
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 01:47, 22 December 2020 by Коала (talk | contribs)

Формы - созданные игроком контейнеры, нужные для создания Наконечников и наверший оружия и инструментов, пластины (для брони), Металлических слитков и наковален для занятия Кузнечным делом. Формы универсальны и могут использоваться по нескольку раз, вне зависимости от предыдущего металла, который в ней побывал.


Формы лепятся из глины посредством механики формирования глины, и как и любой глиняный предмет, должнв быть обожжены/керамизированы в костре.



Finished molds can be placed on a solid surface using Sneak + Right Mouse Button. Most molds require a full block space, but two ingot molds can be placed on one block.


See the casting page for more information about preparing metal for use in molds. Molten metal from a crucible can be poured into the mold (right mouse button) until the mold is filled. Molten metal will not be added to a full mold. Most tool, weapon and ingot molds require 100 units of metal to fill, though the anvil requires 900 units. Once the metal cools, the cast item can be removed from the molds (right mouse button). If the mold is picked up before the metal is cool, the material will be lost.


Molds are reusable. After item completion, molds can be picked up with an empty hand (right mouse button). Molds can be carried in player inventory or stored in stationary containers. Anvil and tool/weapon head molds do not stack, but since molds are not destroyed when the item is completed, it is not necessary to create a new mold to cast a new tool. Ingot molds stack to 8.

Clay Mold Creation Table

Please note that some tools and weapons (arrowheads, chisel, scythe, shears, spearhead and saw) cannot be crafted by casting. Creation of these items requires smithing.

Name Clay Required Multiple?
Anvil 28 1
Axe head 11 1
Hammer head 12 1
Hoe head 12 1
Ingot 2 1 or 2
Lamellae TBD 1
Pickaxe head 12 1
Prospector's Pick 13 1
Shovel head 11 1
Sword blade 12 1
