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Seed Type Product Location
Carrot   Temperate
Flax   Temperate
Onion   Temperate
Spelt   Temperate
Turnip   Temperate
Parsnip   Temperate
Rice   Temperate
Rye   Temperate
Soybean   Warm
Pumpkin   Ruins Only
Cabbage   Ruins Only

Soil and Farmland

Naturally Generated Soil

Four types of naturally occurring soil exist in the world at different fertility rates: barren 5%, low 25%, medium 50%, and high called terra preta 80%. Soil retains its fertility levels when blocks are gathered and placed elsewhere, so a good farming strategy is to hunt soil with high nutrient levels and bring it home.

Player Created Soil

Compost is a player generated soil type with nutrient levels of 65%. This dirt is an alternative farming option if terra preta cannot be located. Each block of compost is created by sealing 64 rot in a barrel for 20 days.

Creating Farmland

Using a hoe + right mouse button on a soil block creates dry farmland. If the farmland is within 3 blocks of a water source block, it will be converted from dry to moist farmland. Other solutions for creating moist farmland include daily watering using a watering can, or relying on rain in a rainy area. Moisture levels above 50% gives a bonus to growth speed. More specifically, reducing the total hours needed for a crop to grow to the next stage by up to two hours of in-game time, if at 100% moisture.

Nearby water provides moisture to horizontally adjacent farmland within 3 blocks, including along the diagonal. The moisture bonus provided by nearby water is reduced by 25% for each 1 block that the farmland is distant from the water. Thus, farmland immediately next to a water block will be granted 75% moisture, two blocks away will be granted 50% moisture, and 3 blocks away will be granted 25% moisture. Farmland does not absorb moisture from water in a vertical direction (i.e. farmland created directly above the surface of a lake will not stay moist from the water below it).

Farmland blocks cannot be picked up and replaced once converted. Breaking farmland destroys the block.

Soil Nutrients

All soil, dirt, dry or moist farmland, has 3 nutrient levels, N, P, and K. Each crop consumes one of these nutrients. Some crops require higher values of nutrients than others, as shown in the table below. Crop growth rates also differ. Each crop has different total growth speed, which is shown by the number of growth days.

When crops advance from one growth stage to the next, they consume nutrients from the farmland on which they are planted. The required nutrient, K, P, or N, is the nutrient that will be consumed, reducing the concentration of that nutrient in the farmland. The amount of the nutrient required per growth stage is determined by dividing the Nutrient Consumption by the number of growth stages.

Nutrient replenishment

Nutrients in farmland slowly replenish over time and return to the maximum level per soil type, for instance medium fertility will only regain nutrients to original levels. The rate of nutrient replenishment is slower if a crop is growing on it and faster when left fallow - meaning no crop growing. The nutrition type used by the currently growing crop will regenerate even slower then the two not actively used, and effectively wont replenish at all, as the currently growing crop reduces it with every growth tick. If the crop on the farmland is ripe, none of the nutrients will replenish.
Nutrition replenishment ticks every 3 to 4 ingame hours.

Crop rotation

Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area over time and has been used since ancient times to maximize crop production. Nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K) dependent crops can be rotated on the same growing area. For example, after harvesting a nitrogen dependent crop such as turnips, the soil will have a lower level of nitrogen but high levels of the two other nutrients. Therefore a phosphate or potassium dependent crop can be planted in the same soil.

A common crop rotation strategy is to divide the fertile area into four sections, one each for N, P or K dependent crops and one left fallow (without any crops growing). In the screenshot on the right, turnips (N-dependent) are planted in the top left, onions (P-dependent) in the top right, carrots (K-dependent) in the bottom right and the bottom left area is left without any crops. After harvest the planting will be rotated clockwise so that turnips will now be planted in the top right, onions in the bottom right, carrots in the bottom left and the top left will not have any crops. Rotate clockwise again after each harvest.

Note that the rotation will depend on the slowest crop to mature which in this case are the carrots (4 in-game days). Because nutrients replenish best in fallow soil, one area is kept unplanted during each rotation. This strategy is particularly useful if the player does not have access to fertilizer yet. You can make variations on this strategy to suit your crop mix.


Fertilizer such as saltpeter, potash and bonemeal can be applied to the soil to replenish nutriments depleted by the growth of crops without waiting for the slow natural replenishment in fallow soil (no crops planted) or the need for crop rotation.

For example, the important crop flax removes potassium from the soil as it grows. Adding potash or saltpeter to the depleted soil after harvest will replenish potassium levels and allow replanting of flax on the same soil without waiting for natural replenishment and without the need for crop rotation. The type and amount of nutrient required for each crop is shown in the table of available crops in the next section. Having sufficient nutrients for each crop allows for the optimal growth rate if temperature and light requirements are also met.

Using fertilizer is the only time a soil type can exceed the maximum nutrient level of the soil type.

Note that saltpeter can't be detected by a prospecting pick (propick) and must be found while exploring caves.

