Modding:Setting up your Development Environment/ru: Difference between revisions

From Vintage Story Wiki
Created page with "Но это не обязательно при создании нового мода, так как команда <code>dotnet new vsmod</code> установить новую версию шаблона, если она доступна."
(Created page with "* [ Visual Studio Community] это бесплатная и очень мощная среда разработки, описан...")
(Created page with "Но это не обязательно при создании нового мода, так как команда <code>dotnet new vsmod</code> установить новую версию шаблона, если она доступна.")
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== Программное обеспечение ==
== Программное обеспечение ==

Когда вы будете готовы приступить к кодированию модов для Vintage Story, вы, вероятно, захотите настроить среду разработки, которая упростит процесс кодирования и тестирования ваших творений. Есть несколько приложений, которые помогут вам в разработке модов. Вот несколько предложений:
Когда вы будете готовы приступить к кодированию модов для Vintage Story, вы, вероятно, захотите настроить среду разработки, которая упростит процесс кодирования и тестирования ваших творений. Vintage Story разрабатывается на C# и начиная с версии 1.18.8 мы перешли на .NET 7.
Есть несколько приложений, которые помогут вам в разработке модов. Вот некоторые из них, поддерживающие наш шаблон:
* [ Visual Studio Community] — это бесплатная и очень мощная среда разработки от Microsoft и, возможно, имеет наилучшую поддержу С# и .NET, которые в свою очередь тоже разработаны Microsoft. Это также инструмент, который команда Vintage Story использует при билде игры. Она также имеет [ MacOS версию]. При использовании установите пакет <code>.NET desktop development</code>.
* [ Jetbrains Rider] — это платная, мощная и удобная среда разработки специально спроектированная для .NET. Поскольку она создана для .NET, она также имеет очень хорошую поддержку всех функций, которые могут вам понадобиться, и при этом является полностью кроссплатформенной. Она также используется командой Vintage Story при разработке игры.
* [ Visual Studio Code] — это бесплатный, лёгкий и универсальный редактор кода, разработанный Microsoft. Он поддерживает множество языков программирования и предлагает широкий выбор функциональных расширений. Расширение для поддержки C# — отличный выбор для начала создания модов. Этот редактор широко используется нашим сообществом мододелов.
Хоть вы и можете использовать любой редактор для работы с исходном кодом, мы настоятельно рекомендуем использовать один из вышеперечисленных инструментов, чтобы ваши процессы стали гораздо удобнее.
Выберите одну из вышеперечисленных IDE или другие альтернативы. Мы предлагаем использовать '''Visual Studio Community''' для Windows. Для Linux вы можете использовать '''Visual Studio Code''' или '''Rider'''.
Примечание: Если вы используете Linux и собираетесь ставить Visual Studio Code или Rider из '''Flatpak''' или '''snap'''? имейте в виду, что могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы с использованием .NET или переменных среды. Так что, по возможности используйте нативные методы установки.
Далее вам нужно будет установить [ .NET 7 SDK] (Комплект для разработки программного обеспечения), который также будет включать .NET 7 Dekstop Runtime, необходимый для запуска игры начиная с версии 1.18.8-rc.1.
Убедитесь, что .NET 7 SDK установился правильно, выполнив следующую команду в терминале:
''В Windows откройте приложение Windows PowerShell, которое предустановлено во всех современных версиях Windows (10 / 11).''
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet --list-sdks
Она выведет список установленных SDK, одна из которых, должна иметь <code></code>. Если это так, то можете продолжать.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== Setup the Environment ==
Our Mod template makes use of the environment variable <code>VINTAGE_STORY</code>. Which we will set up to contain the path of where your game is installed. The use of the environment helps to keep the setup and the template simple so we recommend using it and will cover it in this article.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The <code>VINTAGE_STORY</code> Environment Variable simplifies reusing your Vintage Story game installation path and helps if multiple modders work on the same project to reference the <code>VINTAGE_STORY</code> Environment Variable and have their game installed where ever they want.
=== Windows ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Here you have two options to set the environment variable:
* Use this short PowerShell script. Open the ''Windows PowerShell'' Application and paste the following into it and hit ''ENTER''
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("VINTAGE_STORY", "$Env:AppData\Vintagestory", "User")
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Change <code>$Env:AppData\Vintagestory</code> if you used a custom installation path for your game.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Follow these manual steps to set the Environment variable
Search in Windows search for <code>Edit the system environment variables</code> > <code>Environment Variables...</code> > User variables for USER > New > Add insert the Variable name: <code>VINTAGE_STORY</code> and add the path to your Vintage Story installation.
[[File:Win env.png|400px|center|frameless|alt=Setup Windows environment variable]]

