduced significant limitations on underground farming. There is a soft limit for plant growth concerning depth below sea level. Each level below sea level requires one extra light level for the crop to grow, and below light level 19, each farther level incurs a 10% growth penalty, which means growth will stop entirely at or below light level 9.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Given that the sun's light level is 22, this means that with direct sunlight shafts alone, farms can be placed at a maximum of 3 levels below sea level without incurring growth penalties, and a maximum of 12 levels below sea level before growth stops completely.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
With a fully set chandelier (providing light level 24), a slightly lower depth might be reached. However, light levels do not accumulate, meaning combining a light shaft with light level 22 and a lantern with light level 18 will still result in a maximum light level of 22.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
然而,只要太阳光或人造光强度到达生长所需水平,在海平面以上的山中建立"地下" 农场是可行的。
"Underground" farms in a mountain range above sea level would however still be possible, as long as the required light level for growth is achieved with sun or artificial light.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In a default height world, the sea level is 110.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 食物和烹饪 ==
== Food and cooking ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:''查阅 {{ll|cooking|烹饪}} {{ll|satiety|饥饿}} 以了解有关玩家营养和准备食物的更多信息。''
:''See {{ll|cooking|cooking}} or {{ll|satiety|satiety}} for more information on player nutrition and preparing foods to eat.''

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The efficiency values below in the "Satiety/Growth time (days)" column are based on the average yield of a crop from one tile of farmland, multiplied by the food's satiety, divided by the number of growth days until maturity. Note that pumpkins, while they only require a single block of farmland, are spread out to cover a wider area of dirt. This space efficiency was not taken into account.

