Modding:Entity Json Properties

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A complete list of all available properties

Property Type Default Usage
Core (no byType available)
string required A unique identifier for the entity.

A domain prefix will be added dynamically depending on the location of the file. Every mod and VintageStory itself have a unique prefix.

For example the code rabbit turns into game:rabbit.

The code identifier has to be unique inside its domain. In theory there could be equal identifiers with different domain prefixes. Find out more about Domains.

boolean true If the entity will be loaded or not. Can be used to temporarily remove the entity.
array of object - Allows you define multiple variants of the same entity.

The variantgroups property allows you to define multiple variants of this entity. All of them will have their unique pattern, which will be added to the entity code.

An easy example would be a sheep, which can either be small or tall:

	variantgroups: [
		{ code:"size", states: ["small", "tall"] },

Meaning there will be two blocks sheep-small and sheep-tall.

It's also possible to define multiple groups.

	variantgroups: [
		{ code:"size", states: ["small", "tall"] },
		{ code:"color", states: ["white", "black"] },

As a result you will have 2x2 groups, which will be added one after each other: sheep-small-white, sheep-tall-white, sheep-small-black and sheep-tall-black.

Additionally it is possible to refer to external lists that are found in the worldproperties folder, such as block/rock, which contains all states of all rock types. This used for gravel, sand and rock. It's a good way to keep everything organized:

	variantgroups: [
		{ loadFromProperties: "block/rock" },

Here is a full list of all groups and their variants (you can also find them in the assets/worldproperties folder): The world properties are stored in the assets/survival/worldproperties folder. They are used to help fill in the variantgroups field. Instead of directly specifying every state in the variant group, the states can be loaded from a world property through the loadFromProperties key. The states from multiple world properties can be added with the loadFromPropertiesCombine key, which takes an array of strings. The states key can still be optionally added to the variant group to specify additional states.

For example, the following creates a variant group named orientation. It contains 5 states. north, east, south, and west are loaded from the abstract/horizontalorientation world property. up is added to the list of states.

	variantgroups: [
		{ code: "orientation", states: ["up"], loadFromProperties: "abstract/horizontalorientation" }

Unwanted variant states can be filtered out with the skipVariants property. Or all states that do not match an expression can be filtered out with the allowedVariants property.

