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'''採掘'''は鉱石を採取するためのゲームメカニクスで、鉱石は[[casting|鋳造]]や[[smithing|鍛冶]]で高度な[[Tools and Weapons|ツールと武器]]をクラフトするなどの様々な用途に使われます。鉱物を集めて[[metal|金属]]に加工することも、そのまま[[gemstones|宝石]]としてとっておくこともできます。
'''採掘'''は鉱石を採取するためのゲームメカニクスで、鉱石は[[casting|鋳造]]や[[smithing|鍛冶]]で高度な[[Tools and Weapons|ツールと武器]]をクラフトするなどの様々な用途に使われます。鉱物を集めて[[metal|金属]]に加工することも、そのまま[[gemstones|宝石]]としてとっておくこともできます。

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採掘を始めるには2種類の特別な道具、[[pickaxe|ツルハシ]]と[[prospecting pick|試掘ツルハシ]]が必要です。鉱石を入れられる10スロットの[[containers#portable containers|採掘バッグ]]も選択肢として挙げられます。ツルハシは実際に石や鉱石を採取するために必要ですが、試掘用ツルハシは石や鉱石を見つけるために使用するもので、それだけでは鉱石を採取することはできません。
採掘を始めるには2種類の特別な道具、[[pickaxe|ツルハシ]]と[[prospecting pick|試掘ツルハシ]]が必要です。鉱石を入れられる10スロットの[[containers#portable containers|採掘バッグ]]も選択肢として挙げられます。ツルハシは実際に石や鉱石を採取するために必要ですが、試掘用ツルハシは石や鉱石を見つけるために使用するもので、それだけでは鉱石を採取することはできません。
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To begin mining, a player needs two specialized tools, the {{ll|pickaxe|pickaxe}} and the {{ll|prospecting pick|prospecting pick}}. An optional item is a {{ll|containers#portable containers|mining bag}}, which has 10 available inventory slots and holds ores.
While the pickaxe is needed to actually harvest stone and ores, the prospecting pick is used to find them, but cannot harvest ores on it's own, as blocks broken by the propick do not drop anything.

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ここに難問があります。採掘に必要な道具は[[metal|金属]]を[[casting|鋳造]]して作らなければなりませんが、金属の道具を作るために必要な材料は、金属の道具を使わなければ採取できないのです! 採掘せずにツルハシを作れるだけの製錬できる鉱石の塊(卑金属5ユニット分)を集めるには、2つの方法があります。
ここに難問があります。採掘に必要な道具は[[metal|金属]]を[[casting|鋳造]]して作らなければなりませんが、金属の道具を作るために必要な材料は、金属の道具を使わなければ採取できないのです! 採掘せずにツルハシを作れるだけの製錬できる鉱石の塊(卑金属5ユニット分)を集めるには、2つの方法があります。
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''Herein lies the conundrum.'' The tools required for mining must be made from {{ll|metal|metal}} by {{ll|casting|casting}}, but the materials that players require ''to create'' metal tools can only be ''harvested'' when using metal tools! There are two methods available to collect enough smeltable ore nuggets (5 units of base metal) to create a pickaxe without mining.

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ワールドの地表に出現する鉱石を含んだ小さな石は、ゲーム序盤における金属の塊の良い供給源です。地表の鉱床を回収するには、素手や何らかのアイテムで小石を破壊し、製錬できる鉱石の塊に変えます。この地表の小さな鉱床は、地下の大きな鉱脈を指し示しています。後で採掘するために、マップにウェイポイントを記録しておきましょう。鉱石の塊は[[ruins|遺跡]]の[[Loot Vessels|収集品の容器]]に入っていることもあります。
ワールドの地表に出現する鉱石を含んだ小さな石は、ゲーム序盤における金属の塊の良い供給源です。地表の鉱床を回収するには、素手や何らかのアイテムで小石を破壊し、製錬できる鉱石の塊に変えます。この地表の小さな鉱床は、地下の大きな鉱脈を指し示しています。後で採掘するために、マップにウェイポイントを記録しておきましょう。鉱石の塊は[[ruins|遺跡]]の[[Loot Vessels|収集品の容器]]に入っていることもあります。