{| class="wikitable sortable align-left-1 align-left-2" style="text-align:right;"
{| class="wikitable sortable align-left-1 align-left-2" style="text-align:right;"
! rowspan="2" |<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Seed Type</span>
! rowspan="2" |种子类型
! rowspan="2" |<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Category</span>
! rowspan="2" |类型
! colspan="3" |<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Satiety</span>
! colspan="3" |饱腹感
! colspan="3" |<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Satiety/Growth time (days)</span>
! colspan="3" |饱腹感/生长时间(天数)
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Raw</span>
! 生的
! {{ll|Cooking|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Meals</span>}}
! {{ll|Cooking|料理}}
! {{ll|Cooking#Making Bread|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bread</span>}}
! {{ll|Cooking#Making Bread|面包}}
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Raw</span>
! 生的
! {{ll|Cooking|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Meals</span>}}
! {{ll|Cooking|料理}}
! {{ll|Cooking#Making Bread|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bread</span>}}
! {{ll|Cooking#Making Bread|面包}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Carrot</span>|icon=Grid Carrot|page=Carrot}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=胡萝卜|icon=Grid Carrot|page=Carrot}} || 蔬菜
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 75.00 || 112.50 || {{NA}}
| 75.00 || 112.50 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Flax</span>|icon=Grid flax|page=Flax}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=亚麻|icon=Grid flax|page=Flax}} || 谷物
| 30 || 120 || 160  
| 30 || 120 || 160  
| 10.58 || 42.35 || 53.33
| 10.58 || 42.35 || 53.33
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Onion</span>|icon=Grid onion|page=Onion}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=洋葱|icon=Grid onion|page=Onion}} || 蔬菜
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 75.00 || 112.50 || {{NA}}
| 75.00 || 112.50 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Spelt</span>|icon=Grid spelt|page=Spelt}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=斯佩尔特小麦|icon=Grid spelt|page=Spelt}} || 谷物
| 60 || 240 || 300  
| 60 || 240 || 300  
| 40.00 || 160.00 || 200.00
| 40.00 || 160.00 || 200.00
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Turnip</span>|icon=Grid turnip|page=Turnip}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=大头菜|icon=Grid turnip|page=Turnip}} || 蔬菜
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 100.00 || 150.00 || {{NA}}
| 100.00 || 150.00 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Parsnip</span>|icon=Grid parsnip|page=Parsnip}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=欧防风|icon=Grid parsnip|page=Parsnip}} || 蔬菜
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 100 || 150 || {{NA}}
| 50.00 || 75.00 || {{NA}}
| 50.00 || 75.00 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rice</span>|icon=Grid rice|page=Rice}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=稻米|icon=Grid rice|page=Rice}} || 谷物
| 60 || 280 || 330  
| 60 || 280 || 330  
| 40.00 || 186.67 || 211.85
| 40.00 || 186.67 || 211.85
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rye</span>|icon=Grid rye|page=Rye}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=黑麦|icon=Grid rye|page=Rye}} || 谷物
| 60 || 240 || 300  
| 60 || 240 || 300  
| 36.00 || 144.00 || 183.33
| 36.00 || 144.00 || 183.33
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Soybean</span>|icon=Soybean|page=Soybean}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Protein</span>
| {{Item List|item=大豆|icon=Soybean|page=Soybean}} || 蛋白质
| 150* || 240 || {{NA}}
| 150* || 240 || {{NA}}
| 81.82 || 130.91 || {{NA}}
| 81.82 || 130.91 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Amaranth</span>|icon=Grid_amaranth|page=Amaranth}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=苋米|icon=Grid_amaranth|page=Amaranth}} || 谷物
| 60 || 240 || 300
| 60 || 240 || 300
| 20.00 || 80.00 || 100.00
| 20.00 || 80.00 || 100.00
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cassava (soaked)</span>*|icon=Cassava|page=Cassava}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=木薯(浸泡过)*|icon=Cassava|page=Cassava}} || 蔬菜
| 100 || 120 || {{NA}}
| 100 || 120 || {{NA}}
| 35.71 || 42.86 || {{NA}}
| 35.71 || 42.86 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cassava (dried)</span>|icon=Dried_cassava|page=Cassava}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=木薯(干的)|icon=Dried_cassava|page=Cassava}} || 谷物
| {{NA}} || {{NA}} || 300
| {{NA}} || {{NA}} || 300
| {{NA}} || {{NA}} || 106.67
| {{NA}} || {{NA}} || 106.67
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Peanut</span>|icon=Legume-peanut|page=Peanut}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Protein</span>
| {{Item List|item=花生|icon=Legume-peanut|page=Peanut}} || 蛋白质
| 160 || {{NA}} || {{NA}}
| 160 || {{NA}} || {{NA}}
| 73.85 || {{NA}} || {{NA}}
| 73.85 || {{NA}} || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pineapple</span>|icon=Pineapple|page=Pineapple}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Fruit</span>
| {{Item List|item=菠萝|icon=Pineapple|page=Pineapple}} || 水果
| 320* || 480* || {{NA}}
| 320* || 480* || {{NA}}
| 6.67 || 10.00 || {{NA}}
| 6.67 || 10.00 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Sunflower</span>|icon=Grid_sunflower|page=Sunflower}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Grain</span>
| {{Item List|item=葵花|icon=Grid_sunflower|page=Sunflower}} || 谷物
| 60 || 240 || 300
| 60 || 240 || 300
| 48.00 || 192.00 || 234.23
| 48.00 || 192.00 || 234.23
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pumpkin</span>|icon=Grid pumpkin|page=Pumpkin}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=南瓜|icon=Grid pumpkin|page=Pumpkin}} || 蔬菜
| 480* || 720* || {{NA}}
| 480* || 720* || {{NA}}
| 102.86 || 154.28 || {{NA}}
| 102.86 || 154.28 || {{NA}}
| {{Item List|item=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cabbage</span>|icon=Grid cabbage|page=Cabbage}} || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Vegetable</span>
| {{Item List|item=卷心菜|icon=Grid cabbage|page=Cabbage}} || 蔬菜
| 300 || 450 || {{NA}}
| 300 || 450 || {{NA}}
| 46.15 || 69.23 || {{NA}}
| 46.15 || 69.23 || {{NA}}

