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Shelves and Display Cases being used.

Containers are used to store items or liquids and come in a variety of different types. Stationary containers must be placed before use. Portable containers, also known as bags, increase inventory slots. Meal containers are related to meals and food. Liquid containers store liquids.

Stationary containers

Stationary containers can be transported when empty. They must be placed before items can be added and cannot be transported with items inside. Stationary containers such as baskets, chests, tool racks and shelves are crafted using the grid crafting mechanic. Pottery containers are crafted using the clay forming mechanic.

Storage containers

Image Item Name Details
Reed chest.png Reed chest A reed basket is made from 24 cattails and has 8 slots.
Golden treasure chest.png Treasure Chest The treasure chest cannot be crafted, but can be found in ruins or brought from Traders . Has 4 slots.
Grid Aged reed basket.png Aged reed basket An aged reed basket cannot be crafted, and has 8 slots. It is found in ruins .
Grid Chest.png Chest A chest is made from 8 boards and 1 nails and strips and has 16 slots.
Trunk-east.png Trunk A trunk is made from 2 chests and has 36 slots.
Grid Tool rack.png Tool rack A tool rack is made from 6 sticks and has spaces for 4 tools.
Grid Tool mold rack.png Vertical rack A vertical rack is made from sticks and boards and can hold up to 5 tool molds, weapon molds or shields. Similar to the tool rack it needs to be placed against a wall.
Grid shelf.png Shelf A shelf is made from planks and holds 8 fired clay items including crucibles, food crocks, and bowls. A shelf can also hold other items like shoes, ingots, crystals, honey combs, rusty gears or fuel and ore bits - like charcoal or copper chunks. The shelf can also hold food items like bread and meat directly - although those will rot on a shelf just like normal, and leave behind oddly formed rot shapes.

Additionally, a shelf is the only place that can be used for cheese ripening.

Display case.png Display Case A display case is made from glass and boards and can hold up to 4 items, each in a separate slot. Similar to the shelf, the items will be displayed visibly. Excluding the clay items, display cases can hold the same types of items as a shelf.
Bookshelf-2row1col.png Bookshelf A bookshelf is made from and boards that is used to place and stored books. It's contents will be seen similar to the shelf, has 4 different types.
Grid Crate.png Crate A Crate allows to store a single type of item in great quantities. The amount that can be stored varies depending on the wood the crate is made from.

Meal containers

Food storage containers are those that either hold meals , or provide a reduction in food decay. Crocks and clay pots hold meals, where as storage vessels simply provide bonuses to food items contained in them.

Image Item Name Details
Crock.png Crock Pottery vessel that holds 4 meal portions, but may also be used to store pickled veggies. The crock may be used to transport food items in a player's inventory, stored in stationary containers, or placed on solid blocks and shelves. They provide a bonus to the shelf lives of foods in them, which can be further improved by sealing the crock with animal fat or bees wax.
Claypot-burned.png Clay pot Pottery vessel that holds up to 6 meal portions. Primarily used to cook meals but may still be used to store them. They do not provide the bonus that crocks do.
Storagevessel-burned.png Storage Vessel Pottery vessel with 12 slots for items. They provide spoil speed multipliers of 75% to veggies and 50% to grains. This bonus stacks with those provided by a cellar .
Decorated storage vessels may be purchased from traders or looted from ruins .

Liquid containers

Image Item Name Capacity
Barrel.png Barrel 50 Litres
Grid Woodbucket.png Wooden bucket 10 Litres
Bowl-burned.png Bowl 1 Litre
Jug-blue-fired.png Jug 3 Litres

Portable containers

See also Bag

Portable containers, also known as bags, add additional player inventory slots. To expand player inventory, place containers in the four container slots located on the right side of the hotbar slots, and include basket shadows. The additional inventory slots provided by each container will appear to the left of the crafting grid in the order in which the containers are placed in the container slots. Different types of portable containers can be placed in different container slots.

They can be placed on the ground, with a spoilage rate equivalent to being in your inventory.

Unequipping containers

When a container is removed from the extended inventory slots in the hotbar, the content inside will remain in the container. Only empty containers can be placed inside inventory slots. Be sure to move the content from the container before removing or sharing it.