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Small stones containing ores appear on the surface of the world and are a good early game source of metal nuggets. To gather surface deposits, break the ore containing stones with an empty hand or any item to convert the stones into smeltable ore nuggets and collect in your inventory. These small surface deposits are an indicator of larger underground ore deposits. (Be sure to add a waypoint to mark the location for later mining operations.) Sometimes nuggets can be found in {{ll|Loot Vessels|loot vessels}} located in {{ll|ruins|ruins}}.
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Copper nuggets can also be obtained by panning. See the {{ll|panning|panning}} guide for more information.

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実際の採掘作業については、詳しい説明は必要ありません。[[pickaxe|ツルハシ]]で[[rock|岩]]ブロックを壊すと、岩や小石、石の塊に含まれる鉱石などがドロップします。'''採掘で難しいのは、採掘する鉱石を見つけることです。'''バージョン1.9では、特定の鉱石は特定の[[rock|岩]]の中にしかスポーンしません。ある種類の[[rock|岩]]にどのような鉱石が出現するかは、ブロックに対してShift + Hを押すと開かれるハンドブックに記載されています。天然の鉱床や鉱石の生成については、[[Ore Deposits|鉱石の鉱床]]のページをご覧ください。
実際の採掘作業については、詳しい説明は必要ありません。[[pickaxe|ツルハシ]]で[[rock|岩]]ブロックを壊すと、岩や小石、石の塊に含まれる鉱石などがドロップします。'''採掘で難しいのは、採掘する鉱石を見つけることです。'''バージョン1.9では、特定の鉱石は特定の[[rock|岩]]の中にしかスポーンしません。ある種類の[[rock|岩]]にどのような鉱石が出現するかは、ブロックに対してShift + Hを押すと開かれるハンドブックに記載されています。天然の鉱床や鉱石の生成については、[[Ore Deposits|鉱石の鉱床]]のページをご覧ください。
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When {{ll|rock|rock}} blocks are broken using a {{ll|pickaxe|pickaxe}}, rock, small stones or ores contained in chunks of stone will be dropped. The challenge is in finding the ore-containing rocks.  As of game version 1.9, certain ore types only spawn in certain {{ll|rock|rock}} types. To determine which ores can occur in a rock type, examine a block, hold {{Keypress|Shift}}+{{Keypress|H}}, and the handbook will provide information about what ores can appear in that {{ll|rock|rock}} type. For more information about natural deposits and ore generation, see the {{ll|Ore Deposits|Ore Deposits}} page.

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There are two general methods used to choose a location "Exploration" and "Prospecting". These are not mutually exclusive and work very well when combined. Players can prospect to find a region with the desired ore, and then explore caves within that region to find exposed ore to mine.
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Explore the map to locate regions with rock types used in crafting (chalk, limestone) and rock types that are known to generate ores used in crafting tools, weapons, and metal items. Sometimes ores can be located by exploring caves with entrances exposed to the surface of the world.  When exploring caves, it's a good idea to bring ladders to provide a way to climb up or down shafts, and lots of torches to light the cave and mark a path back out. The possibility for "Adventure" exists in every cave, so be ready to face great danger, but also to reap great rewards.

==Exploration (Random Method)==
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Explore the map to locate regions with rock types used in crafting (chalk, limestone) and rock types that are known to generate ores used in crafting tools, weapons, and metal items. Sometimes ores can be located by exploring caves with entrances exposed to the surface of the world.  When exploring caves, it's a good idea to bring ladders to provide a way to climb up or down shafts, and lots of torches to light the cave and mark a path back out. The possibility for "Adventure" exists in every cave, so be ready to face great danger, but also to reap great rewards. 

===Caving Rewards===
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A benefit of exploring caves is that even if ores aren't present, players may locate underground [[ruins]], which often contain treasures and materials that a player cannot acquire any other way. Static Translocators also exist in caves. These machines can be used to transport the player into uncharted regions of the world.   
A benefit of exploring caves is that even if ores aren't present, players may locate underground {{ll|ruins|ruins}}, which often contain treasures and materials that a player cannot acquire any other way. Static Translocators also exist in caves. These machines can be used to transport the player into uncharted regions of the world.