Name States
abstract/alloy -
abstract/coating n, e, s, w, u, d, ud, ns, ew, nd, ed, sd, wd, su, wu, nu, eu, es, sw, nw, ne, nwd, ned, esd, swd, nwu, neu, esu, swu, nsd, ewd, sud, wud, nud, eud, nsu, ewu, nes, esw, nsw, new, newd, nesd, eswd, nswd, eswu, nswu, newu, nesu, nesw, ewud, nsud, neud, esud, swud, nwud, neswd, neswu, newud, nesud, eswud, nswud, neswud
abstract/fertility verylow, low, medium, compost, high
abstract/grasscoverage none, verysparse, sparse, normal
abstract/horizontalorientation north, east, south, west
abstract/rockgroup -
abstract/verticalorientation up, down
block/flower catmint, cornflower, forgetmenot, edelweiss, heather, horsetail, orangemallow, wilddaisy, westerngorse, cowparsley, goldenpoppy, lilyofthevalley, woad, redtopgrass
block/fruit blueberry, cranberry, redcurrant, whitecurrant, blackcurrant, saguaro, pineapple, redapple, pinkapple, yellowapple, cherry, peach, pear, orange, mango, breadfruit, lychee, pomegranate
block/grass -
block/herb basil, chamomile, cilantro, lavender, marjoram, mint, saffron, sage, thyme
block/metal bismuth, bismuthbronze, blackbronze, brass, chromium, copper, cupronickel, electrum, gold, iron, meteoriciron, lead, molybdochalkos, platinum, nickel, silver, stainlesssteel, steel, tin, tinbronze, titanium, uranium, zinc
block/mushroom flyagaric, fieldmushroom, almondmushroom, bitterbolete, blacktrumpet, chanterelle, commonmorel, deathcap, devilstooth, devilbolete, earthball, elfinsaddle, golddropmilkcap, greencrackedrussula, indigomilkcap, jackolantern, kingbolete, lobster, orangeoakbolete, paddystraw, puffball, redwinecap, saffronmilkcap, violetwebcap, witchhat, beardedtooth, chickenofthewoods, dryadsaddle, pinkoyster, tinderhoof, whiteoyster, reishi, funeralbell, deerear, livermushroom, pinkbonnet, shiitake
block/ore-gem-cut diamond, emerald, peridot
block/ore-gem-rough diamond,emerald,olivine_peridot
block/ore-graded nativecopper,limonite,quartz_nativegold,galena,cassiterite,chromite,ilmenite,sphalerite,quartz_nativesilver,galena_nativesilver,bismuthinite,magnetite,hematite,malachite,pentlandite,uranium,wolframite,rhodochrosite
block/ore-nugget nativecopper,limonite,nativegold,galena,cassiterite,chromite,ilmenite,sphalerite,nativesilver,bismuthinite,magnetite,hematite,malachite,pentlandite,uranium,wolframite,rhodochrosite
block/ore-ungraded alum,lapislazuli,corundum,anthracite,borax,cinnabar,lignite,bituminouscoal,sylvite,quartz,olivine,sulfur,fluorite,graphite,kernite,phosphorite
block/painting howl,elk,underwater,prey,forestdawn,fishandtherain,bogfort,castleruin,cow,hunterintheforest,seraph,sleepingwolf,sunkenruin,traveler,oldvillage,lastday,sodhouse
block/rock andesite,chalk,chert,conglomerate,limestone,claystone,granite,sandstone,shale,basalt,peridotite,phyllite,slate,bauxite
block/rockwithdeposit andesite,chalk,chert,conglomerate,limestone,claystone,granite,sandstone,shale,basalt,peridotite,phyllite,slate,obsidian,kimberlite,scoria,tuff,bauxite,halite,suevite,whitemarble,redmarble,greenmarble
block/tallgrass veryshort,short,mediumshort,medium,tall,verytall,eaten
block/toolmetal bismuth,bismuthbronze,blackbronze,brass,copper,gold,iron,meteoriciron,lead,molybdochalkos,silver,steel,tinbronze
block/wood birch,oak,maple,pine,acacia,kapok,baldcypress,larch,redwood,ebony,walnut,purpleheart

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Futhermore there are two ways of combining groups together. So far we covered the default combination mode, which is multiplicative (the total count of variants is the product of all states).

Imagine you want to implement a living tree, were either flowers, mushrooms or saplings or on it. You can use the additive combination mode for that:

	variantgroups: [
		{ code: "type", loadFromProperties: "block/wood" },
		{ code: "flower", loadFromProperties: "block/flower", combine: "additive" },
		{ code: "mushroom", loadFromProperties: "block/mushroom", combine: "additive" },
		{ code: "sapling", loadFromProperties: "block/wood", combine: "additive" },

The living trees exists for every wood type (birch, oak, maple, pine, acacia, kapok) and can either have a flower, mushroom or a sapling suffix: livingtree-{wood type}-{flower}, livingtree-{wood type}-{all flowers}, livingtree-{wood type}-{all mushrooms} and livingtree-{wood type}-{all saplings}.

(any) byType
key: string; value: object - You can create properties for certain variants of the block.

In order to define properties for specific variants you can add byType to the property name. This allows you to define it depending on the type and always follows the same syntax:

	(property)ByType: {
		"selector": property,
		"selector2": property2,

If the selector matches the name of the variant the given property will be used. Keep in mind that only the first matching one will be used (everything below will be ignored).

An entity for example has two variants (big, small):

	falldamagebyType: {
		"*-big": true,
		"*-small": false

Since Vintagestory v1.8 it is also possible to use the variantgroup as a placeholder:

	variantgroups: [
		{ code: "type", states: ["normal", "bamboo"] },
	texture: { base: "entity/fish/{type}" }
string "entity" The entity class can add special functionalities for the entity.

Can be used to add interaction to the entity or other special functionalities. Example uses are EntityItem and EntityPlayer.

string "land" There is sea, land and air
object x: 0.125, y: 0.125 The size of the hitbox, either to hit the entity or to interact with it.
decimal number 0.1 Height of the eyes, measured from the bottom of the hitbox in meters. Used for camera angle and various other things.
boolean false Whether the entity can climb on ladders or other blocks which are climbable.
boolean false Whether the entity can climb on any block, doesn't matter if it's a ladder or not.
boolean true Whether the entity will take fall damage.
decimal number 0.5 Distance at which the entity can climb on something.
boolean false If true the entity model will be rotated to face the block its climbing on.
decimal number 0.0 The higher the number is the less knockback will be applied. Useful for heavy entities.
key: string, value: object - Custom Attributes associated with this entity.

