
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 17:53, 29 July 2021 by Slychee (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Klassen und Eigenschaften==")

Seit Version 1.14 des Spiels können Spieler eine aus mehreren Klassen auswählen, welche positive und negative Effekte haben.

Wie man eine Klasse wählt

Nachdem eine neue Welt beigetreten wurde, wird dem Spieler das Charakterkreationsfenster präsentiert. Hier kann der Spieler eine von 5 Klassen wählen. Der Spieler kann auch .charsel in das Nachrichten-Fenster eingeben um wieder das Charakterkreationsfenster zu erreichen, jedoch funktioniert dies nur einmal!

Klassen und Eigenschaften

The following classes are currently available,

The Commoner Class as depicted ingame

The Commoner class is the default class and has no positive or negative traits, often considered as the "Allrounder" class. It's advised that players pick this class for their first time playing to get a hang of the game.

The Hunter Class as depicted ingame

The Hunter class has the Unique ability to craft a Crude bow and arrow, is proficient at killing animals from range and harvesting them efficiently.

Additional Positive and Negative Traits
Focused - Ranged Damage +10%, Ranged Accuracy +30%
Resourceful - Animal Harvesting speed and amount +10%
Fleetfooted - Walkspeed +10%
Bowyer - Can craft a Crude bow and arrows
Farsighted - Melee damage and Ore droprate -15%
The Clockmaker as depicted ingame

The Clockmaker class deals a significant amount of damage toward locusts but is frail and deals less damage to anything else.

Additional Positive and Negative Traits
Precise - 0.25 damage multiplier against locusts
Technical - Only needs 2 Temporal Gears to repair a Translocator
Fleetfooted - Walkspeed +10%
Frail - -2.5 extra maxhealth
Nervous - Bow drawing strenght -25%, Melee damage -15%
The Malefactor as depicted ingame

The malefactor is a frail and weak class that thrives on foraging and finding broken vessels in ruins.

Additional Positive and Negative Traits
Forager - Forage harvest +10%, Wildcrop harvest +20%
Pilferer - Vessel content droprate +15%, Rusty gear droprate +10%, Chance to loot a whole broken vessel instead of breaking it 5%
Furtive - Animal aggro range -20%
Frail - -2.5 extra maxhealth
Nervous - Bow drawing strenght -25%, Melee damage -15%
The Blackguard as depicted ingame

The Blackguard is a durable fighter but gets hungry quicker and is less efficient at harvesting food

Additional Positive and Negative Traits
Soldier - melee damage +20%
Hardy - Miningspeed +10%, +5 HP
Ravenous - Hunger rate +30%
Nearsighted - Ranged Damage -15%
Heavyhanded - Vessel droprate -10%, Forage droprate -15%, Wildcrop droprate -20%
