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Tin bronze
Размер стака 16
Точка плавления 950°C
Требуется форма Да

Bismuth bronze ingot
Размер стака 16
Точка плавления 850°C
Требуется форма Да

Black bronze ingot
Размер стака 16
Точка плавления 1020°C
Требуется форма Да

Bronze/ru is a Tier 3 metal alloy. Bronze is needed to progress past the Copper Age into the Iron Age. Bronze alloys must be created via smelting, and may be cast or smithed into useful tools and equipment.


As an alloy, bronze is not naturally occurring and must be created by the player. Bronze tools may be sometimes sold by different traders, depending on the type of tool. Different metal ore nuggets must be mixed inside a crucible in the right ratios to produce usable molten bronze, which can then be cast directly into tool molds or in an ingot mold to form ingots.

Bronze types

Copper is a primary component of all bronze alloys. It may be alloyed with zinc, tin, silver or gold to create different types of bronze. Tin bronze and black bronze require high-temperature fuel like charcoal or coal to create, while bismuth bronze can also be created by burning peat, due to its lower smelting temperature.

Bronze types
Bronze type Smelting temperature Copper % Other metal % Other metal %
Tin bronze 950 °C Copper 88-92% Tin 8-12% -
Black bronze 1020 °C Copper 68-84% Silver 8-16% Gold 8-16%
Bismuth bronze 850 °C Copper 50-70% Zinc 20-30% Bismuth 10-20%


Bronze, similarly to copper, can be cast directly into tool molds or smithed as ingots on an anvil. Bronze tools are generally more durable than their copper counterparts, with more hit points. They also deal more damage and mine through appropriate blocks more quickly than copper or stone tools.

Different types of bronze produce items with different stats. Broadly speaking, the best bronze items are made of black bronze, followed by tin bronze, then bismuth bronze. Better bronze types do more damage, mine faster, and provide more damage protection when made into weapons, tools or armor.


Bronze anvils can be used to create iron anvils. Therefore, in order to progress into the Iron Age, players must make a bronze anvil at minimum.

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Сплавы Бронза (Оловяная бронза, висмутовая бронза, чёрная бронза) • Сталь Латунь Припой (Свинцовый припой, Серебряный припой) • Молибдохалкос Мельхиор Электрум
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