===Caving Dangers===
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*'''[[Locust]]s''' are a dangerous mob that spawns in caves and caverns.
*'''[[Drifters]]''' that are tougher than those encountered on the surface also exist.
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*'''{{ll|Locust|Locusts}}''' are a dangerous mob that spawns in caves and caverns.
*'''{{ll|Drifters|Drifters}}''' that are tougher than those encountered on the surface also exist.
*'''Drop shafts''' may extend for tens or hundreds of blocks in caverns, and players who fall into these cavernous pits have no chance of survival.
*'''Drop shafts''' may extend for tens or hundreds of blocks in caverns, and players who fall into these cavernous pits have no chance of survival.
* '''Lava''' exists at deeper levels underground and will burn players (and gear) if personally encountered!
* '''Lava''' exists at deeper levels underground and will burn players (and gear) if personally encountered!
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地表の小さな鉱床で示された場所を採掘するのは鉱石を見つける良い方法ですが、すべての鉱石が地表の石の中にスポーンするわけではありません。より深くにある鉱石を見つけるには、[[prospecting pick|試掘ツルハシ]]を使います。試掘は、そのエリアで採掘することを決める前に地表で行うことができ、チャンク内に存在する鉱石をもとに、どのエリアが採掘する価値があるかを判断するのに役立ちます。
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Mining at locations marked by small surface deposits can be a good way to find ores, but not all ores in a region will spawn in surface stones. To find deeper ores, use the {{ll|prospecting pick|prospecting pick}} or "propick". Prospecting can be performed on the surface before choosing to mine in an area, and help players decide which regions are worthwhile to mine based on the ores present in the chunk.

==Prospecting (Systematic Method)==
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Mining at locations marked by small surface deposits can be a good way to find ores, but not all ores in a region will spawn in surface stones. To find deeper ores, use the [[prospecting pick]] or "propick". Prospecting can be performed on the surface before choosing to mine in an area, and help players decide which regions are worthwhile to mine based on the ores present in the chunk.

===Density Search Mode===
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This is the first mode of the propick, which is by default always enabled. It is a chance based search system with long range - specifically, it shows the chance for specific ores to be present in a searched chunk (32x32 blocks, but all the way from surface to mantle).
This is the first mode of the propick ({{Keypress|F}} key), which is by default always enabled. It is a chance based search system with long range - specifically, it shows the chance (in permilli) for specific ores to be present within the chunk of the first point sampled all the way from surface to mantle.

====Prospecting Process====
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To prospect, a player must break 3 [[rock]] blocks in 'close' proximity to "sample" the area for ores. The prospecting pick can '''only''' be used on [[rock]] blocks. These blocks must be located a '''minimum''' of 3 blocks apart (blocks '''between''' samples) and a maximum of 16 blocks apart. It is possible to sample three blocks within a square, or in a line where the last sample is 8 blocks away from the first sample. Upon breaking the third valid sample block, displays the densities of all the ores in the chat window based on the chunk that the '''first''' of the three blocks prospected (broken) was located in.

