Modding:Advanced Items

From Vintage Story Wiki

Mod written for version 1.9 of Vintage Story

It's highly recommended to read Basic Item first. Additionally this tutorial requires a development environment. If you don't have one already you should read the tutorial Setting up your Development Environment.

Tunnel pickaxe

Let's create an item, which allows you to dig a 3x3 tunnel by mining just one block.

Item Assets

First of all we need to create a new item, including a texture and a lang file. Those assets are pretty straight forward and you can download them here. Just place the file in your mods folder and you are ready to start programming.

There is only one new property in your json item file called class:

	class: "tunnler",

We will create this class, to give the item the desired functionality, so if you pick a different name make sure it matches the one below.

The Item Class

If you have read the Advanced Blocks Tutorial already, this should be fimilar to you.

In order to register your item class, we need to create a mod, which is basically a class exendting ModSystem:

public class TunnlerMod : ModSystem

By overriding the Start(ICoreAPI) method, we can register our class. Remember if you have picked a different class name you have to use that one instead.

public class TunnlerMod : ModSystem
    public override void Start(ICoreAPI api)
        api.RegisterItemClass("tunnler", typeof(TunnlerItem));

This should be marked as a syntax error because there is no TunnlerItem class yet.

The Item Class

Let's create our item class itself which of course has to extend Item:

public class TunnlerItem : Item


This should solve all syntax errors.

So what should our tool do? Once the player mines a block with this tool every block around it should be mined as well. This is rather easy to implement by overriding the method void OnBlockBroken(IWorldAccessor world, IEntity byEntity, IItemSlot itemslot, BlockSelection blockSel).

We need to take care of the facing (which side the player is focusing) and if the player is in creative or survival mode (whether items should be dropped or not). Before we are going to override OnBlockBroken we should create a method which destroys all blocks between two block positions (min & max). It should also only drop items if the player is in survival mode:

public void destroyBlocks(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos min, BlockPos max, IPlayer player)
    BlockPos tempPos = new BlockPos();
    for (int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++)
        for (int y = min.Y; y <= max.Y; y++)
            for (int z = min.Z; z <= max.Z; z++)
                tempPos.Set(x, y, z);
                if (player.WorldData.CurrentGameMode == EnumGameMode.Creative)
                    world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(0, tempPos);
                    world.BlockAccessor.BreakBlock(tempPos, player);

Now we can implement OnBlockBroken rather easily, by taken care of every possible axis the player could face:

public override bool OnBlockBrokenWith(IWorldAccessor world, Entity byEntity, ItemSlot itemslot, BlockSelection blockSel)
    if (base.OnBlockBrokenWith(world, byEntity, itemslot, blockSel))
        if (byEntity is EntityPlayer)
            IPlayer player = world.PlayerByUid((byEntity as EntityPlayer).PlayerUID);
            switch (blockSel.Face.Axis)
                case EnumAxis.X:
                    destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(0, -1, -1), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(0, 1, 1), player);
                case EnumAxis.Y:
                    destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(-1, 0, -1), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(1, 0, 1), player);
                case EnumAxis.Z:
                    destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(-1, -1, 0), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(1, 1, 0), player);
        return true;
    return false; 

If you have done everything right, your file should look similar to this:

using Vintagestory.API.Common;
using Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities;
using Vintagestory.API.MathTools;

namespace ExampleMods
    public class TunnlerMod : ModSystem

        public override void Start(ICoreAPI api)
            api.RegisterItemClass("tunnler", typeof(TunnlerItem));


    public class TunnlerItem : Item

        public void destroyBlocks(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos min, BlockPos max, IPlayer player)
            BlockPos tempPos = new BlockPos();
            for (int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++)
                for (int y = min.Y; y <= max.Y; y++)
                    for (int z = min.Z; z <= max.Z; z++)
                        tempPos.Set(x, y, z);
                        if (player.WorldData.CurrentGameMode == EnumGameMode.Creative)
                            world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(0, tempPos);
                            world.BlockAccessor.BreakBlock(tempPos, player);

        public override bool OnBlockBrokenWith(IWorldAccessor world, Entity byEntity, ItemSlot itemslot, BlockSelection blockSel)
            if (base.OnBlockBrokenWith(world, byEntity, itemslot, blockSel))
                if (byEntity is EntityPlayer)
                    IPlayer player = world.PlayerByUid((byEntity as EntityPlayer).PlayerUID);
                    switch (blockSel.Face.Axis)
                        case EnumAxis.X:
                            destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(0, -1, -1), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(0, 1, 1), player);
                        case EnumAxis.Y:
                            destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(-1, 0, -1), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(1, 0, 1), player);
                        case EnumAxis.Z:
                            destroyBlocks(world, blockSel.Position.AddCopy(-1, -1, 0), blockSel.Position.AddCopy(1, 1, 0), player);
                return true;
            return false; 


You can also download the file directly: Tunnler.cs.


This is how it looks ingame:


In order to finish everything, open the modtools and type in pack <your mod id>. Now you can take the zip file and share it with other people. It will work in the same way as ordinary mods, you can install it by copying it into the mods folder.

Here is my version:


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