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This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.19.5.

房間 是玩家可以建造的一種結構,用於保持溫暖隔絕嚴冬 , 或用作地窖/溫室。



所有有效的房間都是封閉房間,除了用於製作 藍奶酪 的露天房間。所有房間都擁有 冷卻程度天窗分數。這主要與兩種特殊的房間有關:地窖和溫室。


  • 房間內熱源的熱量會延伸至更遠區域,
  • 玩家體溫不再受風速影響,
  • 當睡眠時, 玩家的體溫 將緩慢恢復至正常狀態。



某些方塊擁有特殊的性質,可以被視為實心方塊。 鑲鉛玻璃板 , ( 除了粗製,光滑和破損的門), 和 活板門 都算做實心方塊,無論它們處於打開還是關閉,或是看起來有任何縫隙。


被雕刻過的方塊 只要求對應的一面"幾乎是實心的", 意味着該面擁有總共不低於32個體素,即可算作實心。 只要該方塊有50%的總體積是實心的,並且方塊內側或外表面滿足實心條件,這塊方塊就會被視為實心方塊。

你可以使用 /debug rooms hi 命令来检查你所处的房间是否被视为有效房间。如果提示为绿色,代表搭建正确, 如果提示为红色,则房间有问题或无法判定到房间。使用 /debug rooms unhi 来删除提示。



溫室 是一種結構,可以使 農業 在一年中的某段寒冷氣候中仍能進行。如果建造正確,其中的農田, 果樹 , 漿果 , 以及 蜂巢 將總被視為比外界高出5°C。如果生效,溫室內的作物方塊將顯示 "+5°C" 效果。


+5°C 的buff會在完成建造的溫室內出現。

溫室需要的天窗分數至少為 50%, 這意味着不可能在地下建造一個完全被遮蓋的溫室。 低於地表一格的溫室無論其受到多少光照都將產生 地下耕作處罰 , 如果這一選項在創造世界時被打開。

建造溫室時,放置在農田附近的水體會被算作 14X14X14 最大範圍的一部分——這可能導致房間過大而無法被判定為溫室。 這可以通過將水源隱藏在溫室的外牆下來避免,因為邊緣不會被視為房間的一部分。



房間內任何陽光至少與房間外一樣強度的區域都講計入天窗分數,天窗總分是通過將天窗數量除以房間內方塊總體積來確定的。玩家創建的 光源 , 例如火炬和提燈,對天窗分數沒有影響。 常見的能夠透過光線的方塊包括 玻璃塊和鑲鉛玻璃板




地窖 可用於存放任何在室外擁有高 變質速度 的食物或物品。






Any blocks may be used to create a cellar, but different blocks have different insulation values. Blocks in the stone , soil , ceramic , or ore classes are the best insulators, and will each add 1 to the cooling block total. The one exception being farmland which gives 3 to the non-cooling block total, as do trapdoors. Airtight doors add 3 per block of space they occupy when open and 1 per block when closed to the non-cooling block total. The game creates the cooling score by dividing the non-cooling block total by the cooling block total and capping the number at 1, for 100%.


As a result, the most effective cellars are made of highly insulating blocks (stone, soil, ceramic or brick, ore) and are closed with airtight doors.

Food Preservation

Typical layout of a cellar filled with crocks on shelves, storage vessels, chests and 2 barrels of pickled food.

The main use of cellars is for food preservation, however cellars reduce the rate of spoilage for any good stored inside whether it is a food or not. This reduced rate of spoilage stacks with container types , so placing storage vessels and sealed crocks into a cellar can drastically extend the shelf-life of any food inside them.

When calculating how fast food will spoil in a cellar, the game first creates a cellar effectiveness score, which starts at 100%. Up to 40% can be deducted based on the skylight score (that is, the amount of sunlight the cellar receives), and up to 50% can be deducted based on the cellar's cooling score.

The air temperature inside the cellar will never be greater than the air temperature outside. When the effectiveness of the cellar is 100%, the air temperature will cap at 5°C. Otherwise the game will calculate air temperature inside the cellar based on the effectiveness score and skylight score, in addition to how much sunlight is in the container block being affected.


Cheese Ripening

Cellars can also used to ripen cheese, by lowering its perish rate until it can ripen before it spoils. Cheese can only ripen when placed onto a shelf with a perish rate of 0.5x or lower. Cheddar does not have to be made in a cellar and can be made outside if it is cold enough, while blue cheese must be made in a special kind of open-air cellar with at least one open exit and the shelf must have a sunlight level below 2. This special open-air cellar will not count as an ordinary room, so it will not get the normal bonus for cooling. Blue cheese still needs to be ripened with a perish rate of 0.5x or lower, however, so blue cheese can only be ripened when it is cold enough outside to lower the perish rate to the necessary level.


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