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* 大豆不能生吃,但可以腌制,腌制过后可以食用。
* Soybeans cannot be eaten raw, but they can be pickled and then eaten in this state.
* 木薯在摘下时无法生吃,必须在木桶中密封后用刀去皮,才能食用。
* Cassava cannot be eaten raw off the vine. It must first be soaked in a sealed barrel and skinned with a knife, but it can then be eaten in this state.
* 菠萝和南瓜无法整个使用,也无法煮熟。它们必须用刀切成薄片,每个能切为4份,每个拥有整个果实25%的饱腹感。
* Pineapples and pumpkins cannot be eaten nor cooked whole. They must first be sliced with a knife, producing 4 pieces each with exactly 25% of the entire produce's satiety.
* 南瓜的生长数量差别很大, 但经过社区成员的实验,每颗南瓜大概能长出1.5个果实(大概能长出2.5个果实,但其中一个被用于制作种子)。上面的数字也反映了这一点。
* Pumpkins' growth varies wildly, but community experimentation appears to have resulted in approximately 1.5 pumpkins' profit per vine, on average (assuming 2.5 are grown and 1 is used to produce the next pumpkin seed). The numbers above reflect this.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 历史 ==
== History ==
* 1.19.0-rc.1 版本中, 高肥力土壤会自然生成在世界上, 而黑土只能通过制作获得。 <ref>"调整: 黑土不会在世界中生成,取而代之的是高肥力土壤。黑土作为最高肥力的土壤,现在只能在合成栏中制作。 然而,制作黑土除了需要堆肥外,还需要木炭和骨粉。配方中可以包含高肥力土壤,这样会增加黑土的产量" [ Official Devlog]</ref>  1.19版本中的黑土造价比1.18中的高肥力土壤更为昂贵。
* In version 1.19.0-rc.1, High Fertility Soil was changed to occur naturally in the world, and Terra Preta can only be crafted.<ref>"Tweak: Terra Preta is no longer generated during worldgen.  High fertility soil will be generated instead.  Terra Preta is now made in the crafting grid, as high fertility soil was previously.  However crafting Terra Preta requires charcoal and bone meal, in addition to compost.  High fertility soil can be included in the recipe, to increase the yield of Terra Preta." [ Official Devlog]</ref>  The recipe for Terra Preta in 1.19 is more expensive than the recipe for High Fertility Soil was in 1.18.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 注意 ==
== Notes ==
* 建议在长途探索过程中收集所有野生作物,无论其是否成熟,尤其是玩家不会再经过同一地区时。
* It is recommended to harvest all wild crops, regardless of growth stage, when out on a long journey, if the player foresees that they will not come the same way again.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 画廊 ==
== Gallery ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 另请参阅 ==
== See also ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 视频教程 ==
== Video Tutorials ==

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Detailed explanation including changes since version 1.13</span> !! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Detailed explanation of pumpkin plants</span>
! 1.13 及以后版本的改动说明。 !! 南瓜的详细说明
| <youtube width="400" height="240">e-hsLRWiCX8</youtube> || <youtube width="400" height="240">CGzr2aZA25w</youtube>
| <youtube width="400" height="240">e-hsLRWiCX8</youtube> || <youtube width="400" height="240">CGzr2aZA25w</youtube>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 更新 ==
== References ==
<references />
<references />

{{Farming navbox}}
{{Farming navbox}}
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Latest revision as of 16:14, 1 June 2024

This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.16.4.

