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Un repas, dans Vintage Story, est un objet de type nourriture consommable, élaboré en cuisant divers ingrédients dans une marmite .

Ragoût de viande rouge aux carottes bouillies.


Tous les repas doivent être préparés dans une marmite chauffée dans le foyer . Les repas peuvent être confectionnés à partir d'un mélange d'ingrédients, mais toujours en respectant des recettes bien définies, afin que le jeu les reconnaisse en tant que repas valide. Certaines recettes demandent également que les ingrédients soient introduits dans la marmite dans un ordre précis. Les ingrédients peuvent être ajoutés en quantités multiples, afin d'obtenir des plusieurs rations en une même cuisson, jusqu'à un maximum de 6 rations.

Si le contenu de la marmite est valide en tant que recette connue, l'interface du foyer détaillera le nom du plat obtenu en haut de la fenêtre. De plus, une animation du couvercle de la marmite et un bruit de chaudron bouillonnant sont activés.

Certain foods that cannot be eaten raw, such as soybeans and cassava , can be used to cook meals.

Types of meals

A hefty vegetable stew made with four ingredients.

Every meal uses one or more types of ingredient as its basis, which must occupy certain slots in the cooking pot in order to register as a valid meal. These ingredient types include foods such as vegetables , mushrooms , meat or grain .

Meals are named after the ingredients used to produce them. The name format is generally in the following form:

(Hefty/Hearty) [Ingredient 1]-[Ingredient 2] [meal type] with [ingredient 3] and [ingredient 4] garnish/topping

Meals that have three different primary ingredients are called "hearty" meals, while meals with four different primary ingredients are called "hefty" meals. For example, a vegetable stew made with onion, turnip and carrot would be called "Hearty onion-turnip stew with carrot garnish", while a vegetable stew with onion, turnip, carrot and cabbage would be "Hefty onion-turnip stew with carrot and cabbage garnish". Honey , if added as an optional ingredient, is called a "topping".

The names are purely descriptive and have no additional impact on a meal's effects.


Once a meal is cooked it will be stored in the cooking pot. In order to actually eat the meal, players must place down the pot containing the meal on a block (leaving it on the firepit will also work) and use an equipped bowl on the cooking pot to fill the bowl with a single portion. The player can then eat that portion of the meal.

The satiety of a meal is the total satiety of all its ingredients. Once a player consumes a meal, it will halt satiety loss for a short time, meaning that the player needs to eat less food overall. Specifically, for every 100 satiety granted by meals, the hunger bar will stop increasing for 30 seconds.

Meals can also be placed into crocks to preserve them. To do so, equip the crock and use it on the cooking pot or bowl containing the meal. Preserved crocks can then be sealed with fat and placed in a cellar to further extend their shelf life.


  • Before version 1.18.0, soybeans and peanuts could not be used as the primary ingredients of vegetable stew, only as an add-on.
  • Until version 1.18.0 verify? the maximum serving size of all meals was four.

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