Stacking placeable items

Some items such as metal ingots, planks, peat bricks, firewood can be stacked on solid blocks. This can be practical and decorative because stacked items are easier to compared to items in chests. Charcoal can also be stacked, but the blocks are gravity affected like sand. Also, molds, bowls, and pots may be placed on solid blocks.

Terrain Rawclay blue.pngClayGrid Cob.pngCobGrid Gravel Granite.pngGravelPeat-none.pngPeatGrid Granite sand.pngSandGrid Barren low fertility soil.pngSoil (Packed dirt.pngPacked dirt)
Stone Grid Granite cobblestone.pngCobblestone (Cobbleskull-granite.pngCobble skull) • Ember.pngEmberRock-obsidian.pngObsidianMantle.pngMantleGrid Rock granite.pngRocks (Rock-claystone.pngSedimentaryRock-whitemarble.pngMetamorphicRock-andesite.pngIgneousCrackedrock-granite.pngCracked) • Stalagsection-granite-04.pngStalagmite
Ore Ore-alum-conglomerate.pngAlumOre-anthracite-conglomerate.pngAnthraciteOre-bituminouscoal-conglomerate.pngBlack coalOre-medium-bismuthinite-granite.pngBismuthiniteOre-borax-conglomerate.pngBoraxOre-medium-cassiterite-granite.pngCassiteriteOre-medium-chromite-granite.pngChromiteOre-cinnabar-granite.pngCinnabarOre-medium-nativecopper-granite.pngNative CopperOre-corundum-phyllite.pngCorundumOre-fluorite-conglomerate.pngFluoriteOre-medium-galena-claystone.pngGalenaOre-graphite-phyllite.pngGraphiteOre-sylvite-halite.pngHaliteOre-medium-hematite-granite.pngHematiteOre-medium-ilmenite-granite.pngIlmeniteOre-kernite-conglomerate.pngKerniteOre-lapislazuli-limestone.pngLapis lazuliOre-lignite-conglomerate.pngBrown coalOre-medium-limonite-chert.pngLimoniteOre-medium-magnetite-conglomerate.pngMagnetiteOre-medium-malachite-limestone.pngMalachiteMeteorite-iron.pngMeteoric ironOre-medium-pentlandite-granite.pngPentlanditeOre-phosphorite-conglomerate.pngPhosphoriteOre-quartz-granite.pngQuartzOre-medium-rhodochrosite-conglomerate.pngRhodochrositeOre-medium-sphalerite-granite.pngSphaleriteOre-sulfur-conglomerate.pngSulfurOre-medium-uranium-granite.pngUranium
Plants Bamboo-placed-green-segment1.pngBambooBerrybush red currant ripe.pngBerry bushSaguarocactus-topflowering.pngCactusFlax-Normal9.pngCropsTallgrass-tall.pngGrassTallfern.pngFernFlower-californiapoppy.pngFlowersHay-normal.pngHayGrid mushroom bolete.pngMushroomHanginglichen-lace-bottom.pngLace lichenLeaves-placed-oak.pngLeavesLog-oak.pngLogGrid Cattail tops.pngReedSapling-oak.pngSaplingSeaweed-top.pngSeaweedWaterlily.pngWaterlilyWildvine-section.pngWild vine
Liquids Glacierice.pngIceLava-still-7.pngLavaSnowblock.pngSnow blockWater-still-7.pngWater
Miscellaneous Quartz-ornate.pngAncient segmentBonyremains-ribcage.pngBony ribcageCarcass-medium.pngCarcassEgg-chicken-3.pngChicken eggCrystal-amethyst-large2.pngCrystalGlowworms-base1-short.pngGlow wormsLocustnest-cage.pngLocust nestLooseboulders-granite.pngLoose bouldersLooseflints-granite-free.pngLoose flintLooseores-nativecopper-granite.pngLoose oreLoosestick-free.pngLoose stickLootvessel.pngCracked vesselMetalpartpile-large.pngPile of junk metalSeashell-volute-cinnamon.pngSea shellGrid Granite stone.pngStonesTermitemound-granite-medium.pngTermite moundWildbeehive-large.pngWild bee hive