* Prospecting "Too Close": If a player breaks a block that is too close to another previously sampled block, the game dialog (displayed in the chat window) will repeat the request for that sample number. However, the game registers the faulty sample as a hit and begins the prospecting block count for the player's next hit from the last hit, which was the ''faulty'' sample. To take a new sample, players must prospect at least 3 blocks from the faulty sample block hit, even though the action did not count toward the prospecting total.
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To prospect, a player must break 3 {{ll|rock|rock}} blocks in 'close' proximity to "sample" the area for ores. These blocks must be located a '''minimum''' of 3 blocks apart (blocks '''between''' samples) and a maximum of 16 blocks apart. It is possible to sample three blocks within a square, or in a line where the last sample is 8 blocks away from the first sample. Upon breaking the third valid sample block, displays the possible densities of all the ores in the chat window based on the chunk that the '''first''' of the three blocks prospected (broken) was located in.
* 「近すぎる場所を」試掘した場合:先にサンプリングしたブロックに近すぎるブロックを破壊した場合、ゲームダイアログ(チャットウィンドウに表示される)が同じサンプル数の要求を繰り返します。しかしながら、ゲームはこの無効なサンプルを登録してしまい、試掘のカウントはその「無効な」サンプルの次から始まります。新しいサンプルを取るには、試掘の合計回数にはカウントされませんが、少なくとも3個のブロックを試掘しなければなりません。
* Prospecting "Too Far": If a block is prospected that is too far (over 16 blocks) from the initial sample, the game dialog (displayed in the chat window) will display a message stating that this sample is too distant to be used with previous samples taken. The game will convert this last block hit into a new starting sample. Thus when prospecting, if blocks are broken "too far away" from each other, the consequence is that a player must restart the process of sampling.  
* 「遠すぎる場所を」試掘した場合:試掘したブロックが最初のサンプルから遠すぎた(16ブロックを超える)場合、ゲームダイアログ(チャットウィンドウに表示される)に「このサンプルは遠すぎて、以前に採取したサンプルと併用できません」というメッセージが表示されます。そしてこの最後のブロックが最初のサンプルに変わります。そのため遠すぎるブロックを試掘した場合、サンプリングを最初からやり直さなければなりません。
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To interpret the information, one must understand that this mode ''does not detect the actual presence of ore blocks'', but detects the ''chance that ores are present'' (in permilli). The game uses randomly generated ore density maps whenever a chunk is generated. These determine the chance for ores to appear. Even if a player removed all the ores from a chunk, the prospecting reading would remain the same. Additionally, some ores are not detected by prospecting with this mode, like quartz or surface copper.
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[[File:Prospecting example.PNG]]
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====Prospecting Results====
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To interpret the information, one must understand that this tool '''does not detect the actual presence of ore''' blocks; but detects the '''chance that ores are present'''. The game uses randomly generated ore density maps whenever a chunk is generated. These determine the chance for ores to appear. Even if a player removed all the ores from a chunk, the prospecting reading would remain the same. Additionally, some ores are not detected by prospecting with this mode, like  quartz or surface copper.
Using the {{ll|Bismuthinite|Bismuthinite}} reading above as an example, you have a medium chance of locating the ore in your chunk, and approximately 19 blocks of the 1000 in this chunk contain the ore, while the {{ll|Copper|Copper}} reading shows a low chance of locating the ore in your chunk, but if it ''did'' spawn, it would provide approximately 81 blocks of ore.

The display is based on the '''first''' of the three blocks broken. The game reads the chunk density map and displays the densities of all the ores in the chat window. These values reflect the potential density, not the actual ore.  
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鉱石の種類によって、同じPPT ‰の数値でも密度の記述が大きく異なります(素材の希少性に基づいています)。例えば、以下のようになります。
* 深層の銅、石炭、[[Sulfur|硫黄]]などの一般的な鉱石は18‰付近で「とても高い」、5‰以下で「とても乏しい」となります。
* [[diamond|ダイヤモンド]]や[[emerald|エメラルド]]などの希少な鉱石は1.0‰前後で「とても高い」、0.2‰で「とても乏しい」になります。

From most to least dense the categories displayed are: Ultra High, Very High, High, Decent, Poor, Very Poor.  This category is followed by a number in parentheses, given in parts per thousand or 'PPT' ([ per mille] - note there are two zeros below the slash, &#8240;, as opposed to a normal percent sign, %, which has one zero below). 
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Different ores will display drastically different density descriptors for the same PPT ‰ reading (based on the rarity of the material). For instance:
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* Common ores such as Deep Copper, Coal, and [[Sulfur]] will have Very High densities at around 18‰; and Very Poor below 5‰
Prospecting results should be similar for 4 chunks in an area because the ore densities are created from a density map generated with the world, at a resolution of approximately 32 blocks. The ore densities will tend to have a more concentrated 'center' and then decrease when moving towards the circumference. So when locating a low density reading of any desired ore, try taking other prospecting samples some distance away in other directions to find an area with a higher reading. With enough sampling, a player can locate the center of the ore field, which often span a great many chunks.
* Rare ores such as [[diamond]] and [[emerald]] will have Very High densities at around 1.0‰ and Very Poor at 0.2‰

