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Alum is a mineral that is primarily used for creating dyes.

Crushed alum


Alum can be found as an ore in sedimentary rock. Alum chunks may also be sold by the commodities trader. Mining a block of alum produces alum chunks.


Alum chunks must first be crushed in a pulverizer to produce crushed alum. Crushed alum may be mixed with water in a barrel to produce diluted alum, which is necessary to produce nearly all dyes.

Erze, Metalle und Mineralien
Guides Erzansammlungen Metalle
Nützliche Metalle Kupfer Eisen Meteor Eisen Gold Silber Blei Zinn Zink Bismuth Titanium (Ilmenite)
Nützliche Legierungen Bronze (Zinnbronze, Bismuthbronze, Schwarzbronze) • Stahl Messing Lötkolben (Lötkolben aus Blei, Lötkolben aus Silber) • Molybdochalkos Cupronickel Electrum
Mineralien Alaun Borax Zinnober Kohle Halit (Salz) Lapislazuli Quarz Salpeter Schwefel Pottasche
Werkzeuge Spitzhacke Hammer Geologenhammer Crucible Schmiede Ore blasting bomb Handmühle Amboss Hochofen Stielhammer Pulverisierer
Sonstiges Edelsteine
Related mechanics Schürfen Erzabbau Clay forming Metallgießen Schmieden Stahl Herstellung