
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 03:41, 12 September 2021 by Kengo700 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==食料の採集== 野生の作物、ベリーの茂み、サボテン、キノコなど、異なる気候の地域に様々な植物が生成されます。生で食べる...")




火打石の代わりに黒曜石や花崗岩を見つけたら、遠距離武器として投げつけることもできます。 もっとガマを集めれば、手提げカゴを作ればインベントリを広げることができます。インベントリを広げたら、2つ目のナイフ、薪、さらなる食料を入れておくと良いでしょう。 粘土、金属の塊、苗木は見つけた場所に残しておき、後で取りに来れるようマップに記録しておきましょう(苗木は植えておくこともできます)。



  散らばった石は石の道具をナッピングするために使います。石と火打石の道具を作る方法については、ナッピングのページをご覧ください。 ナッピングに使える石を見つけるには、地面を探しましょう。回収するには、左クリックで破壊します。

  • 道具作りに使える石の種類には、安山岩(Andesite)、玄武岩(Basalt)、火打石(Flint)、花崗岩(Granite)、黒曜石(Obsidian)、かんらん岩Peridotite)があります。



 原木を集めるには で木の根元をたたき切り、伐り倒します。原木は薪になるほか、初期のクラフトに必要なパンニング皿や、原始的な武器である棍棒などに使うことができます。木を伐り倒したときに、数本の棒もドロップすることがあります。薪は採集した食材の調理や松明の作成に必要な焚き火を作るための重要なリソースです。







  Wild crops can be harvested using left mouse button and an empty hand for both the seeds used in farming and edibles including beans, grains and root vegetables. A crop that is not mature won't provide as many edibles, but any of these foods can be eaten raw.

Berry bushes

  Berry bushes grow in temperate and colder climates. Ripe berry bushes can be harvested using right mouse button to collect berries. Using the left mouse button allows players to collect the bushes. Berries can also be eaten raw.


  Mushrooms are naturally generated in colder, wetter climatic regions. Breaking the block using left mouse button with an empty hand allows players to collect the mushrooms, but the tops will not regrow. Mushrooms can be selectively harvested using left mouse button and a knife to collect only the tops. Over time, the tops will regenerate. (Don't eat the red ones)


  Saguaro or cactus fruit are naturally generated in arid or desert climatic regions. Breaking the cactus block using left mouse button with an empty hand allows players to collect the fruits, but the tops will not regrow. Fruits can be selectively harvested using left mouse button and a knife. Over time, the fruit will regenerate.

Hunting wild animals

Any animal can be killed and butchered for meat using a knife. Sneak and hold right mouse button with a knife in the active hand to harvest animal products. When the butchering process is complete, a small window will open that contains all the animal products for collection. Hunting wild animals in the winter can be a useful way to maintain satiety when food storage is otherwise low.


  There are three types of meat: Red meat from Sheep, Pigs and Hares; poultry from chickens; and Bush Meat, from Wolves, Hyenas and Foxes. All meat must be cooked before eating, but can be roasted using a firepit.


  Lumps of fat can be used as fuel in a firepit, eaten raw as a source of protein, or used with a raw hide to create a pelt.


  Raw Hides can be oiled with fat to create pelts and with reeds, to create a hunter's backpack and expand the player's inventory.

Tutorial Video: How to make basic tools and fell trees

Thanks to SmileOnSpeedDial for creating and sharing with the VS community
