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影には多くの危険が潜んでいるため、Vintage Storyで身を守るには戦闘技術を身につけなければなりません。

  • 近接戦闘 ― まず殴ってから話を聞こう。どんな敵も左クリックで攻撃できますが、手に何かを持っていない限り、通常の攻撃範囲はかなり短いことに注意してください。
  • 遠距離戦闘 ― 投石、弓矢、槍を使えば、遠くからダメージを与えることができます。右クリックを長押しすると徐々に小さくなる長方形が画面に表示されます。長方形が最も小さくなったときに最も精度が高くなるため、タイミングが重要です!


  Any Stone you mine or pick up can be thrown from a safe distance at living things to perform minor damage (0.5 damage)
  If everything fails, a plain old stick still has a better range than just fist punching your way out (0.5 damage)
  Carved from a log with the help of a knife the club is sturdy and reliable, but does not inflict a lot of damage (1 damage, 1.5 dmg in version 1.6)
  The spear is very fragile, but it's long range is a tremendous advantage. As with all stone tools, it can be made from granite, andesite, basalt, obsidian and flint. A flint spear does 1.25 damage during a melee attack and 3.5 damage when thrown
  The bow with flint arrow heads - a reliable and powerful long range weapon, but requires you to farm or find enough flax to craft the bowstring. (2.5 damage)

Metal Age Weapons

  Your good old trusty sword. Nothing beats it's reliability and damage output. Higher metal tiers have higher durability and greater damage (2.5 - 4.5 damage)
  The bow with metal arrow heads improves damage output (+0.5 dmg for copper, +1 dmg for gold/silver/tinbronze/bisbronze, +1.5 dmg for blackbronze, +2 dmg for iron)
  If you need great melee range without the loss of durability, upgrade your spears to copper or bronze!
