Cracked vessel

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Loot Vessels are found in most ruins. These containers provide resources when broken using an empty hand or any tool. Malefactors have a 10% chance to drop the whole vessel instead. Some traders sell or buy whole loot vessels.

A loot vessel in a surface ruin.

The currently defined loot vessel types contain items classified within their named group:

  • "Seed": seeds for planting crops in farming
  • "Food": consumable items, specifically grains
  • "Forage" : resource items used in crafting, for example clay, reeds and sticks
  • "Ore": ores or fuel items
  • "Tool": tools, weapons or components, as well as a small chance for rusty gears
  • "Farming": farming tools and items, as well as a small chance for cabbage seeds

Seed Vessels

These vessels will drop only one kind of seed each, with a quantity of 5-7 bags of seeds in total - meaning, they could drop up to 7 pumpkin or onion seeds, but not both at the same time.

Seed Types
Item Name
Carrot Seeds
Onion Seeds
  Spelt Seeds
Turnip Seeds
Rice Seeds
Rye Seeds
Soybean Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Cabbage Seeds

Food Vessels

These vessels will drop only one kind of grain each, with a quantity of 8-15 piles of grain in total - meaning, they could drop up to 15 rye or spelt grain piles, but not both at the same time. Additionally, there is a 10% chance for one of the 9 possible resonance archives to drop instead of the grain.

Grain Types
Item Icon Item Name
Spelt Grain
Rice Grain
Flax Grain
Rye Grain

Forage Vessel

These vessels have a varied loot table, with up to 3 (2.5) different items dropping together from one vessel. Some of them have higher chances of dropping then others, however, and each item type has it's own possible quantity. For loose Stones and clay the either-or rule applies, meaning only one kind of stone or clay may drop - there will never drop blue clay and fire clay from the same vessel.

Loot Types
Item Icon Item Name Chance Quantity
Flint 100% 2-6
Stick 100% 3-9
Drygrass 100% 3-16
Loose Stone
(Andesite, Chalk, Claystone, Granite, Sandstone or Shale)
100% 3-24
Clay (Blue or Fire) 100% 3-24
Cattail Tops 100% 3-24
Linen Horsetail Poultice 100% 1-4
Flax Fibers 50% 1-12
Honeycomb 30% 1-3
Bamboo Stakes 30% 2-6
Beenade 30% 2-6

Ore Vessel

These vessels will drop up to 2 (1.35) different types of ores or coal. With the way the loot table is set up, some of the ores have several chances to drop, therefore it is possible to either get a bigger amount of one ore, or get a mix of different ores out of one single vessel. For each of the lines, the either-or rule applies again, meaning only one kind of nugget or coal may drop out of the options.

Ore Types
Item Icon Item Name Chance Quantity
Lignite Coal or Bituminous Coal 100% 2-12
Quartz Bits, Native Copper Nuggets or Galena Nuggets 100% 2-8
Galena, Cassiterite, Sphalerite or Bismuthinite Nuggets 20% 4-12
Limonite, Native Gold, Chromite, Ilmenite, Native Silver or Magnetite Nuggets 10% 4-12

Tool Vessel

These vessels will drop up to 3 (2.2) different kinds and qualities of tools, with tin bronze tools being the highest quality tools possible. Additionally, there's a chance for 1-4 rusty gears to drop as one of the possible results. For lines with multiple different tools, the either-or rule applies, meaning only one of these tools can drop.

Tool Types
Item Icon Item Name Chance
Flint Axe 100%
Flint Shovel 100%
Flint Knife 100%
Copper Axe or Tin Bronze Axe 10%
Copper Shovel or Tin Bronze Shovel 10%
Copper Pickaxe 10%
Copper Scythe 10%
Copper Knife or Tin Bronze Knife 10%
Copper Longblade or Tin Bronze Longblade 10%
1-4 Rusty Gears 10%

Farming Vessel

These vessels will drop up to 3 (2.5) different types of items commonly associated with farming and animal husbandry. Each of these could drop in different quantities, meaning one single vessel could drop 1 basket as well as 10 feathers. Additionally, one of these slots could be taken up by either a copper or tin bronze scythe.

Loot Types
Item Icon Item Name Chance Quantity
Linen Sack 10% 1
Basket 50% 1
Feather 75% 3-10
Flax Fibers 75% 2-10
Flax Twine 35% 2-10
Cabbage Seeds 75% 2-4
Cattail tops 75% 5-10
Copper Scythe or Tin Bronze Scythe 10% 1
