Фруктовый пресс

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The fruit press is a new machine added in the 1.16 Update Homesteading 2, which enables the player to squeeze berries and fruit into juice.


To craft a fruit press, the player should already be in at least the copper age, since it requires one ingot, a hammer and a chisel. The metal type is irrelevant, and does not have to be the same for all three of these.
Additionally, the main ingredient of a fruit press are wooden boards, which can only be acquired through the use of a saw - which again can only be crafted on an anvil.
The added ingredients resin and fat can theoretically be found even in the stone age, however to have a sufficient supply may require long exploration journeys and domesticated pigs respectively.

Ингредиенты Рецепт крафта


Different areas on the fruit press can be interacted with in different ways.

The fruit press is hand-operated only and can not be automated in any way, at the present time. Instead it requires high focus on the task, since the involved ingredients spoil easily, and if left alone, fruits and or juice may be wasted.
To produce juice with the fruit press, the following additional items are required and recommended:

  • A bucket or a fired clay jug to collect the fruit juice.
  • An appropriate amount of fruit of the same kind - all berries and currents, as well as saguaro fruit and all fruit that comes from fruit trees (including breadfruit) can be juiced.
  • (optional) An empty barrel for transferring the juice

The fruit press has a total of 3 different places that can be interacted with by the player, as seen in the image:

  1. Below the actual press, there is an empty space meant for a container to collect the juice dripping down. Only buckets or jugs can be used as possible containers, neither barrels nor bowls will serve the same purpose. At the moment, jugs can be placed below the press but have no visual representation.
  2. The middle part of the fruit press holds the fruit mash that's meant to be pressed.

Interacting with this section with at least 4 fruits of one type in hand will deposit them into the fruit press in the form of fruit mash. Once converted into mash, fruits cannot be taken back. Trying to take them out of the press again will result in fruit mash items taken out instead.

  1. At the top of the fruit press is the screw. After placing enough fruits into the press - at least 16 and at maximum 32 - this screw can be fastened by holding right mouse button on it and will then press down to squeeze the mash.

When working with a full fruit press filled with 32 fruits equalling 8 pieces of fruit mash, squeezing out the juice with a fully wound screw will actually show the process in the tooltip of the fruit press. When pressing less then a full 8 layers of fruit mash, the tooltip will at the moment only show up once the screw is released - this will not interrupt the juicing process.
To make the best out of the available fruit, it is recommended to calculate the available space against the number of required fruits. One bucket can hold 10L worth of juice, whereas one jug can only hold 3L worth. It is possible to process 20 fruit and catch the juice with 2 jugs with minimal losses, however given the fact that a player able to build a fruit press should be able to craft buckets as well, it is recommended to use those instead to minimize juice loss.

Fruit Amount Mash Layers Resulting Juice
16 4 5.0L
20 5 6.2L
24 6 7.5L
28 7 8.8L
32 8 10L

Fruit Mash

When inputting fruit into the press it results in fruit mash - this holds true both before and after pressing, however the amount of mash will reduce after squeezing out juice. Apart from its usage in producing juice, this mash can only be used as fodder for pigs.
Fruit mash can be placed in a large trough, with 2 mash turning into 1 portion of feed.

Benefits of Juice

  • Fruit juice can be stored in bowls, jugs, buckets and barrels and therefore potentially takes away less storage space then the fruit it was made from.
  • As of update 1.16.4-rc.1, juice and cider will both decay. The only option for longterm storage is to process the juice first into cider and then into once distilled alcohol - however, in this process all fruit nutrition value as well as some of the saturation will be lost.