農業 是一種遊戲機制,允許玩家種植糧食作物用於 烹飪 和餵養 飢餓的動物


在開始種植前, 玩家需要好的 土壤 和用於種植的種子。 還需要使用 鋤頭 來將土壤轉變為農田。 玩家還需要通過水體, 或使用 澆水壺 來為生長的植物提供水分。


野生作物 在世界生成時被創造,可以在世界各地不同的氣候區域中找到。破壞這些植物是收集種子的關鍵。未成熟的野生作物在被破壞時不一定會掉落種子。野生作物會生長,即便區塊還未被加載,它們的生長也不會受溫度影響。但是,如果野生作物在完全生長後沒有被收穫,它們將繼續生長並變回第一階段。

種子同樣能在位於 廢墟 的種子和農業 破裂黏土罐 中找到 - 一些種子 只能 通過這種方式獲取。

種子類型 產物 氣候
胡蘿蔔 Grid Carrot.png 溫帶
亞麻 Grid flax.png 溫帶
洋蔥 Grid onion.png 溫帶
斯佩爾特小麥 Grid spelt.png 溫帶
大頭菜 Grid turnip.png 溫帶
歐防風 Grid parsnip.png 溫帶
黑麥 Grid rye.png 溫帶
稻米 Grid rice.png 熱帶
大豆 Soybean.png 熱帶
莧米 Grid amaranth.png 熱帶
甜椒* Bellpepper.png 熱帶
木薯 Raw cassava.png 熱帶
花生 Legume-peanut.png 熱帶
菠蘿 Pineapple.png 熱帶
葵花 Grid sunflower.png 熱帶
南瓜 Grid pumpkin.png 只能從廢墟獲得
捲心菜 Grid cabbage.png 只能從廢墟獲得




在世界中有四種擁有不同肥力的天然 土壤  : 貧瘠 5%, 低 25%, 中 50%, 和 高 65%。 當土壤被破壞並放置在其他地方時,該土壤的肥力不會改變,因此最好的辦法是尋找高肥力的土壤並將其帶回家用於耕種。


黑土 是一種由玩家製作的土壤,擁有80%的肥力。每塊黑土的製作需要: 將64 腐爛物 密封在 木桶 中20天, 然後使用產生的堆肥在合成欄中與4個骨粉和4個木炭組合。

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
8x 堆肥
4x 骨灰
4x 木炭

























在土壤方塊上 使用 鋤頭 + Right mouse button 來創造乾燥的田地。如果農田附近三格範圍內有淡水方塊,它將從乾燥轉變為濕潤。 也可以通過雨水或者使用澆水壺來將農田濕潤。 高於50%的含水量可以提高作物的盛裝速度,具體來講,如果含水量保持在100%,則可減少作物每個階段最多兩小時遊戲時間的生長時間。



農田方塊一但放下便無法被拾起或替換 。 破壞農田方塊不會產生掉落物。













肥料是指 硝石 , 鉀肥 骨灰 等可以用於土壤的物品,以補充作物生長消耗的養分而無需等待休耕 (不種植作物) 或進行輪作。



注意,硝石無法被 勘礦鎬 檢測到,只能在探索洞穴時發現。

肥料 氮 (N) % 磷 (P) % 鉀 (K) % 獲取方法
Potash.png 鉀肥 0 0 60 研磨鉀鹽
Saltpeter.png 硝石 13 0 44 從洞穴中開採
Bonemeal.png 骨灰 3 30 0 研磨骨頭
Compost.png 堆肥 40 8 8 將64份腐爛物在桶中密封20天


要收割作物,請使用空手或者收割工具左鍵單擊作物。例如 小刀 鐮刀 。完全成熟的作物將掉落種子,果實,亞麻會額外掉落纖維。所有完全成熟的作物在收穫時有5%的概率額外掉落種子。 每種作物都有一系列特性,由以下幾種屬性組成:

  • 生長階段 - 作物的生長階段數量。
  • 總生長時間 - 在遊戲內,作物完全生長(可收穫)所需的天數。
  • 養分 - 作物生長至下一階段時,從農田中消耗的養分類型(N、P、K)。
  • 養分消耗 - 在作物的整個生長過程中所需消耗的養分總量。
  • 寒冷/炎熱抗性 - 作物可以不受損害生長的 溫度 範圍 ,受到損害的作物收成較少。一般來說,所有作物只能在0°C以上生長。它們也許能忍受較低溫度不受損害,但在這種情況下將不會生長。目前唯一能人工調節作物生長環境溫度的方法是使用 溫室 結構,這將使溫度升高5°C。記住,太冷或太熱都會使作物收成減半,甚至可能完全殺死作物,但仍舊能收穫到種子。
  • 產量 - 收穫完全生長的作物時掉落的可食用農產品的數量。


