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A windmill is a multi-block structure used to harness wind and transform it into mechanical power. Currently, wind power can be used to automate querns , helve hammers , and pulverizers . Out of these, only the quern can be used manually, without any need for mechanical power.

Éolienne simple prolongeant une maison.

Considerations for the Structure


A structure with sufficient height and clearance is needed to accommodate the sails, the power train, and associated equipment e.g. quern, helve hammer, etc. Sails too low to the ground may not receive enough wind speed to generate any wind power, likewise, a structure with insufficient clearance might deter the sails from rotating correctly. A windmill can be added onto existing structures as long as it meets the previously mentioned qualifications.

Height and Location

The location and height of the structure can also affect the amount of power generated. On a technical level, wind speed varies from region to region and is linearly interpolated between the 4 nearest weather regions, for a given block location. Windspeed will increase by 1% per block above your world's sea level + 10. So if you have a standard world of 256 height, your sea level will be 110. At Y-level 121, you will get 1% additional wind speed. The maximum bonus is 50%. Conversely, wind speeds below sea level are reduced 50% at 4 blocks below and 66% at 8 blocks below, rapidly decreasing towards 100% reduction. Note that wind speeds will naturally vary at times and there may be no wind at all at other times.


To create a windmill, a player needs:

Windmill rotor

The mechanism that supports the rotating sails. Each windmill requires one rotor to work, and each rotor can support up to 5 sets of sails.

Ingrédients Recette
1x hammer +
1x chisel +
2x log +
1x resin +
1x fat









Set of Sails

The wind-catching part that allows for the generation and harness of wind power. Each set of sails will increase the power output by 25% and require one full block of clearance. If the sails do not have space to move freely, they will break and fall to the ground below.
Ingrédients Recette
6x sticks +
4x linen

Sails are constructed in sets, with one set containing four sails, that means each set takes:

Sails 1 set 2 sets 3 sets 4 sets max 5 sets
Sticks 6 12 18 24 30
Linen 4 8 12 16 20

Wooden Axles

Used to transmit the wind power in a straight line. These may be placed vertically or horizontally in any of the cardinal directions.

Ingrédients Recette
1x hammer +
1x chisel +
1x log +
1x fat








Angled Gears

Allows the mechanical power to make a right angle turn by connecting a horizontal axle to a vertical one. Usually optional, but often needed depending on the design of the power train.

Ingrédients Recette
1x Hammer
1x Saw
2x Stick
1x Chisel
1x Resin
1x Log
1x Fat










<translation>1. Angled Gears. 2. Wooden Axle. 3. Rotor with Sails</translation>

Building the Windmill

The windmill requires at least 5 blocks of vertical space between the rotor and the ground or any other solid block to accommodate a full complement of 5 sets of Sails.

    Place one wooden axle on the top or side of the building you’re planning on turning into a windmill. It’s recommended this be the first part you place since it will help keep the rotor suspended outside the building while attaching it to the axle. This suspended rotor will provide the space needed for the sails to rotate adequately.
  Next, sails are added to the rotor in sets of four (one for each windmill blade), with the maximum adding up to 20 sails in total.
  Once this setup is complete all that’s left is direct the mechanical power where you want it, using axles to extend it, and angled gears to turn in a right angle if need be.

For power train designs, please see mechanical power .

Video Tutorials

How To Build A Windmill & Automate a Quern.

Minerais, métaux et minéraux
Guides Gisements de minerais Métaux
Métaux Cuivre Fer Fer météorique Or Argent Plomb Étain Zinc Bismuth Titane
Alliages Bronze (bronze-étain, bronze-bismuth, bronze noir) • Acier Laiton Soudure (soudure au plomb, soudure à l'argent) • Cuproplomb Cupronickel Électrum
Minéraux Alun Borax Cinabre Charbon Halite (sel) Lapis-lazuli Quartz Salpêtre Soufre Sylvine (potasse)
Outils Pioche Marteau Pioche de prospecteur Creuset Forge Bombe d'extraction de minerai Meule Enclume Bas fourneau Marteau à bascule Pulvérisateur
Autre Gemmes
Mécanique associée Orpaillage Minage Modelage d'argile Fonderie Forge Fabrication de l'acier

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