* [ Visual Studio Community] это бесплатная и очень мощная среда разработки, описанная в руководстве ниже. Это также инструмент, который команда Vintage Story использует для создания игры. Он также имеет [ MacOS версию].
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
For example, the default installation directory would be <code>C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory</code>, (replace <Username> with your username) if you are not sure where yours is type <code>%appdata%</code> into the URL field in the File Explorer and hit ENTER. It will take you to your AppData\Roaming folder where Vintage Story should be installed if you haven't changed the default installation location.

* [ Jetbrains Rider] is a freemium and modern development environment with seamless support for Visual Studio projects, keybindings and layouts. It is an enterprise product and some features are locked behind a license (code duplication checking, web dev tools), but the features that you need for VS mod development are all free. The indexing / go to reference features and built-in decompiling features are very powerful, as you are able to click on a method Vintage Story uses and it'll show you the code behind it. Do note that it currently has one bug + workaround documented [ here].
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Win appdata.png|400px|frameless|center|alt=find the default installation path of vintage story]]
Do not confuse the <code>AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData</code> directory with the <code>AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory</code> folder. The <code>VintagestoryData</code> directory only holds your Settings, Logs, Savegames and Mods.

* [ Visual Studio Code] is very a lightweight version of Visual Studio. Our precious community member [ copygirl] is using this tool and also [ wrote a set up guide on github]
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Linux and Mac ===
To set an environment variable in Linux/Mac you need to add the following to your shells startup file:

* [ MonoDevelop] is another IDE that is more lightweight than Visual Studio Community.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
export VINTAGE_STORY="$HOME/ApplicationData/vintagestory"
Replace the path with the one where your Vintagestory installation is located. The above path should point to your install when you installed Vintagestory using the script.

* [ Notepad++] your very basic text editing tool with some extra features. You can code mods in any text editor, really. It does however lack instant context sensitive feedback while programming, which is very helpful. If you choose this way, you can use the game itself to trial and error mods by reloading them while the game is running.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Run <code>echo $SHELL</code> in a terminal to see what shell you are using.

== Install Development Tool ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* For Bash place it in: <code>~/.bashrc</code> or <code>~/.bash_profile</code> at the end
* For Zsh place it in: <code>~/.zshrc</code> or <code>~/.zprofile</code> at the end
* If you use another shell see their documentation on how their shell startup file is called
Note: If you are using <code>~/.bash_profile</code> or <code>~/.zprofile</code> you will have to Logout and Login again to apply the changes. When using <code>~/.bashrc</code> or <code>~/.zshrc</code> you only need to restart the application that needs to use the environment variable (Visual Studio, Rider, Visual Studio Code, Terminal).

VintageStory is developed in C#. Choose one of the above IDEs or other alternatives. We suggest using '''Visual Studio Community''' for Windows. For Linux you may want to use '''Visual Studio Code''', '''Rider''' or '''MonoDevelop'''.

