
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 16:26, 28 December 2023 by DanteTorn (talk | contribs) (Rephrasing the description of how to construct a cellar to be more digestible and clear, and added some extra info.)

This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.16.4.

Cellars are a type of structure players may create, for the purpose of food preservation and ripening cheese. The impact of cellars is more obvious in warmer biomes.

An example of a player-made cellar.
Cellar spoilage rates update with a delay. To get accurate information after modifying a cellar, place down a new container or shelf in the space, and see what the new rate of spoilage is.


Any fully-enclosed room at or under 7x7x7 blocks in size may be counted as a cellar by the game. While wooden doors and trapdoors count for enclosing cellars, rough doors and sleek doors do not.

Cellars do not need to be underground to work, however since sunlight levels can affect cellar effectiveness, it may be easier to dig an underground cellar than to create an above-ground one.

Any blocks may be used to create a cellar, but different blocks have different insulation values. Any block made of stone or dirt are the best insulators. It does not matter if it's medium fertility soil, packed dirt, cobblestone, bricks, or raw rock, they will all insulate the same.

The insulation values for the cellar depend upon the outermost materials of it. Example: You have a cellar that is 6 blocks tall. The walls and ceiling are made of stone, the floor is made of wood. However, below the wooden floor is stone or dirt. Because this is within the 7x7x7 space of a cellar's calculations, it counts for the full insulation of stone/dirt, ignoring the wood's insulation. Note: Doubling the thickness of the walls does not help. If the floor was made of stone and then wood, it would only count the stone, considering it the edge of its calculations.

Because there is no minimum size for a cellar, burying a vessel in a cube of dirt is an extremely effective way of preserving food early-game. Just dig out the top block or a side block to access it, then replace it to seal it again. Note: It must be fully encased in dirt in a complete cube. Don't skip on those corners or it won't work!

Light restriction

Sunlight reaching the cellar can reduce the effect of cellars, as well as having an impact on cheese ripening. Transparent blocks such as glass or doors, which may let in light, will reduce the effectiveness of cellars. Therefore, it is recommended to seal up cellars using blocks like dirt or hay, or to include a sharp bend in the hallway leading to the cellar to prevent sunlight from reaching inside the room.

Player-created light sources, such as torches and lanterns, have no impact on cellar effectiveness.


The main use of cellars is for food preservation. Cellars reduce the rate of spoilage for any foods stored inside, and stack with container types, so placing storage containers and sealed crocks into a cellar can drastically extend the shelf-life of any food inside them. Cellar effects are strongest on grains, vegetables and fruits.

Cellars are also used to ripen cheese by lowering their spoilage timer, so that the cheese can ripen before it spoils. Cheese may ripen into either cheddar or blue cheese, depending on the conditions of the ripening cellar. Cheddar has no special requirements, while blue cheese requires a cellar with unblocked access to air and a sunlight level below 2.