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Grid Sand Granite.png
Материал Andesite, Basalt, Bauxite, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Granite, Limestone, Peridotite, Phyllite, Sandstone, Shale and Slate
Размер стака 64
Выпадают предметы Sand

Естественное появление

В мире может существовать четырнадцать типов вариантов песка, которые создаются во время генерации мира. Различные типы песка встречаются в разных местах мира, но особенно в пустынях и на береговых линиях, граничащих с озерами и морями. Внешний вид (цвет) блока указывает на тип песка. Шесть типов песка (андезит, мел, аргиллит, гранит, песчаник и сланец) показаны здесь справа в качестве примера разнообразия внешнего вида, который демонстрирует песок.


Sand Types

Sand types that exist include: Andesite, Basalt, Bauxite, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Granite, Limestone, Peridotite, Phyllite, Sandstone, Shale and Slate. Each type of sand appears as a different color and corresponds to the color of the parent stone material. Sand varies based on the geology of the area or region where it is generated. A sand type appearing on the surface may indicate the type of stone underground, which is especially helpful if there are no rocky outcroppings or exposed stone in the local area.

Grass Variants

Sand does not have a grass coverage variant and always appears bare.


Sand blocks may be removed by breaking (left click) with your bare hands or using any tool, though a shovel is a faster method to harvest sand blocks. Sand blocks stack to 64, and may be carried in player inventory or stored in stationary containers.


Sand blocks can be used to acquire early game resources using the panning mechanic. Drops from sand include type-specific small stones, flint, ore nuggets, tool heads and clay. Rare drops from panning also include rusty gears, metal pieces and jewelry items. For more information on panning, see the Panning guide. Sand is also used as a component to create plaster and light mudbrick building blocks.