After you download an IDE, you can now either get the [ mod template] project or manually set up a mod project. The mod template offers a convenience tool to set up multiple mod projects and to quickly pack up and have a ready-to-ship mod.
== Создание мода  ==

=== Installation Guide on Windows / macOS with Visual Studio ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Mod Template package ===

{| class="wikitable"
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The first and recommended option would be to use the ''template package''.
! scope="col"| OS
! scope="col"| Repo
! scope="col"| Command
| Windows
| [ download exe]
| Run downloaded file
| macOS
| [ download dmg]
| Run downloaded file

=== Installation Guide on Linux / macOS with MonoDevelop ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Install the mod [ Mod template package] using the following command on the Terminal:

You can use the MonoDevelop IDE to make VS mods on Linux. The download instructions are below, choose your OS and follow the link to add the repo, then run the install command.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new install VintageStory.Mod.Templates

{| class="wikitable"
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
This will download the latest mod template package from []
! scope="col"| OS
! scope="col"| Repo
! scope="col"| Command
| Debian 8-10
| [ repo]
| <code>sudo apt-get install monodevelop</code>
| Ubuntu 14.04-20.04
| [ repo]
| <code>sudo apt-get install monodevelop</code>
| CentOS / RedHat
| [ repo]
| <code>yum install monodevelop</code>
| Using Flatpak
| [ Download Flatpak]
| <code>flatpak install --user --from</code>
| macOS
| [ build guide]
| Use Visual Studio or build from source
| Other
| [ compile from source]
| Follow the instructions to compile from source

=== Installation Guide on Linux / macOS with Visual Studio Code ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Once the template is installed you will see it inside Visual Studio and Rider. From there you can use the templates to create a new Project.

You can use Visual Studio Code to make VS mods on Linux. The download instructions are below, choose your OS and follow the link to download it.

{| class="wikitable"
==== Visual Studio ====
! scope="col"| OS
! scope="col"| Download
! scope="col"| Command
| Debian 8-10
| [ download deb]
| <code>sudo dpkg -i /path/to/vscode/file.deb && sudo apt-get install -f</code>
| Ubuntu 18.04-20.04
| [ download deb]
| <code>sudo apt install /path/to/vscode/file.deb</code>
| CentOS / RedHat / Fedora / SUSE
| [ download rpm]
| <code>rpm -ih /path/to/vscode/file.rpm</code>
| Arch
| [ package]
| <code>yay -S visual-studio-code-bin</code>
| Using Snap
| [ Download <code>snapd</code>]
| <code>sudo snap install code --classic</code>
| macOS
| [ download zip]
| Run downloaded file
| Other
| [ compile from source]
| Follow the instructions to compile from source

=== Installation Guide on Windows / Linux / macOS with JetBrains Rider ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
We advise you to check the option  <code>Place solution and project in the same directory</code> for Visual Studio
This will flatten the project tree by one folder and make it easier to navigate.

You can use Jetbrains Rider to make VS mods on Linux. The download instructions are below, choose your OS and follow the link to download it.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
If you don't want the log output to show up in a separate window you can check the option <code>SuppressWindowsConsoleWindow</code>. When enabled the log output will still be shown inside the Visual Studio Debug Output.

{| class="wikitable"
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Open Visual Studio and click on ''Create a new project''. If you installed the ''VintageStory.Mod.Templates'' you can then select '''Vintage Story Mod'''.
! scope="col"| OS
<gallery mode="packed-hover" widths=400px heights=300px>
! scope="col"| Download
File:Vs-cp-template.png|Visual Studio Mod Template
! scope="col"| Command
File:Vs-cp-template-setup.png|Visual Studio Mod Template setup
File:Vs-cp-template-options.png|Visual Studio Mod Template options
| Windows
| [ download exe]
| Run downloaded file
| Arch
| [ package]
| <code>yay -S rider mono mono-msbuild</code>
| Using Toolbox
| [ Download Toolbox]
| Follow the given instructions for your OS
| Using Snap
| [ Download <code>snapd</code>]
| <code>sudo snap install rider --classic</code>
| macOS
| [ download dmg]
| Run downloaded file
| Other
| [ download <code>.tar.gz</code>]
| <code>sudo tar -xzf ideaIU.tar.gz -C /opt && cd /opt/idea-dir-edit-me && sudo ./</code>

== Mod templates ==
==== Rider ====

* [ '''The official Mod template for Visual Studio'''] which is covered in this article.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* [ copygirl's VSCode setup]
We advise you to check the option <code>Put solution and project in the same directory</code> for Rider.
This will flatten the project tree by one folder and make it easier to navigate.

