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Revision as of 19:45, 6 January 2024 by Saricane (talk | contribs)
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Grid Coke.png
Stackable 64
Temperature 1340°C
Duration 40 s

El coque es una fuente de combustible que puede producirse refinando carbón.

Fuenta de combustible

El coque no es una fuente de combustible natural, sino que puede fabricarse quemando carbón en un entorno hermético.
Tanto el coque como el carbón vegetal son fuentes de carbono aceptadas para el proceso de Fabricación de acero, por lo que el coque proporciona una fuente de combustible alternativa, pero por lo demás no es ni mejor ni peor que el carbón vegetal.

Coke Making

To produce coke, the player needs a specific coke oven that can be build using either fire clay bricks or refractory bricks of any tier. Note that none of the blocks will take damage in the process, regardless of their heat resistance. Depending on how much fire clay or other materials the player has, it might be more efficient to build out of fire clay bricks or out of refractory bricks.
Furthermore, the oven needs to be closed by a coke oven door, which is a smaller iron door.

Brown coal (lignite) or black coal (bituminous) can be used in the oven to make coke. While both take the same amount of time to process, a full stack of brown coal will only yield 8 coke, while an equal amount of black coal will yield 12 coke.
To start the process, simply layer coal in the oven, ignite with a torch and close the coke oven door. Smoke will start rising from the middle block of the structure, similar to the smoke created above a charcoal pit. Note that it might take a few seconds until the smoke starts showing up. Close the door, as the coal will not transform if the door is left open.

Estructura del horno

La estructura del horno debe tener un tamaño exacto de 3x3x3 bloques, dejando abierto el bloque del centro. Debe dejarse una abertura lateral para la puerta del horno de coque.
Es posible que dos coquerías (o más) compartan una pared.

Lista de compras

Para construir una estructura de horno de coque, el jugador necesita los siguientes elementos :

  • Una puerta de horno de coque = 4 lingotes de hierro, aunque se recomienda fabricarla a partir de 2 planchas para facilitar la herrería.
  • Si se usan ladrillos de arcilla refractaria: 832 arcilla refractaria que son exactamente 13 pilas, así como 26 mortero.
  • Si se utilizan ladrillos refractarios: 412 de arcilla refractaria, que son unas seis pilas y media, así como 26 de mortero. Para más detalles sobre la fabricación de ladrillos refractarios, véase Fabricación de acero.

Video Tutoriales

How to build a coke oven & produce coke

Resources Beeswax.pngBeeswaxBlastingpowder.pngBlasting powderBone.pngBoneBonemeal.pngBonemealCandle.pngCandleCattailtops.pngCattailsCharcoal.pngCharcoalClay-blue.pngClayRawbrick-fire.pngClay bricksClearquartz.pngClear quartzCloth-plain.pngClothCoke.pngCokeCompost.pngCompostCrushed-quartz.pngCrushed resourcesDrygrass.pngDry grassEgg-chicken.pngEggFat.pngFatFeather.pngFeatherFirewood.pngFirewoodFlaxfibers.pngFlax fibersFlaxtwine.pngFlax twineFlint.pngFlintGem-emerald-rough.pngGemsHerbbundle-basil.pngHerb bundlesHide-raw-large.pngHidesHoneycomb.pngHoneycombLargegearsection.pngLarge gear sectionLeather-plain.pngLeatherLime.pngLimeMortar.pngMortarPaper-parchment.pngParchmentPapyrustops.pngPapyrusPlank-oak.pngPlanksPotash.pngPotashQuicklime.pngQuicklimeRefractorybrick-fired-tier1.pngRefractory brickResin.pngResinSail.pngSailSewingkit.pngSewing kitShingle-burned-blue.pngShinglesStick.pngStickStone-granite.pngStonesStonebrick-granite.pngStone bricksInsect-termite.pngTermites
Metal Metalbit-iron.pngMetal BitsMetalchain-iron.pngChainsIngot-iron.pngIngotsNightvisionupgrades-nightvisionlens1.pngJonas partsMetallamellae-iron.pngLamellaeMetal-scraps.pngMetal scrapsMetal-parts.pngMetal partsMetalbit-iron.pngNuggetsOre-bountiful-nativecopper-basalt.pngOrePadlock-iron.pngPadlocksMetalplate-iron.pngPlatesPoundercap-iron.pngPounder capsGear-rusty.pngRusty gearMetalscale-iron.pngScalesScrapweaponkit.pngScrap weapon kitSolderbar.pngSolder barGear-temporal.pngTemporal gearPickaxehead-iron.pngTool heads
Seeds Cattailroot.pngCattail rootSeeds-flax.pngCrop seedsPapyrusroot.pngPapyrus rootTreeseed-oak.pngTree seeds
Tools Axe-copper.pngAxeChisel-copper.pngChiselCleaver-copper.pngCleaverFirestarter.pngFirestarterHammer-copper.pngHammerHelvehammer-bismuthbronze.pngHelve hammerHoe-copper.pngHoeInkandquill.pngInk and quillKnife-copper.pngKnifeOreblastingbomb.pngOre blasting bombPickaxe-copper.pngPickaxePlumbandsquare.pngPlumb and SquareProspectingpick-copper.pngProspecting pickSaw-iron.pngSawScythe-copper.pngScytheShears-copper.pngShearsShovel-copper.pngShovelSieve-linen.pngSieveSolderingiron.pngSoldering ironTongs.pngTongsPan-wooden.pngWooden panWrench-copper.pngWrench
Weapons Arrow-flint.pngArrowBeenade-opened.pngBeenadeBow-simple.pngBowBlade-falx-copper.pngFalxSword-copper.pngSwordSpear-copper.pngSpearSling.pngSlingSpear-hacking.pngTuning spear
Transport Glider.pngGliderBoat-raft-pine.pngRaftOar-crude-pine.pngCrude oar
Miscellaneous Book-normal-brickred.pngBookOmoktabletop.pngGame of OmokTuningcylinder-1.pngTuning cylinder
Creative only Stackrandomizer-ingot.pngStack randomizers

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