Json:block:worldvariantgroups: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 23:19, 14 October 2023

The world properties are stored in the assets/survival/worldproperties folder. They are used to help create variant groups. Instead of directly specifying every state in the variant group, the states can be loaded from a world property. The states key can still be optionally added to the variant group to specify additional states.

For example, the following creates a variant group named orientation. It contains 5 states. north, east, south, and west are loaded from the abstract/horizontalorientation world property. up is added to the list of states.

	variantgroups: [
		{ code: "orientation", states: ["up"], loadFromProperties: "abstract/horizontalorientation" }

Unwanted variant states can be filtered out with the skipVariants option at the top level of the block.

Name States
abstract/alloy -
abstract/coating n, e, s, w, u, d, ud, ns, ew, nd, ed, sd, wd, su, wu, nu, eu, es, sw, nw, ne, nwd, ned, esd, swd, nwu, neu, esu, swu, nsd, ewd, sud, wud, nud, eud, nsu, ewu, nes, esw, nsw, new, newd, nesd, eswd, nswd, eswu, nswu, newu, nesu, nesw, ewud, nsud, neud, esud, swud, nwud, neswd, neswu, newud, nesud, eswud, nswud, neswud
abstract/fertility verylow, low, medium, compost, high
abstract/grasscoverage none, verysparse, sparse, normal
abstract/horizontalorientation north, east, south, west
abstract/rockgroup -
abstract/verticalorientation up, down
block/flower catmint, cornflower, forgetmenot, edelweiss, heather, horsetail, orangemallow, wilddaisy, westerngorse, cowparsley, goldenpoppy, lilyofthevalley, woad, redtopgrass
block/fruit blueberry, cranberry, redcurrant, whitecurrant, blackcurrant, saguaro, pineapple, redapple, pinkapple, yellowapple, cherry, peach, pear, orange, mango, breadfruit, lychee, pomegranate
block/grass -
block/herb basil, chamomile, cilantro, lavender, marjoram, mint, saffron, sage, thyme
block/metal bismuth, bismuthbronze, blackbronze, brass, chromium, copper, cupronickel, electrum, gold, iron, meteoriciron, lead, molybdochalkos, platinum, nickel, silver, stainlesssteel, steel, tin, tinbronze, titanium, uranium, zinc
block/mushroom flyagaric, fieldmushroom, almondmushroom, bitterbolete, blacktrumpet, chanterelle, commonmorel, deathcap, devilstooth, devilbolete, earthball, elfinsaddle, golddropmilkcap, greencrackedrussula, indigomilkcap, jackolantern, kingbolete, lobster, orangeoakbolete, paddystraw, puffball, redwinecap, saffronmilkcap, violetwebcap, witchhat, beardedtooth, chickenofthewoods, dryadsaddle, pinkoyster, tinderhoof, whiteoyster, reishi, funeralbell, deerear, livermushroom, pinkbonnet, shiitake
block/ore-gem-cut diamond, emerald, peridot
block/ore-gem-rough diamond,emerald,olivine_peridot
block/ore-graded nativecopper,limonite,quartz_nativegold,galena,cassiterite,chromite,ilmenite,sphalerite,quartz_nativesilver,galena_nativesilver,bismuthinite,magnetite,hematite,malachite,pentlandite,uranium,wolframite,rhodochrosite
block/ore-nugget nativecopper,limonite,nativegold,galena,cassiterite,chromite,ilmenite,sphalerite,nativesilver,bismuthinite,magnetite,hematite,malachite,pentlandite,uranium,wolframite,rhodochrosite
block/ore-ungraded alum,lapislazuli,corundum,anthracite,borax,cinnabar,lignite,bituminouscoal,sylvite,quartz,olivine,sulfur,fluorite,graphite,kernite,phosphorite
block/painting howl,elk,underwater,prey,forestdawn,fishandtherain,bogfort,castleruin,cow,hunterintheforest,seraph,sleepingwolf,sunkenruin,traveler,oldvillage,lastday,sodhouse
block/rock andesite,chalk,chert,conglomerate,limestone,claystone,granite,sandstone,shale,basalt,peridotite,phyllite,slate,bauxite
block/rockwithdeposit andesite,chalk,chert,conglomerate,limestone,claystone,granite,sandstone,shale,basalt,peridotite,phyllite,slate,obsidian,kimberlite,scoria,tuff,bauxite,halite,suevite,whitemarble,redmarble,greenmarble
block/tallgrass veryshort,short,mediumshort,medium,tall,verytall,eaten
block/toolmetal bismuth,bismuthbronze,blackbronze,brass,copper,gold,iron,meteoriciron,lead,molybdochalkos,silver,steel,tinbronze
block/wood birch,oak,maple,pine,acacia,kapok,baldcypress,larch,redwood,ebony,walnut,purpleheart
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