== Setup using the official Mod template ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Open Rider and click on ''New Solution''. If you installed the ''VintageStory.Mod.Templates'' you can then select '''Vintage Story Mod'''.

To get started download the VSModTemplate solution from [ GitHub]. Now you simply need to extract the zip archive to your desired destination.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Rider-cp-template.png|400px|frameless|center|alt=Rider Mod Template|Rider Mod Template]]


Navigate to <code>vsmodtemplate-x.y.z</code> and double click <code>VSMods.sln</code> (only works if Visual Studio is installed). Alternatively you can also start Visual Studio hit <code>File -> Open -> Project/Solution...</code>, navigate to the extracted folder and select <code>VSMods.sln</code>.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Note: Unfortunately as of writing this Rider does not support those template options as Visual Studio in the UI yet but you can check this [ issue] for updates.
For now you can make use of those options using the CLI see the  [[#Visual Studio Code|Visual Studio Code]] section for how to use it.

But before you can start to work, you have to set up the ModTools first.
==== Visual Studio Code ====

=== Run ModTools ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
To create a new Mod using the template when using Visual Studio Code you have to resort to using the command line for now since there is no UI that supports the options as well.
Open a folder in Visual Studio Code where you want your mod to be. Then open the terminal within Visual Studio code ''Terminal'' > ''New Terminal''.

The ModTools allow you to do various tasks rather easily by typing in a command. Each platform requires a different way to start it.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Please note, the mod tools have only been tested with Visual Studio and MonoDevelop, but they are not required to mod the game, it merely simplifies some of the tasks.
* Create a new Mod Project with launch.json and task.json to easily start it and a Solution file. ''Other IDE's create that automatically so that is why we have this additional <code>--AddSolutionFile</code> flag for VS Code.''
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new vsmod --IncludeVSCode --AddSolutionFile

==== Windows ====
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
For all possible options run the following in the terminal:
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new vsmod --help

Double-click <code>vsmodtools.exe</code>.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Once you opened or created a template Visual Studio will prompt you to install the recommended extension, click on ''Show Recommendations'' and install the the pre-release version of the [ C# Dev Kit] extension. This will also install the required [ C#] automatically for you.
These two extensions are recommended and will add Syntax highlighting, Autocomlet and many more much-needed features for writing C# code.

==== Linux ====
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Other / Commandline ====
If want to use the Commandline you can use all template options on the Commandline in any Terminal Application with the help of the ''dotnet'' command.

Open a terminal and navigate to this folder and enter <code>mono vsmodtools.exe</code>.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Create a new VS mod in the folder ''mytestmod'' in the current location of the terminal.
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new vsmod --AddSolutionFile -o mytestmod

==== Mac OS ====
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* or create a dll/code only mod
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new vsmoddll --AddSolutionFile -o mytestmod

Double-click <code>modtools.command</code>.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
For all possible options run the following in the terminal:
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new vsmod --help

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When using the Commandline you can specify these options like so:

=== Setup ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
# Will create a new Mod Project with the dependency for VSSurvivalMod
dotnet new vsmod --AddSolutionFile --IncludeVSSurvivalMod -o mytestmod

{{Syntax|setup [optional path]}}

Before doing anything else you have to setup your workspace. Just type in <code>setup</code> and it will automatically try to locate your Vintage Story installation directory. If it cannot find it, you will be asked to type in the full path. Once you have entered your path, it will update your project files so you can start to work with it. Now open the project again and run your first test by clicking <code>Start</code> [[File:VSMods10.png]]. If everything has been set up correctly, Vintage Story should start.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Finally in <code>mytestmod\mytestmod\modinfo.json</code>
change the <code>name</code>, <code>modid</code> , <code>authors</code> and <code>description</code> to describe your mod.