Extra attributes added to the entity. Those are final and cannot be modified. It's a good way to keep things organized and and modifiable. These can be used by behaviors or the entity class:

    attributes: {
		"attackPower": 10
key: string, value: string - Sounds of the entity, you can also add your own sounds and play them, but here is a list of default sounds used death, hurt, idle, jump, swim and eat
decimal number 0.3 How likely it is for the entity to play an idle sound.
decimal number 24 How far the idle sound played by the entity can be heard.
array of object - The items that should drop from breaking this block.

No drop

By default an entity does not drop anything at all:

	drops: [],


You can also specify an item or block to drop. Therefore you need to define an ItemStack, with the given properties:

Property Default Explanation
type block Can either be block or item.
code (required) - The complete code (can also include domain) of the item or block.
lastdrop false If true and the quantity dropped is >=1 any subsequent drop in the list will be ignored.
attributes - Tree Attributes that will be attached to the resulting itemstack.
tool - If specified then given tool is required to break this block.
quantity - (one) Determines the quantity of items which will be dropped.

For example, if the entity should drop charcoalpile:

	drops: [
		{ type: "item", code: "charcoal" }

You can also specify drop special itemstack if the entity is killed by certain tool, similar to Tallgrass which only drops something if it's mined by a knife:

	drops: [
		{ type: "item", code: "drygrass", tool: "knife"  },

Chance drops

Let's take a look at an example. This is the drop property of rock:

	drops: [
			type: "item", 
			code: "stone-{rock}", 
			quantity: { avg: 2.5, var: 0.5 } 

This will drop 2-3 blocks.

avg: Stands for the default drop quantity. If var is 0 or not specified it will always drop the given average.

var: How much the drop rate can vary. Meaning the drop rate can be avg - var at minimum and age + var at maximum.

Furthermore you can also switch between different distribution modes using the dist property.

Overview - Distribution modes
Name Explanation
uniform Select completely random numbers within avg-var until avg+var.
triangle Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a triangle curve.
gaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a gaussian curve.
narrowgaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the most commonly selected ones, following a narrow gaussian curve.
inversegaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the least commonly selected ones, following an upside down gaussian curve.
narrowinversegaussian Select random numbers with numbers near avg being the least commonly selected ones, following an upside down gaussian curve.
invexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are preferred.
stronginvexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are strongly preferred.
strongerinvexp Select numbers in the form of avg + var, wheras low value of var are very strongly preferred.
dirac Select completely random numbers within avg-var until avg+var only ONCE and then always 0.

Multiple Drops

Of course you can also define multiple drops at once. A Sapling for example can drop a sapling and a stick:

	drops: [
			type: "block", 
			code: "sapling-{wood}",
			quantity: { avg: 0.02, var: 0 },
			type: "item", 
			code: "stick",
			quantity: { avg: 0.02, var: 0 },

Last Drop

In order to add a special drop, which (if dropped) prevents all other drops, you can use the lastDrop property:

	drops: [
		{ type: "item", code: "stick",  quantity: { avg: 0.2, var: 0 }, lastDrop: true },
		{ type: "item", code: "sapling",  quantity: { avg: 1.25, var: 0 }  }

The entity will either drop a stick with a chance of 20% or an average of 1.25 saplings.

client: {
string - Name of there renderer system that draws this entity.
object The texture of the entity. It will overwrite all textures of the shape.


Default example (player model):
texture: {
		base: "entity/humanoid/player"
Using variantgroups (rock):
texture: {
		base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}"
Overlay texutre:
	texture: {
		base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}",
		overlays: [ "entity/humanoid/player-{type}-overlay" ],

Random textures:

	texture: {
		base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}",
		alternates: [
			{ base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}2" },
			{ base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}3"}

Random textures and overlays combined:

	texture: {
		base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}",
		overlays: [ "entity/humanoid/player-{type}-overlay" ],
		alternates: [
			{ base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}2", overlays: [ "entity/humanoid/player-{type}2-overlay" ] },
			{ base: "entity/humanoid/player-{type}3", overlays: [ "entity/humanoid/player-{type}3-overlay" ] }
key: string, value: object Can be used to replace specific textures of the shape.


