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Un Martinete es una herramienta utilizada para trabajar el hierro en lingotes sobre un yunque en herrería, así como para fabricar placas de metal.


Un martinete utilizable se compone tanto del propio martillo como de la estructura que lo rodea: la base del martinete y la palanca. Si es necesario, se puede utilizar un freno o un sistema de transmisión y embrague para detener el martinete.

A useable helve hammer comprises of both the actual hammer, as well as the structure around it - the helve hammer base and toggle. Optionally, a brake or a transmission & clutch setup can be used to stop the helve hammer if necessary.


La materia prima utilizada para crear el cabezal de la herramienta determina el proceso artesanal necesario:

  • Fundición (300 unidades): Aleación de Bronce
  • Herrería (2 lingotes): Hierro, Aleación de Bronce

The raw material used to create the tool head determines the crafting process required:

A diferencia de otros martillos, el martinete no tiene durabilidad, por lo que el material utilizado para fabricar la cabeza no tiene ningún efecto en la herrería. Los posibles metales para la cabeza del martinete son los siguientes:

Bronce de estaño
Bismuth Bronze
Black Bronze
Tin Bronze
Bismuth Bronze
Black Bronze

Después de crear el cabezal de la herramienta, hay que montar el martinete en la grilla de fabricación:

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Helve hammer head
8x Tablas

Tin bronze helve hammer head

Oak Board

Oak Board

Tin bronze helve hammer

Oak Board

Oak Board

Oak Board

Oak Board

Base de martinete e Interruptor de madera

La base del martinete sujeta a el martinete, mientras que el interruptor conecta el brazo del martillo al circuito de alimentación.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Martillo
1x Cincel
3x Tablas
1x Resina

Copper hammer

Copper Chisel

Oak board

Oak board


Oak board

Helve hammer base

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Martillo
1x Cincel
8x Tablas
1x Energía mecánica
4x Resina
1x Grasa

Copper hammer

Oak board

Copper Chisel

Wooden Axle



Oak board

wooden toggle

Oak board

Oak board



Oak board

Oak board

Freno, Transmisión & Embrague (opcional)

Un freno puede utilizarse para detener completamente un tren de potencia. Una transmisión, en cambio, interrumpe un tren de potencia temporalmente o separa dos partes del tren. Para utilizar una transmisión, es necesario colocar un embrague a su lado, que funciona de forma similar al freno.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Martillo
1x Cincel
1x Tronco
1x Energía mecánica
2x Resina

Copper hammer

Copper Chisel

Oak log

Wooden Axle





Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Cincel
8x Tablas
2x Energía mecánica
2x Resina
1x Grasa

Copper hammer

Angled Gears


Copper Chisel

Oak board


Copper Saw

Angled Gears




Oak board

Oak board

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Martillo
1x Sierra
1x Cincel
8x Tablas
8x Palo
1x Tronco
2x Resina
2x Grasa

Copper hammer

Oak board


Copper Chisel

Oak log


Copper Saw



Oak board

Oak board








El martinete es la principal herramienta utilizada en la herrería mecanizada, y se emplea para automatizar procesos como el trabajo de horneado de hierro y la fabricación de planchas de metal.
Consulta la página Energía mecánica para obtener más información sobre la generación de energía y los trenes de potencia.

The helve hammer is used for automated smithing , and is used to automate processes such as working iron blooms and making metal plates. The helve hammer can only be used to process iron blooms into ingots, and to produce iron plates. Helve hammers can also repair iron blooms that are missing voxels due to user error.

Manejo manual

El martillo helicoidal no puede utilizarse sin enería mecánica, ni puede sustituir al martillo en la grilla de fabricación.

The helve hammer cannot be used without mechanical power, nor can it substitute for the hammer in grid crafting.

Funcionamiento automatizado

Los martinetes requieren energía mecánica para funcionar correctamente, y pueden ser bastante exigentes para la configuración de potencia. Para más información sobre la generación de energía y los trenes de potencia, véase Energía Mecánica. Con una dotación completa de aspas, el martinete funcionará, aunque lentamente, a velocidades de viento tan bajas como el 30%.

Helve hammers require mechanical power to run properly, and can be quite taxing for the power setup. For more info on power generation & power trains, see mechanical power . With a full complement of sails, the helve hammer will function, albeit slowly, at wind speeds as low as 30%.

  • Power Input: The helve hammer must be powered by connecting the incoming axle on the left or right of the toggle and cannot be powered by connecting the axle to the top or bottom of the machine.
  1. The helve hammer base should be placed with the long arm of the triangular support and crossbeam facing the direction the player intends to place the hammer. The sloped sides of the base are the back of the block, and the helve hammer will further place directionally. An anvil needs to be placed three blocks away from the base in the same direction, so be sure to have enough free space in front the base.
  2. The toggle must be placed adjacent to the helve hammer base, at the upward sloping side towards the anvil. The toggle places sideways, be sure to orient the toggle such that the square frames continue the frame of the helve hammer base. The input axle cannot be placed on the frameless sides of this block.
  3. Then add the helve hammer itself onto the base. When placed correctly, the helve hammer will snap with the toggle and should rest on the anvil when not in use. When placed on the base, the helve hammer requires two blocks to move freely through its arc.
  4. The brake (optional) can be placed on the opposite side of the axle leading into the base. It can be used to completely stop the whole power train the helve hammer is connected to.
  5. A transmission and clutch setup (optional) can be used as a temporary brake or to separate the helve hammer from the rest of the power train. The transmission needs to be placed between the helve hammer toggle and the power input, functioning as an interrupted axle. The clutch can then be placed on its side - only when the clutch is engaged with a right click will the transmission actually transfer power. This setup is especially helpful when working with low power input or a complicated power train, as it allows to disengage the power-intensive helve hammer from the rest of the train if needed.
  • Material Input: Blooms or ingots need to be placed by hand on top of an anvil placed under the helve hammer's head. They need to be heated to the appropriate temperature, just as if smithing by hand - however, with high wind power, the helve hammer will potentially take less time then manual smithing would.
  • Material Output: Processed items will simply fall off the anvil after they are finished. Since there is no way to automate the Input, there is no profit in automating the Output, as is possible for instance for the quern .


El martinete tiene un alcance de 3m, pero no tiene potencia de ataque, por lo que no puede utilizarse en combate.

While the helve hammer has a 3m range, it has no attack power stat and can therefore not be used in combat.


A diferencia de otras herramientas, el martinete no puede colocarse en un soporte de herramientas. Los martillos helve no se apilan en el inventario ni cuando se colocan en contenedores.

Unlike other tools, the helve hammer cannot be placed on a tool rack . Helve hammers do not stack in inventory or when placed in containers.

See also


Fully assembled helve hammer with optionnal transmission, clutch and brake

Ores, metals and minerals
Guides Ore Deposits Metals
Metals Copper Iron Meteoric iron Gold Silver Lead Tin Zinc Bismuth Titanium (Ilmenite) Nickel
Alloys Bronze (Tin bronze, bismuth bronze, black bronze) • Steel Brass Solder (Lead solder, Silver solder) • Molybdochalkos Cupronickel Electrum
Minerals Alum Borax Cinnabar Coal Halite (Salt) Lapis lazuli Quartz Saltpeter Sulfur Sylvite (Potash)
Tools Pickaxe Hammer Prospecting Pick Crucible Forge Ore blasting bomb Quern Anvil Bloomery Helve hammer Pulverizer
Other Gemstones
Related mechanics Panning Mining Clay forming Casting Smithing Steel making

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