=== Project Setup (ZIP) ===
==== Обновление шаблонов ====

The source mod system lets you build zip mods that can ship source code besides their assets. The source code is compiled during run-time by the modloader engine. This has the great advantage of being open and easy to modify on the run, but also comes with one major disadvantage, which is that the inbuilt source code compiler can only compile code up until C# 6.0, so newer language features are not supported. If this is a showstopper for you, we advise you to build a compiled mod.
Чтобы обновить все установленные шаблоны, выполните команду:
<syntaxhighlight lang=shell>
dotnet new update

==== Add Mod ====
Но это не обязательно при создании нового мода, так как команда <code>dotnet new vsmod</code> установить новую версию шаблона, если она доступна.

{{Syntax|add <modid>}}
==== Структура папок ====

Adds a new mod project to your workspace, also generates an <code>assets</code>, a <code>src</code> folder and a <code>modinfo.json</code> file. The mod will be added to your visual studio solution and will be loaded by Vintage Story. Make sure to fill in all additional information in <code>modinfo.json</code>.
Вот обзор того, где находятся файлы в вашем моде.
<table id="treeviewtable" class="table table-bordered tt-table" style='table-layout: fixed'>
  <tr style=''>
    <th width='300' align='left'>Название</th>
    <th width='600' align='left'>Описание</th>
    <td><div class="tt" data-tt-id="root">mytestmod</div></td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_vscode" data-tt-parent="root">.vscode</div></td>
    <td>Если вы указали --IncludeVSCode, то эта папка будет содержать всё необходимое для запуска, упаковки и дебага вашего мода в Visual Studio Code.</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_cakebuild" data-tt-parent="root">CakeBuild</div></td>
    <td>Этот проект содержит код, который билдит Вы можете выполнить его, выбрав CakeBuild в Run Configuration.</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_mytestmod" data-tt-parent="root">mytestmod</div></td>
    <td>Это ваш проект. Он содержит весь ваш код, ассеты и modinfo.json</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_assets" data-tt-parent="p_mytestmod">assets</div></td>
    <td>Ваши ассеты. Смотри '''{{pll|Modding:Asset System|nsp=0}}'''</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_modinfo" data-tt-parent="p_mytestmod">modinfo.json</div></td>
    <td>Описывает ваш мод. Автор, зависимости, название и многое другое. Смотри '''{{pll|Modinfo}}'''</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_properties" data-tt-parent="p_mytestmod">Properties</div></td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_launchsettings" data-tt-parent="p_releases_properties">launchSettings.json</div></td>
    <td>Здесь содержится информация о том, как запустить ваш мод (Visual Studio, Rider). Вы можете добавить пользовательские параметры запуска, чтобы, например, при старте запускаться прямо в мир. Запустите Vintagestory.exe -h, чтобы увидеть все параметры из терминала, открытого в папке Vintagestory.</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_csproj" data-tt-parent="p_mytestmod">mymod.csproj</div></td>
    <td>csproj вашего мода. Содержит информацию о версии .NET и зависимостях (например, VintagestoryAPI).</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases" data-tt-parent="root">Releases</div></td>
    <td>Будет содержать релиз вашего мода после выполнения CakeBuild.</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_mymtestmod" data-tt-parent="p_releases">mytestmod</div></td>
    <td>Файлы мода перед упаковкой в .zip архив.</td>
    <td scope="row"><div class="tt" data-tt-id="p_releases_zip" data-tt-parent="p_releases"></div></td>
    <td>Готовый к релизу мод в виде zip-архива.</td>

==== Delete Mod ====

{{Syntax|delete <modid>}}
=== Проект-шаблон мода ===

Before executing, make sure your project is closed, otherwise you might run into some difficulties. Running this command will delete the given mod completely (irreversible).
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Use the [ Github Mod template] to create a new mod

==== Pack Mod ====
{{Syntax|pack <modid>}}

Creates a mod zip file and places it in <code>/releases/<modid>/<modid>_v<modversion>.zip</code>. This file is ready for use and can be shared with other people.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Github Mod template provides an easy way to get the basics for mod setup so you can start directly with adding your modifications to the game.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Without using git and Github account

Packs all mods in your workspace at once.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
To get a copy of the template click the <code><> Code</code> button on the GitHub repository site. Then download the template as ZIP file and extract it.

