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Génération Naturelle

Certaines essences d'arbres sont endogènes de certains climats. Les bambous, acacias, fromagers et peltogyne peuvent être trouvés près de l'équateur, mais pas dans les régions froides.

Le mélèze se rencontre dans les régions froides ou en haute montagne. Il existe une grande variété d'arbres pouvant apparaître dans le monde. Certains d'entre eux peuvent même pousser naturellement sous une forme géante, comme les chênes. Gardez toutefois à l'esprit que ces variantes géantes ne peuvent pas être replantées, elles n'apparaissent que lors de la génération du monde (à l'exception des séquoias). Planter 4 graines en carré de 2x2 ne produira pas une variante géante de l'arbre ordinaire.

Arbre Bûche Bloc de planches Température min Température max Pluie min Pluie max Hauteur min
Acacia     28 40 80 140 0.0
Cyprès chauve     15 24 180 255 0.3
Bambou vert     34 40 170 235
Bambou brun     29 37 170 235
Bouleau     0 22 65 255 0.0
Érable royal cramoisi     8 9 110 130 0.15
Ébène     28 40 100 140 0.0
Cyprès commun   Sans objet*. 8 22 30 90 0.0
Fromager     25 40 185 255 0.0
Mélèze     -17 -3 100 255 0.0
Érable     0 20 95 180 0.0
Chêne     2 22 95 170 0.0
Pin     -18 12 50 150 0.4
Peltogyne     27 40 185 255 0.0
Séquoia       14 18 180 255 0.0
Noyer     6 22 95 170 0.0


Les arbres et les bambous se multiplient en semant leurs graines. Une fois semées sur n'importe quel sol , les graines mettent 1 jour pour devenir des plantules, puis de 5 à 28 jours pour devenir un nouvel arbre ou bambou, moyennant que les conditions météorologiques soient idéales. Lors de la récolte, les arbres et les bambous produisent rarement des graines. Pour en récolter plus, il suffit de casser au préalable le feuillage (à la main ou avec une cisaille, plus efficace) avant abattage. En mode survie, la vitesse de pousse des arbres est réglée sur 2x la durée normale.

Cas particuliers

Quelques variantes d'arbres sont générées lors de la création du monde, comme les chênes ou les fromagers géants. Ces arbres spéciaux ne peuvent pas être plantés par les joueurs.

Essences d'arbres

Arbre Temps de croissance ± 1 jour
(à partir du plantule)
Graine Plantule Bûche Bloc de planches Espace optimal requis Production moyenne de graines
Acacia 5-9 Days         Needs 6 or more blocks of space around.
Leaves tend to spread along a branch in one direction.
Flat treetop.
Branchy leaves: 12%
Non-branchy leaves: 5%
Bald cypress 5-9 Days         About 1 block distance between seeds.
Straight trunk, with extruding branches.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%
Bamboo 5-9 Days             Needs a bit of space per shoot,
with each growing into its own cluster of bamboo stakes.
At least 3 blocks in each direction.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%
Birch 5-9 Days         About 2-3 blocks distance between seeds.
Bushy treetop or leaves starting directly one above ground.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%
Crimson King maple 5-9 Days         Needs 4-5 blocks distance between seeds.
Identical to the Maple, but has crimson leaves.
Branchy leaves: 3.25%
Non-branchy leaves: 1%
Ebony 26-30 Days         About 3 blocks distance between seeds.
Leaves are clustered around its logs.
Branchy leaves: 1%
Non-branchy leaves: 0.4%
Greenspire cypress 5-9 Days       Not possible*. 1 block distance between seeds.
Completely vertical tree composing of leaves, with the occasional trunk.
Leaves: 16%
Kapok 5-9 Days         4-5 blocks of distance between seeds.
Very bushy treetop.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%
Larch 5-9 Days         2 blocks of distance between seeds.
Low hanging leaves starting directly one above ground.
Branchy leaves: 2.5%
Non-branchy leaves: 1%
Maple 5-9 Days         Needs 4-5 blocks distance between seeds.
Bushy treetop or leaves starting directly one above ground.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%
Oak 5-9 Days         About 5 blocks distance in each direction.
Very bushy treetop.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non branchy leaves: 2%
Pine 5-9 Days         Distance of just 1 block between seeds is enough.
Doesn't need a lot of space.
Branchy leaves: 12%
Non-branchy leaves: 5%
Purpleheart 22-26 Days         At least 4 blocks between seeds.
Bushy treetop.
Branchy leaves: 1%
Non-branchy leaves: 0.4%
Redwood 25-45 Days           At least 7 blocks between seeds.
Trunk is 2x2, with a large canopy.
Branchy leaves: 0.4%
Non-branchy leaves: 0.2%
Walnut 12-16 Days         At least 3 blocks between seeds.
Bushy treetop.
Branchy leaves: 5%
Non-branchy leaves: 2%

* Greenspire cypress log, when broken, only drops firewood .


When the player needs wood, trees are best harvested using an axe .
When the player needs sticks or seeds, the foliage of the tree should be broken first. Breaking leaves with shears harvests foliage blocks in a 3x3 area. A pair of shears does not itself raise the drop probability for saplings; however they allow faster harvesting than breaking every block by hand. Keep in mind that felling the tree with an axe without prior de-leaving will lower the drop chances of seeds for the remaining foliage. When the player wants saplings, wait for a seed to grow into a sapling, and break the sapling.


When harvested, trees drop logs, sticks, and seeds.


All wood items can be used as fuel and logs will burn for different lengths of time, depending on the wood type.


Logs can be converted into boards using a saw or firewood using an axe in the crafting grid. Redwood logs are obtained only from the branches of Redwood trees. Chopping the trunk of a redwood will instead yield Redwood quarter logs, with bark on only one of the surfaces.

Special Use Drops

Pine/Acacia: Trees generate resin that can be harvested by clicking with   and used as an essential component in wood lamellar armor and windmills . Pine and Acacia trees are currently the only trees that yield this product.

Special Use Logs

Oak and acacia can be added to water to make weak tannin and strong tannin, essential components in leather working . Oak and acacia logs are currently the only logs that can be used for this process.


Bamboo is a special subclass of tree. When harvested, bamboo drops bamboo stakes and saplings. Bamboo stakes may be crafted into bamboo planks. Both stakes and blocks can be burned as fuel in a firepit .


Logs stack to 16 and can be transported in the player's inventory or stored in stationary containers, but may not be stacked on solid surfaces (though log products including boards and firewood can be stacked on solid blocks). Seeds and sticks stack to 64 and can be transported in the player's inventory or stored in stationary containers. Saplings may also be stored in flower pots or planters for base decoration.

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