Translations:How to use WorldEdit/16/ru
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 07:53, 16 June 2022 by Mirotworez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<ul> <li> <strong><span><span><span>/we ms</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> <br> Отмечает ваше текущее положение как н...")
/we ms
Отмечает ваше текущее положение как начальную точку ("mark start")
/we me
Отмечает ваше текущее положение как конечную точку ("mark end")
/we mc
Отменить отметку начальной и конечной позиции("mark clear")
/we mex [filename]
Экспортирует область, определяемую начальной и конечной точкой, в виде файла json в папке данных винтажной истории. ("marked export")
/we imp [filename] [origin]
Imports supplied json file at the defined start point. If the origin parameter is supplied with- 0 = Uses the start point as the bottom left front corner point (default)
- 1 = Uses the start point as the bottom center point
2 = Uses the start point as the top center point
/we impr [0, 90, 180 or 270]
When importing block data using /we imp the imported block data will first be rotated by given angle.
/we impflip
When importing block data using /we imp the imported block data will first be vertically flipped
/we impres [on|off]
Import item/block resolving mode. Turn it off to spawn structures as they are. For example, in this mode, instead of traders, their meta spawners will spawn
/we mfill
Fills the marked area defined by the start and end point with the block in your currently selected hotbar slot ("marked fill")
/we mclear
Clears the marked area defined by the start and end point ("marked clear")
/we mcopy
Copies the marked area.
/we mpaste
Pastes the previously copied area to the defined start point.
/we mm[u,d,n,e,s,w] [length]
Moves the contents inside marked area in given direction by given length (default 1). Examples:
/we mmu - Moves the marked area up by 1 block
/we mms 5 - Moves the marked area south by 5 blocks
/we mmby [x] [y] [z]
Moves the contents inside marked area by given x/y/z length. Example:
/we mmby 5 1 -2 - Moves the marked area 5 blocks in x-direction, 1 block up and -2 blocks in z-direction