=== Project Setup (Compiled Zip) ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Using Github and or git command

Both dll and zip mods have their advantages and disadvantages, so why not combine them together? This project setup is very similar to zip. Instead of adding the source code to the zip file, it uses the compiled dll. This allows you to have all the dll benefits while still having the zip mod asset structure.
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You can directly click on <code>Use this template</code> on the GitHub repository site to create a copy of it to your GitHub account.
After that, you can clone your new repository to your computer.

==== Add Mod ====
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If you do not use GitHub just clone the repo and upload it to your preferred Git hosting provider (Gitlab, BitBucket, ...)

{{Syntax|add <modid> compiled}}
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With a local copy of the template, you can go ahead and open the ''ModTemplate.sln'' either in Visual Studio, Rider or Open the folder in Visual Studio Code. The Template is ready to use for any of the aforementioned IDE's. Now you can already start the mod with the game.

Adds a compiled zip mod template to your workspace. The difference is that it uses a compiled dll instead of the actual source code. All other commands are equal to the zip ones.
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When opened you need to change the following to release the mod since a mod has to have a unique ''modid'' for the VSModDB:

==== Set Mod ====
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In <code>modtemplate\resources\modinfo.json</code>
change the <code>name</code>, <code>modid</code> , <code>authors</code> and <code>description</code> to describe your mod.

{{Syntax|set <modid> <source&#124;compiled>}}
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For a full list of available options see '''[[Modinfo | Modinfo]]'''.

Sets the given zip mod either to source or compiled. This can be useful if you want to change the type of your mod later on.
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The <code>modid</code> has to contain only lowercase letters and numbers. No special chars, whitespaces, uppercase letters, etc. are allowed.

=== Project Setup (DLL) ===
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Next, rename the folder <code>modtemplate\resources\assets\mymodid</code> to match what your <code>modid</code> is.

Dll mods are way more powerful than source mods, but they have two major downsides. Firstly, they are not able to carry assets which will be loaded by the game, secondly because they are so powerful they can be dangerous. Besides that dll mods can (unlike the others) have cross mod references, provide APIs and use C# 7. We recommend this type of mod for more experienced mod developers.
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Finally change in the file <code>modtemplate\modtemplateModSystem.cs</code> the line
<syntaxhighlight lang=cs>
from <code>mymodid</code> to your new modid.

==== Add Mod ====
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The file <code>modtemplate\modtemplateModSystem.cs</code> can be called whatever you like.

{{Syntax|add-dll <modid>}}
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
(Optional) Further, you can change the name <code>ModTemplate</code> to whatever you like as long as you change all of the following:
* Folder <code>ModTemplate</code>
* File <code>ModTemplate\ModTemplate.csproj</code>
* In File <code>CakeBuild\Program.cs</code> on line
<syntaxhighlight lang=cs>
ProjectName = "ModTemplate";

Adds a new mod project to your workspace. A generated <code>AssemblyInfo.cs</code> file will be in your properties folder, it contains the mod information (name, author, version, description etc.) so make sure to change them before you spread the mod to other people. The mod will be added to your visual studio solution and will be loaded by VintageStory.
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''If you are on linux and used the Github Template'' make sure to update in <code>ModTemplate\Properties\launchSettings.json</code> the <code>executablePath</code>. There you need to remove the <code>.exe</code>

==== Delete Mod ====
=== Запуск мода ===

{{Syntax|delete <modid>}}
==== Запуск мода в Visual Studio ====
[[File:Vs-cp-start.png|600px|frameless|center|alt=Запуск мода в Visual Studio|Запуск мода в Visual Studio]]

Before executing, make sure your project is closed, otherwise you might run into some difficulties. Running this command will delete the given mod completely (irreversible).
==== Запуск мода в Rider ====
<gallery mode="packed-hover" widths=500px heights=100px>
File:Rider-cp-start-new-ui.png|Запуск мода в Rider (Новый UI)
File:Rider-cp-start.png|Запуск мода в Rider
==== Запуск мода в Visual Studio Code ====
[[File:Vsc-cp-start.png|400px|frameless|center|alt=Запуск мода в Visual Studio Code|Запуск мода в Visual Studio Code]]