Replace arrow texture of the shape, the stick texture remains untouched:
	textures: {
		"arrow": { 
			base: "entity/arrow/stone"
object - The shape of the entity.
The path to the shape json file, the base dir is assets/shapes/.
shape: { base: "entity/arrow" }
0 ... 255 0 Causes the entity to visually glow if Bloom is enabled.
decimal number 1 Can be used to scale the entity up or down.
array of object A behavior adds custom abilities to the entity.
Name Explanation Properties Side
collectitems The entity collections items laying around on the ground. Used by player. Server
health Applies custom health to the entity. Means the entity can be hurt as well. currenthealth = 20, maxhealth = 20, basemaxhealth = 20 Server
hunger Adds saturation and hunger, the entity needs to eat in order to stay alive. currentsaturation = 1200, maxsaturation = 1200, saturationlossdelay = 60 * 24, currentfruitLevel = 0, currentvegetableLevel = 0, currentgrainLevel = 0, currentproteinLevel = 0, currentdairyLevel = 0 Server
breathe The entity will need to breathe and therefore suffocate in other blocks (for example sand). Server
playerphysics Makes an entity controllable by a player. stepHeight = 0.6 Universal
controlledphysics Can be controlled by a player. stepHeight = 0.6 Universal
taskai Allows you to specify tasks.
interpolateposition Interpolates entity position and rotate. Smooths out the animations. It's a visual effect, therefore not available on server side. Client
despawn The entity will despawn under given circumstances. minPlayerDistance, belowLightLevel, minSeconds = 30 Server
grow The entity will grow and eventually turn into one of its adults. hoursToGrow = 96, adultEntityCodes = [] Server
multiply A pack of wolves for example grows in size over time (new babies are born). pregnancyDays = 3.0, spawnEntityCode, requiresNearbyEntityCode, requiresNearbyEntityRange = 5, multiplyCooldownDaysMin = 6, multiplyCooldownDaysMax = 12, portionsEatenForMultiply = 3, spawnQuantityMin = 1, spawnQuantityMax = 2, requiresFood = true Server
aimingaccuracy Adds aiming inaccuracy when sprinting, jumping, etc. Universal
emotionstates Adds emotion states with a given chance. As an example, it can be used to make an animal "hungry" (aggressive) and "saturated" (passive). Server
repulseagents Pushes other entities back. Universal
tiredness The entity will get tired over time and needs recover by sleeping in a bed. currenttiredness = 0 Universal
nametag Adds a name tag to the entity which will be displayed above the entity. selectFromRandomName Universal
placeblock The entity will place one of the given block codes from time to time. minHourDelay = 8 * 24, maxHourDelay = 15*24, blockCodes = [] Server
passivephysics Adds physics to the entity. waterDragFactor = 1, airDragFallingFactor = 1, groundDragFactor = 1, gravityFactor = 1 Universal
floatupwhenstuck Float up the entity if it gets stuck in a block. onlyWhenDead = false Universal
array of object WIP

Coming soon ...

server: {
key: string, value: object - Custom Attributes associated with this entity only known by the server. They will not be send to the client.

Extra attributes added to the entity for server use only. Those are final and cannot be modified. It's a good way to keep things organized and and modifiable. These can be used by behaviors or the entity class:

    attributes: {
		"attackPower": 10
array of object A behavior adds custom abilities to the entity.
Name Explanation Properties Side
collectitems The entity collections items laying around on the ground. Used by player. Server
health Applies custom health to the entity. Means the entity can be hurt as well. currenthealth = 20, maxhealth = 20, basemaxhealth = 20 Server
hunger Adds saturation and hunger, the entity needs to eat in order to stay alive. currentsaturation = 1200, maxsaturation = 1200, saturationlossdelay = 60 * 24, currentfruitLevel = 0, currentvegetableLevel = 0, currentgrainLevel = 0, currentproteinLevel = 0, currentdairyLevel = 0 Server
breathe The entity will need to breathe and therefore suffocate in other blocks (for example sand). Server
playerphysics Makes an entity controllable by a player. stepHeight = 0.6 Universal
controlledphysics Can be controlled by a player. stepHeight = 0.6 Universal
taskai Allows you to specify tasks.
interpolateposition Interpolates entity position and rotate. Smooths out the animations. It's a visual effect, therefore not available on server side. Client
despawn The entity will despawn under given circumstances. minPlayerDistance, belowLightLevel, minSeconds = 30 Server
grow The entity will grow and eventually turn into one of its adults. hoursToGrow = 96, adultEntityCodes = [] Server
multiply A pack of wolves for example grows in size over time (new babies are born). pregnancyDays = 3.0, spawnEntityCode, requiresNearbyEntityCode, requiresNearbyEntityRange = 5, multiplyCooldownDaysMin = 6, multiplyCooldownDaysMax = 12, portionsEatenForMultiply = 3, spawnQuantityMin = 1, spawnQuantityMax = 2, requiresFood = true Server
aimingaccuracy Adds aiming inaccuracy when sprinting, jumping, etc. Universal
emotionstates Adds emotion states with a given chance. As an example, it can be used to make an animal "hungry" (aggressive) and "saturated" (passive). Server
repulseagents Pushes other entities back. Universal
tiredness The entity will get tired over time and needs recover by sleeping in a bed. currenttiredness = 0 Universal
nametag Adds a name tag to the entity which will be displayed above the entity. selectFromRandomName Universal
placeblock The entity will place one of the given block codes from time to time. minHourDelay = 8 * 24, maxHourDelay = 15*24, blockCodes = [] Server
passivephysics Adds physics to the entity. waterDragFactor = 1, airDragFallingFactor = 1, groundDragFactor = 1, gravityFactor = 1 Universal
floatupwhenstuck Float up the entity if it gets stuck in a block. onlyWhenDead = false Universal
object - Specifies the circumstances of the entity spawn.
decimal number 1.0 How long it takes to make an attempt to spawn the entity: 1.0 -> 4 seconds, 0.1 -> 40 seconds.
integer 20 Maximum number of entities inside the chunk, if this is exceeded the entity will not spawn there.
integer 18 Minimum distance the entity can spawn away from the player.
integer 0
integer 32
string "MaxLight"
Will get you just the block light
Will get you just the sun light unaffected by the day/night cycle
Will get you max(onlysunlight, onlyblocklight)
Will get you max(sunlight * sunbrightness, blocklight)
object { avg: 1, var: 0 } Determines the size of the group. By default the size of the group is always one. Find out more about the random generator.
array of string - Codes of all possible companions.
array of string [ "game:air" ] The block codes in which the entity can spawn. Entities which can spawn underwater might use [ "game:water" ] instead.
boolean true If the entity requires a solid block below it. For example birds and fishes do not require it.
boolean false If false the game will also try to spawn the entity below the surface (in a cave for example). For ordinary animals this should be true so they only spawn on the surface.
integer -40 Minimum temperature at which the entity can spawn.
integer 40 Maximum temperature at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum rain average at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum rain average at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum forest density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum forest density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum shrubs density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum shrubs density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum shrubs or forest density at which the entity can spawn.
object zero How many tries per chunk the entity has to spawn. Find out more about the random generator.
integer 0
integer 32
string "MaxLight"
Will get you just the block light
Will get you just the sun light unaffected by the day/night cycle
Will get you max(onlysunlight, onlyblocklight)
Will get you max(sunlight * sunbrightness, blocklight)
object { avg: 1, var: 0 } Determines the size of the group. By default the size of the group is always one. Find out more about the random generator.
array of string - Codes of all possible companions.
array of string [ "game:air" ] The block codes in which the entity can spawn. Entities which can spawn underwater might use [ "game:water" ] instead.
boolean true If the entity requires a solid block below it. For example birds and fishes do not require it.
boolean false If false the game will also try to spawn the entity below the surface (in a cave for example). For ordinary animals this should be true so they only spawn on the surface.
integer -40 Minimum temperature at which the entity can spawn.
integer 40 Maximum temperature at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum rain average at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum rain average at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum forest density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum forest density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum shrubs density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 1 Maximum shrubs density at which the entity can spawn.
decimal number 0 Minimum shrubs or forest density at which the entity can spawn.


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