Fertilizer Nitrogen (N) % Phosphorus (P) % Potassium (K) % Obtained by
  Potash 0 0 60 crushing or grinding sylvite
  Saltpeter 13 0 44 mined from caves
  Bonemeal 3 30 0 grinding bones


To harvest, left click on the crop with an empty hand or harvesting tool, knife or scythe. Fully mature crops will return seeds, food, and in the case of flax, fiber. All fully mature crops have about a 5% chance to drop an extra seed when harvested. Each crop is characterized by a set of Crop Properties. Crop properties consist of the following individual properties:

  • Growth Stages - The number of growth stages for a crop.
  • Total Growth Days - The number of in game days it takes for a crop to be fully grown (harvestable).
  • Required Nutrient - The type of nutrient (N, P, K) consumed from the farmland when a crop grows to the next stage.
  • Nutrient Consumption - The total amount of the required nutrient that will be consumed over the lifetime of a crop.
  • Cold/ Heat Resistant Until - Temperature range the crop can endure before it takes damage and then will yield less harvest on breaking. Generally all crops are able to keep growing only above 0°C. They might be able to endure lower temperatures without damage, but will not be able to grow under such circumstances. The only way to regulate temperature for crop growth at the moment is through the use of a greenhouse structure, which will raise the temperature. Keep in mind that getting to cold or too hot can halve the harvest of a crop, but the seeds will always be dropped.

Table of Available Crops

Crop Growth Stages Total Growth Required Nutrient Nutrient Consumption Cold Resistant Until Heat Resistant Until
  Carrot 7 4 days K (Potassium) 40 -10°C 32°C
  Flax 9 4.2 days K (Potassium) 50 -5°C 40°C
  Onion 7 3.6 days P (Phosphorus) 35 -1°C 40°C
  Spelt 9 4.4 days N (Nitrogen) 40 -5°C 40°C
  Turnip 5 3 days N (Nitrogen) 30 -5°C 27°C
  Parsnip 8 6 days P (Phosphorus) 20 -10°C 32°C
  Rice 10 4.2 days K (Potassium) 50 8°C 40°C
  Rye 9 5 days N (Nitrogen) 40 -5°C 40°C
  Soybean 11 5.4 days K (Potassium) 35 -5°C 40°C
  Pumpkin 8 3.5 days P (Phosphorus) 30 -5°C 40°C
  Cabbage 12 6.5 days N (Nitrogen) 40 -5°C 35°C

Pumpkins are cultivated differently than all other crops. Please see the pumpkin page for detailed instructions about establishing a pumpkin patch.

Animal attacks

When building a farm, one should keep in mind that rabbits will go after planted crops and eat them. Seeds may drop, depending of plant maturity, and left ignored, but will despawn soon.
Rabbits spawn on grass blocks, so to rabbit-proof your farms, it is recommended to either use a wall, fence or a 2 blocks deep dry moat around the farm blocks, leaving no grass blocks in the enclosed area. The latter offers the added bonus of catching hungry rabbits when they try to reach the players crops.

There are a few crops that will not be eaten by rabbits, namely rice, onions and pumpkins. Those could be planted without protection, however rice and onions should be planted in crop rotation with other plants, which would again need rabbit protection.
Wild crops will be ignored by rabbits.

Underground Farming

Starting with version 1.14, underground farming will no longer be an easily achievable solution. There is now a soft limit for plant growth in relation to depth below sea level: Each level below sea level requires one extra light level for the crop to grow, and below light level 19, each farther level incurs a 10% growth penality, which means growth will stop entirely at light level 9.

Given that the suns light level is 22, this means that with light shafts alone, which would be a direct connection between the sky and the farmland in form of a hole in the ground, farms can be placed at a maximum 3 levels below sea level without incurring growth penalties, and a maximum 12 levels below sea level before growth stops completely. With a fully set chandelier, which would reach light level 24, a slightly lower depth might be reached. However, light levels do not accumulate, meaning combining a light shaft with light level 22 and a lantern with light level 18 will still result in a maximum light level of 22.

"Underground" farms in a mountain range above sea level would however still be possible, as long as the required light level for growth is achieved with sun or artificial light.

In a default height world, sea level is at 110.

Food and Cooking

See cooking or satiety for more information on player nutrition and preparing foods to eat.
Seed Type Category Satiety Satiety/Growth time (days)
Raw Meals Bread Raw Meals Bread
  Carrot Vegetable 100 150 N/A 25.00 37.50 N/A
  Flax Grain 30 120 160 7.14 28.57 38.10
  Onion Vegetable 100 150 N/A 27.78 41.67 N/A
  Spelt Grain 60 240 300 13.64 54.55 68.18
  Turnip Vegetable 100 150 N/A 33.33 50.00 N/A
  Parsnip Vegetable 100 150 N/A 16.67 25.00 N/A
  Rice Grain 60 280 330 14.29 66.67 78.57
  Rye Grain 60 240 300 12.00 48.00 60.00
  Soybean Protein 150 240 N/A 27.78 44.44 N/A
  Pumpkin Vegetable 480 720 N/A 137.14 205.71 N/A
  Cabbage Vegetable 300 450 N/A 46.15 69.23 N/A

Video Tutorials

Detailed explanation including changes since version 1.13 Detailled explanation of pumpkin plants