==== Release Mod ====
Если у вас возникли проблемы, вы можете узнать больше из проекта [ vsmodexamples]

Once you launch VintageStory in your workspace, the DLL mod will be compiled. You can find it in your <code>mods</code> folder, with the give name: <code><modid>.dll</code>. If you want to upload this mod or share it with your friends this is the file you need to use.
== Упаковка мода ==

== Manual setup ==
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With the new template, we are using the [ Cake] build system. This includes a second Project within the Solution in the template.
In all supported IDE's you can select from the dropdown that you used to launch the mod the <code>CakeBuild</code> option and run it.
''When using Visual Studio Code you can also create a package by running the package task. For that got to <code>Terminal</code> > <code>Run Task...</code> and select <code>package</code>.''

* Create a new project
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Add at least a library reference to the <code>VintageStoryApi.dll</code> (on Windows it's located in the installation directory)
It will perform a JSON validation on your assets so they are at least parsable by Newtonsoft.Json and then build a <code>Releases/</code>. The version is taken from the <code>mymod/modinfo.json</code> file.
* Open the project properties. Under debug select "Start external program" select the <code>VintageStory.exe</code>. Also adjust the working directory to where the executable is located.
* If you compile to a .dll file, set up a ModInfo attribute in your AssemblyInfo.cs ([ example])
** Add the following command line arguments: <code>-openWorld="modsamplestest" -pcreativebuilding --addModPath="C:\path\to\your\bin\folder" --addOrigin="C:\path\to\your\assets\folder\if\you\have\any"</code>
* If want to ship a source mod or mod with assets, set up a <code>modinfo.json</code> ([ example]). Make sure your folders are set up in a way that the modPath contains the modinfo.json and a folder named "src" containing your source files. Optionally it can also contain an assets folder for your assets.
** Add the following command line arguments: <code>-openWorld="modsamplestest" -pcreativebuilding --addModPath="C:\path\to\your\modPath"</code>
* I recommend adding the [ RedirectLogs.cs] file to your project, so that you can see the log output in your visual studio output window. Be sure not to ship your mod with it though.
* Run the project and hope for the best :D
* To ship a mod have a look at [[Mod Packaging]]

If you are having troubles, you might be able to learn from the [ vsmodexamples project]
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Congratulations now you have your mod development environment set up and a ready-to-release mod package.

= Moving Forward =
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Note: Make sure you use your own unique <code>modid</code> else you won't be able to upload the mod to the VSModDB.

If you've successfully managed to setup your development environment and can run Vintage Story through the '''VSMods''' project in your IDE then it's time to get started on your first code mod. At this point there are many options you can choose from as code mods can alter almost any aspect of the game. However, the best place to start is likely one again with Blocks and Items (since you should be familiar with making them using JSONS by this point).
= Дальнейшее продвижение =

Head over to the '''[[Modding:Advanced Blocks | Advanced Blocks]]''' page to make your first advanced code block.
Если вам удалось настроить среду разработки и запустить Vintage Story через проект мода в вашей IDE, то пришло время приступить к работе над своим первым модом кода. На данный момент есть много вариантов, которые вы можете выбрать, поскольку моды кода могут изменить практически любой аспект игры. Тем не менее, лучше всего начать с блоков и элементов (поскольку к этому моменту вы уже должны быть знакомы с их созданием используя JSON-ы).

Or head over to the '''[[Modding:Advanced Items | Advanced Items]]''' page to make your first advanced code item.
Перейдите на страницу '''[[Modding:Advanced Blocks/ru|Продвинутые блоки]]''', чтобы создать свой первый продвинутый блок кода.

{{Navbox/modding/ru|Vintage Story}}
Или перейдите на страницу '''{{Not translated|Modding:Advanced Items/ru|Продвинутые предметы|Modding:Advanced Items}}''', чтобы создать свой первый продвинутый предмет кода.