作物 生長
總生長時間 所需養分 養分
溫度範圍 產量
Grid Carrot.png 胡蘿蔔 7 1.20 10.80 K (鉀) 40 -10°C 32°C 9-13
Grid flax.png 亞麻 9 2.00 18.00 K (鉀) 50 -5°C 40°C 5-7**
Grid onion.png 洋蔥 7 1.85 16.65 P (磷) 35 -1°C 40°C 10-14
Grid spelt.png 斯佩爾特小麥 9 2.00 18.00 N (氮) 40 -5°C 40°C 10-14
Grid turnip.png 大頭菜 5 1.00 9.00 N (氮) 30 -5°C 27°C 6-8
Grid parsnip.png 歐防風 8 2.00 18.00 P (磷) 20 -10°C 32°C 10-14
Grid rice.png 稻米 10 2.25 20.25 K (鉀) 50 8°C 46°C 11-15
Grid rye.png 黑麥 9 2.00 18.00 N (氮) 40 -12°C 27°C 9-13
Soybean.png 大豆 11 1.25 11.25 K (鉀) 35 -5°C 40°C 5-7
Grid amaranth.png 莧米 9 2.00 18.00 N (氮) 15 6°C 42°C 5-7
Bellpepper.png 甜椒 19 2.20 19.80 N (氮) 35 8°C 34°C 未實裝
Cassava.png 木薯 9 5.00 45.00 K (鉀) 25 4°C 44°C 14-18
Legume-peanut.png 花生 9 2.50 22.50 P (磷) 45 10°C 42°C 8-12
Pineapple.png 菠蘿 16 6.00 54.00 N (氮) 15 6°C 48°C 1
Grid sunflower.png 葵花 12 1.85 16.65 N (氮) 40 -5°C 40°C 11-15
Grid pumpkin.png 南瓜 8 1.70 15.30 P (磷) 30 -5°C 40°C 變量***
Grid cabbage.png 捲心菜 12 1.50 13.50 N (氮) 40 -5°C 35°C 2

*生長時間是根據一個月中的天數來計算的,更改月份長度將按比例增長總生長時間(以天數為單位) ** 5-7 grains, 7-9 fibers
**南瓜的生長方式與其他作物有所不同。請參考 南瓜 頁面來了解南瓜的詳細說明。


果樹 在基地更新(v.1.16)中被加入。共有九種不同類型的果樹: 紅蘋果, 粉蘋果, 黃蘋果, 桃子, 梨, 櫻桃, 橙子, 橄欖, 和芒果。一些果樹,如芒果和桃子,適應熱帶的氣候,而蘋果、梨和桃子則在溫帶氣候中生長。

在野外發現果樹後, 可以通過 斧頭 切斷樹枝用於扦插。 如果溫度滿足要求,每個扦插在地上的樹枝有40%的概率生長為一顆完整的果樹。有些樹木必須經歷 "春化", 當溫度下降到某個點以下時,它們才能結果。


兔子 會尋找作物並吃掉它們。它們會留下死去的作物,可以從中收穫到一粒種子,但不會有任何果實。有些作物 不會 被兔子吃掉, 如洋蔥、 菠蘿,南瓜。這些作物可以在沒有保護的情況下單獨種植。

由於兔子會在草上生成, 因此建議使用牆體, 柵欄 , 或者在農場周圍挖掘兩格深的溝壑。玩家必須注意,被封閉保護的區域內不能有草方塊。溝壑有一個優點,當兔子試圖靠近作物時,它們會被困住。請注意,如果一格柵欄旁邊有水,雪會在水凍結後堆積,成年兔子將能通過雪躍過柵欄。兔子的生成也可以通過在地上放置石塊或者清除所有能生長肏的方塊來阻止。在農田方塊上生長的草不會生成兔子,因為農田方塊並不是完整方塊。



