Каменные блоки

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Каменные блоки — это блоки, сооруженные из глины, раствора и каменной породы, включая небольшие камни, рельефный камень и каменные кирпичи.

Grid Granite cobblestone.png
Материал Stone
Размер стака 64
Выпадают предметы Itself

Stone Brick
Grid Granite Brick Block.png
Материал Stone
Размер стака 64
Выпадают предметы Itself

Polished Stone
Grid Polished Granite.png
Материал Stone
Размер стака 64
Выпадают предметы Itself


Игроки могут создавать каменные блоки трех типов: булыжник, полированный камень и блоки из каменного кирпича. Все эти типы блоков создаются с помощью сетки крафта. Типы камня, которые можно использовать для создания каменных блоков, перечисленных ниже, включают: андезит, базальт, мел, кремний, аргиллит, конгломерат, гранит, известняк, перидотит, филлит, песчаник, сланец и сланец. Мрамор можно полировать, но нельзя превратить в кирпич или использовать для создания булыжника.


Many ruins are built from granite cobblestone components, others may be built of stone brick blocks, even raw stone blocks. Cobblestone blocks from ruins may be collected by breaking them without a tool. Though no tool is required, collecting blocks is faster when a pickaxe is equipped.

Cobble skull blocks may not be crafted by players, but may only be looted from ruins. They only come in the full block shape.

Cobblestone block

Cobblestone blocks require clay, and small stones to create.

  • Block shapes: Three variants can be created, full blocks, slabs, and stairs.
  • Material variant: Almost any small stone variant can be used to craft these blocks.
  • Appearance: The type of materials used in crafting affects the appearance of the block.

Crafting blocks

Blocks must be assembled in the crafting grid as shown below.


































Polished rock

Polished blocks require a hammer, a chisel, and a rock to create.

  • Block Shapes: Full blocks and slabs can be created. Polished stone stairs cannot be created.
  • Material Variant: Almost any rock variant can be used to craft these blocks.
  • Appearance: The type of materials used in crafting affects the appearance of the block.


Stone is mined using a pickaxe, by "relieving blocks" and polished in the crafting grid using a hammer and chisel. Polished stones can be split to create two slabs.













Stone brick

Stone brick blocks require rock, mortar, a hammer, and a chisel to create.

  • Block Shapes: Three variants can be created, Stone Brick Blocks, Stone Brick Slabs (half-block), and Stone Brick Stairs.
  • Material Variant: Almost any rock variant can be used to craft these blocks.

Brick blocks are crafted in two stages, the bricks are formed and, second bricks are assembled to form blocks.

To craft brick blocks, bricks of the appropriate type must be formed in the crafting grid.








Blocks must be assembled using mortar and bricks in the crafting grid as shown below.





































Building component

Stone Blocks are primarily used to create player structures. Slabs can be placed horizontally or vertically.

Block types

Stone Block Slab Stairs
Polished Stone     N/A
Stone Brick      
