Modding: Pour débuter

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 19:19, 15 July 2024 by Voxay (talk | contribs)
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Cette page a été vérifiée pour la dernière fois pour Vintage Story avec la version 1.19.6.

Vintage Story dispose d'un système de modding complet intégré au jeu, permettant à tout utilisateur d'apporter les modifications et les ajouts qu'il juge nécessaires.

Avant de commencer, il est important de comprendre ce que vous souhaitez accomplir afin de savoir à quoi vous attendre.

Chercher dans le wiki

Par défaut, la fonction de recherche du wiki exclut les pages de modding. Pour mettre à jour vos préférences de recherche, cliquez sur le bouton "Recherche Modding" ci-dessous. La page de résultats montrera que les espaces de noms (Main), BlockJson, et Modding sont cochés. Cochez la case "Mémoriser la sélection pour les recherches futures", puis cliquez sur le bouton "Recherche" pour enregistrer les modifications.

Quels Mods puis-je faire ?

Le système de modding actuel de Vintage Story est incroyablement flexible et très facile à utiliser, même si vous ne savez pas programmer. Vous pouvez ajouter des blocs, des objets et même des entités dans le jeu sans jamais ouvrir un IDE. Mais des modifications et des systèmes plus complexes peuvent être réalisés en programmant en C#.

This is because nearly every feature of the game relies on the usage of JSONs, which are text documents that utilize a flexible, easy to read format. You can open these files with any text editor, and with just a little bit of practice you can learn how to format them to avoid errors. The best way to learn this is to study the existing JSONs that are visible to anybody who has the game installed. To do so you'll need to locate the Vintage Story Assets folder, which you can learn about at the Asset System page.
In addition, here is a 12 minute video that will teach you why json is used, and the basic syntax, making it easier to understand the rest of the documentation.

If you're looking to add more complex systems to Vintage story you can accomplish this as well, but you likely won't be able to do this with JSONs alone. Vintage Story is written in C#, and it is highly suggested you learn the basics of programming and of C# in general before moving onto more complex mods that can't be accomplished with just JSONs.

Types of Mods

In general there are 3 main types of mods one can create for Vintage Story, with each having different levels of complexity:

  • Theme Packs: These are mods that only affect visuals and don't add more content or change features significantly.
  • Content Mods: These are mods that add additional content (i.e. blocks, items, mobs) to the game but don't utilize C# code and are mostly limited to JSONs.
  • Code Mods: These are mods that add more complex features and systems that require the use of C# code to accomplish.

Moving Forward

If you're just starting out, it's best to begin with a content mod, as most code mods simply extend the features of blocks, items and entities made from a content mod anyway. Once you've mastered content mods you can move onto coding if you want to add some really special things to your Vintage Story experience.

More advanced programmers may be tempted to jump to code mods immediately, but it is still highly suggested you familiarize yourself with content mods first since you'll almost certainly be using them in tandem with any C# code you write.

The first thing to do while starting your first mod is to familiarize yourself with the Asset System. This is where most of the magic in Vintage Story is accomplished, and you'll be using these resources constantly while modding.

To move on with a content mod, head over to the Content Mods page. To start with a theme pack, head over to the Theme Pack page.