1.14 版本對地下種植加入了很大的限制。在海平面以下的種植時,植物生長會遭到限制。 種植在海平面以下的作物每低一層,都需要額外的光照等級才能生長, 最大為19, 每缺乏1級的光照會降低10%的生長速度, 這意味着作物將在低於9級的光照等級下完全停止生長。



然而,只要太陽光或人造光強度到達生長所需水平,在海平面以上的山中建立"地下" 農場是可行的。



查閱 烹飪 飢餓 以了解有關玩家營養和準備食物的更多信息。


種子類型 類型 飽腹感 飽腹感/生長時間(天數)
生的 料理 麵包 生的 料理 麵包
Grid Carrot.png 胡蘿蔔 蔬菜 100 150 N/A 75.00 112.50 N/A
Grid flax.png 亞麻 穀物 30 120 160 10.58 42.35 53.33
Grid onion.png 洋蔥 蔬菜 100 150 N/A 75.00 112.50 N/A
Grid spelt.png 斯佩爾特小麥 穀物 60 240 300 40.00 160.00 200.00
Grid turnip.png 大頭菜 蔬菜 100 150 N/A 100.00 150.00 N/A
Grid parsnip.png 歐防風 蔬菜 100 150 N/A 50.00 75.00 N/A
Grid rice.png 稻米 穀物 60 280 330 40.00 186.67 211.85
Grid rye.png 黑麥 穀物 60 240 300 36.00 144.00 183.33
Soybean.png 大豆 蛋白質 150* 240 N/A 81.82 130.91 N/A
Grid amaranth.png 莧米 穀物 60 240 300 20.00 80.00 100.00
Cassava.png 木薯(浸泡過)* 蔬菜 100 120 N/A 35.71 42.86 N/A
Dried cassava.png 木薯(干的) 穀物 N/A N/A 300 N/A N/A 106.67
Legume-peanut.png 花生 蛋白質 160 N/A N/A 73.85 N/A N/A
Pineapple.png 菠蘿 水果 320* 480* N/A 6.67 10.00 N/A
Grid sunflower.png 葵花 穀物 60 240 300 48.00 192.00 234.23
Grid pumpkin.png 南瓜 蔬菜 480* 720* N/A 102.86 154.28 N/A
Grid cabbage.png 捲心菜 蔬菜 300 450 N/A 46.15 69.23 N/A
  • 大豆不能生吃,但可以醃製,醃製過後可以食用。
  • 木薯在摘下時無法生吃,必須在木桶中密封后用刀去皮,才能食用。
  • 菠蘿和南瓜無法整個使用,也無法煮熟。它們必須用刀切成薄片,每個能切為4份,每個擁有整個果實25%的飽腹感。
  • 南瓜的生長數量差別很大, 但經過社區成員的實驗,每顆南瓜大概能長出1.5個果實(大概能長出2.5個果實,但其中一個被用於製作種子)。上面的數字也反映了這一點。


  • 在 1.19.0-rc.1 版本中, 高肥力土壤會自然生成在世界上, 而黑土只能通過製作獲得。 [1] 1.19版本中的黑土造價比1.18中的高肥力土壤更為昂貴。


  • 建議在長途探索過程中收集所有野生作物,無論其是否成熟,尤其是玩家不會再經過同一地區時。




1.13 及以後版本的改動說明。 南瓜的詳細說明


  1. "調整: 黑土不會在世界中生成,取而代之的是高肥力土壤。黑土作為最高肥力的土壤,現在只能在合成欄中製作。 然而,製作黑土除了需要堆肥外,還需要木炭和骨粉。配方中可以包含高肥力土壤,這樣會增加黑土的產量" Official Devlog

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