Pit kiln

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Revision as of 21:56, 18 February 2024 by Saricane (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
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The various fill stages of a pit kiln for 4 cooking pots.
The final two stages of a storage vessels kiln setup. Note that the top layer is above ground.

A pit kiln is a one deep hole dug into the earth, used to bake raw clay items . It is created by digging a 1 block deep hole and placing the raw one to four pottery items in the bottom using Shift + Right mouse button. Players must then fill the kiln with dry grass , sticks and some form of fuel (firewood, peat, charcoal, coal, etc..).


Required materials

Each finished kiln requires:

  • 1 to 4 unfired pieces of pottery created by clay forming .
  • 10 dry grass : 5 layers of dry grass (2 grass per layer).
  • 8 sticks : 2 layers of sticks (4 sticks per layer).
  • 4-8 pieces of fuel (Some of the larger items such as storage vessels require 2 layers of fuel to fully cover.).


  • Once fueled the pit kiln must be ignited with a torch or a firestarter using Shift + Right mouse button.
  • Pit kilns can set surrounding items on fire - including flammable materials, tall grass, low-hanging tree branches, creatures and the player - up to 2 blocks away from the pit. That is why it is recommanded to place the pit in the center of a 5x5 square composed of blocks that cannot grow grass, such as packed dirt or cobblestone .


  • Rain or wet weather can also put out a pit kiln, forcing the player to re-ignite it and wait for the firing to finish again. That is why it is recommanded to place some kind of "roof" above the pit, constructed from any type of solid fireproof block.


  • The firing will take approximately 20 ingame hours, so it is a good idea to prepare the pit kiln before the night to let it fire away through the darkness. The fire on top of the kiln will stop burning when the process is finished, leaving only the finished pottery items in the hole. Finished items appear dark brown and no longer have "raw" in front of their name.

Fireable items

Pottery Item Amount
Bowl 4
Cooking pot 4
Crock 4
Storage vessel 1
Flowerpot 4
Jug 4
Planter 1
Watering can 1
Shingle 48
Crucible 4
Anvil mold 1
Falx blade mold 1
Hoe mold 1
Shovel mold 1
Axe mold 1
Pickaxe mold 1
Prospecting pick mold 1
Hammer mold 1
Helve hammer mold 1
Ingot mold 2
Lamellae mold 1
Blue clay brick * 12
Fire clay brick ** 12

* Can only be made using blue clay.
** Can only be made using fire clay.

Fuel efficiency

The following table breaks down length of firing time from igniting the kiln to the finished product being available for pick-up.

Fuel type Duration
Grid Firewood.png Firewood 40
Grid Peatbrick.png Peat brick 32
Grid Lignite.png Brown coal 28
Grid Bituminous coal.png Black coal 24
Charcoal.png Charcoal 20
Coke.png Coke 20

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