Structural Debarkedlog oak.pngDebarked logGrid Drystone granite.pngDrystoneGlass-plain.pngGlass (Glasspane-leaded-oak.pngGlass panes) • Hardenedclay-blue.pngHardened clayMetalblock-copper.pngMetal blockMudbrick-light.pngMudbricksPlanks-oak.pngPlanksPlaster-diagonal.pngPlasterGrid Polished Granite.pngPolished rockRefractorybricks-good-tier1.pngRefractory brickSlantedroofing-thatch.pngRoofingClayshingleblock-blue.pngShingle blockPlankslab-oak.pngSlabPlankstairs-oak.pngStairsGrid Granite Brick Block.pngStone brickStrewn straw.pngStrewn strawSupportbeam-oak.pngSupport beamStatictranslocator-broken.pngTranslocator
Decorative Mediumcarpet-black-ns.pngCarpetChair-plain.pngChairChandelier-candle8.pngChandelierClaybrickchimney-fire.pngClay brick chimneyDisplaycase.pngDisplay caseDrystonefence-granite.pngDry stone fenceRoughhewnfence-oak.pngFenceFlowerpot-burnt.pngFlowerpotLinen-normal-down.pngLinenPainting-castleruin.pngPaintingClayplanter-burnt.pngPlanterPlaque-fancy-copper-wall-north.pngPlaqueSign.pngSignSignpost.pngSignpostStonecoffinlid-granite.pngStone coffinStonepath.pngStone pathWallpaper-lightgreen.pngWallpaperWoodenpath.pngWooden path
Lighting Torch-basic-lit.pngTorchTorchholder-brass.pngTorch holder
Storage Barrel.pngBarrelBookshelves-ns.pngBookshelfCrock-burned-east.pngCrockCurdbundle.pngCurd bundleJug-blue-fired.pngJugShelf.pngShelfStoragevessel-burned.pngStorage vesselToolrack.pngTool rackMoldrack.pngVertical rackGrid Woodbucket.pngWooden bucket
Functional Anvil-copper.pngAnvilArchimedesscrew-straight.pngArchimedes screwArmorstand.pngArmor standBasereturnteleporter.pngBase return teleporterBed-wood-head-north.pngBedBloomerybase.pngBloomery base (Bloomerychimney.pngBloomery chimney) • Verticalboiler.pngBoilerBowl-burned.pngBowlClayoven.pngClay ovenCondenser.pngCondenserChute-straight.pngChuteClaypot-burned.pngCooking potCrucible-burned.pngCrucibleDoor-plank.pngDoorFarmland-dry-medium.pngFarmlandRoughhewnfencegate-oak.pngFence gateFruitpress.pngFruit pressForge.pngForgeHenbox-empty.pngHenboxIngotmold-burned.pngIngot moldLadder-wood.pngLadderLightningrod.pngLightning rodQuern-granite.pngQuernResonator-north.pngResonatorRiftward.pngRift wardSkep-empty-east.pngSkepStrawdummy.pngStraw dummyTable-normal.pngTableCorpsereturnteleporter.pngTerminus teleporterToolmold-burned-pickaxe.pngTool moldTrapdoor-closed.pngTrapdoorTrough-genericwood-large.pngTrough
Mechanical Grid Angled Gears.pngAngled gearGrid Brake.pngBrakeGrid Clutch.pngClutchHelvehammerbase.pngHelve hammer baseLargegear.pngLarge wooden gearPulverizerframe.pngPulverizerGrid Transmission.pngTransmissionWindmillrotor.pngWindmill rotorWoodenaxle-ud.pngWooden axleWoodentoggle.pngWooden toggle
Creative only Commandblock.pngCommand blockCreativeblock-0.pngCreative blocksCreativeglow-32.pngCreative glowsCreativeglow-32.pngCreative lightsCreativerotor.pngCreative rotorPaperlantern-off.pngPaper lanternTeleporterbase.pngTeleporter base
Unused/Unreleased Altar.pngAltarStove-lit.pngStoveWorkbench.pngWorkbench

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