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粘土のアイテムを成形するには、青粘土または耐火粘土穴窯(Pit Kiln)のための枯れ草、棒、薪が必要です。



粘土(Clay)は温暖な地域に多く存在し、素手やシャベルで採取することができます。ワールドには異なる種類の粘土、青粘土と耐火粘土があります。道具の鋳型やボウルや鍋のようなアイテムにはどちらの粘土を使っても構いませんが、塊鉄炉(Bloomery)耐火粘土レンガ(Fire Clay Brick)で建てなければなりません。


Clay mold recipe dialog.png
  1. 手に粘土を持ちます。
  2. 白いクロスヘアを固体の表面に向け、スニーク+右クリックで粘土成形メニューを開き、クラフトするアイテムを選びます。
  3. 選択した面に粘土成形グリッドが出現します。選択した鋳型やアイテムをクラフトするには、緑色のボクセルを右クリックで満たし、オレンジ色のボクセルを左クリックで除去して、各層を作る必要があります。各層が完成すると、次の層が出現します。粘土を成形しているときは、Gキーで座っておくと良いでしょう。
  4. アイテムや鋳型のすべての層が完成するとダイアログボックスが消え、最後のボクセルを設置または除去したプレイヤーのインベントリに、成形したアイテムが飛び込みます。成形したアイテムは、焼き上げる前に表面に置き、「破壊」して拾うことができます(左クリック)。破壊してもアイテムは失われません。
Clay molding.png

Clay Tool Modes

To change the number of clay voxels added or removed (1x1, 2x2 and 3x3), press F and select the 'brush size' as indicated by the first three menu options. The last tool menu option,'Copy' allows a player to duplicate identical layers of clay voxels. When this menu option is selected, pressing the right mouse button adds a "layer" of clay matching the pattern of voxels directly underneath the current layer "under construction".

Finishing Items and Molds - Pit Kiln

Once the form is complete, the clay item must be baked in a pit kiln.
A pit kiln is a one deep hole dug into the earth or surrounded by stone - make sure to not use any burnable materials in the vicinity, as the kiln will spread fire! Even tall grass and low hanging tree branches will go up in flames and might cause your local forest or house to be destroyed. After finding a secure spot, place your raw items into the hole. You can find a list of how many items can be fired at the same time below. Next, place dry grass, sticks and fire wood above the items in that order - the game will stop you from adding more than necessary. It should take 10 grass, 8 sticks and 4 firewood.
Finally, ignite the kiln with a torch or fire starter. Make sure to keep a safe distance from it yourself, since you can accidentally set yourself on fire as well. The firing will take approximately 48 ingame hours, so it's a good idea to prep the pit kiln before the night to let it fire away through the darkness. The fire on top of the kiln will stop burning when it's done, leaving only the finished pottery items in the hole. Finished items appear dark brown in color and have "burned" added to their name.

Following a list of clay items and how many of them can be fired in one pit kiln:

Pottery Item Clay type Amount
Bowl blue or fireclay 4
Claypot blue or fireclay 4
Crucible blue or fireclay 4
Crock blue or fireclay 4
Flowerpot blue or fireclay 1
Planter blue or fireclay 1
Shingle blue or fireclay ?
Storage Vessel blue or fireclay 1
Watering Can blue or fireclay 1
Anvil Mold blue or fireclay 1
Axe head Mold blue or fireclay 1
Hammer head Mold blue or fireclay 1
Hoe head Mold blue or fireclay 1
Ingot Mold blue or fireclay 2
Lamellae blue or fireclay ?
Pickaxe head Mold blue or fireclay 1
Prospector's Pick Mold blue or fireclay 1
Shovel head Mold blue or fireclay 1
Sword blade Mold blue or fireclay 1
Firebrick fireclay 12

Using Finished Pottery Items and Molds

Many of the items made with clay are containers used in other types of crafting. Most baked items can be placed on the ground using (Sneak + RMB), and many pottery items can be picked up again with an empty hand (RMB).

Using Items

The Claypot and Bowls are used in Food and cooking, while the watering can has a use in farming. Crocks and Storage Vessels are containers used in food preservation. Shingles can be used to construct clay shingles blocks, Flowerpots and Planters are containers used in decorating. Lamellae are used as components in crafting armor

Using Molds

For more information and instructions when using molds to cast metal ingots, tools and weapons, see separate pages on: crucible, molds and casting.

Clay Required to Create Items and Molds

Name Item/Mold Clay Required Multiple?
Bowl Item 1 1 or 4
Claypot Item 4 1 or 4
Crucible Item 3 1 or 4
Crock Item 2, 14 1 or 4
Flowerpot Item 5 1 or 4
Planter Item 18 1
Shingles Item TBD 12
Storage Vessel Item 35 1
Watering Can Item TBD 1
Anvil Mold 28 1
Axe head Mold 11 1
Hammer head Mold 12 1
Hoe head Mold 12 1
Ingot Mold 2 1 or 2
Lamellae Mold TBD 1
Pickaxe head Mold 12 1
Prospector's Pick Mold 13 1
Shovel head Mold 11 1
Sword blade Mold 12 1

Video Tutorials

Explanation of clay firing v 1.15 Alternative Explanation of clay firing since 1.15