====Prospecting for Ore Fields====
Prospecting results should be similar for 4 chunks in an area because the ore densities are created from a density map generated with the world, at a resolution of approximately 32 blocks. The ore densities will tend to have a more concentrated 'center' and then decrease when moving towards the circumference.  So when locating a low density reading of any desired ore, try taking other prospecting samples some distance away in other directions to find an area with a higher reading.  With enough sampling, a player can locate the center of the ore field, which often span a great many chunks. 

''Note: The prospecting pick will not detect quartz, surface copper or rock salt (not to be confused with Halite, which does show up in this propick mode). The prospecting pick only detects ores above a certain threshold. Players will occasionally find ore deposits in a region when the prospecting pick did not indicate the ores are present. Such 'undetected' occurrences are very rare.''
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===Node Search Mode===
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This is the second mode of the propick, which is by default not enabled, but can be enabled either at world creation or through a command in an already created world. It offers a short to medium range search for exact and actually available deposits in a specific place.
This is the second mode of the propick, which can be activated with {{Keypress|F}}. It offers a short to medium range search for exact and actually available deposits in a specific place.
Be aware however, using this mode will drain the tools durability considerably faster. Additionally, it also doesn't pick up on Halite - don't be too salty now :p
Be aware however, using this mode will drain the tools durability considerably faster. Additionally, it also doesn't pick up on Halite - don't be too salty now :p

====Activating Node Search Mode====
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The easiest way to access this second mode is certainly to enable it while creating a new world. You can do so in the advanced settings ("Customzie" button) - towards the end of the list, the option "ProPick Node Search Radius" lets you switch between disabled or, if you want to use it, for what size you want it to work.  
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Since v1.18, this second mode is enabled by default when creating a new world. You can disable it or modify its radius in the advanced settings ("Customize" button) - in the middle of the list, the option "ProPick Node Search Radius" lets you switch between disabled or, if you want to use it, for what size you want it to work.  
The radius you select here describes the size of the cubic search area, for instance the radius 4 equals a search area of 9x9x9 blocks, 729 blocks searched in total.
The radius you select here describes the size of the cubic search area, for instance the radius 4 equals a search area of 9x9x9 blocks, 729 blocks searched in total.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| Radius || 2 || 4 || 6 || 8
| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Radius</span> || 2 || 4 || 6 || 8
| Search Size || 25 || 729 || 2197 || 4913
| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Search Size</span> || 125 || 729 || 2197 || 4913

If you have already created a world, you can use a simple command in chat to activate this modus - and set or change the radius. Simply type the following into the chat:
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/worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius [Radius]
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Similar to the density search, you will have to break a stone block with the propick, however you will only have to break one block and will get the results immediately listed in the information tab of the chat. The readings will be shown for the search area, with the broken block as the centre. Note: Does not work on cracked rock blocks.

/worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius [Radius]
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====Prospecting Written Guide====

Insert the radius you want to use and enter - the final command should not have any brackets. Please keep in mind that higher radius numbers might be hard on your computer and could potentially lead to freezes. Additionally, even going with in game considerations, knowing the ores in such a big search area might be just as helpful as doing a density search in the first place.
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Before you will be able to switch between the two modes using the F key, you will have to restart the game once.
[ This reddit post] is a wonderfully written guide from the user Streetwind on how to start prospecting if you are completely new to prospecting in general. It clearly explains how to begin prospecting, what to bring with your first expedition, and how exactly you figure out where to dig down.

====Prospecting Process====
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Similar to the density search, you will have to break a stone block with the propick, however you will only have to break one block and will get the results immediately listed in the information tab of the chat. The readings will be shown for the search area, with the broken block as the centre.

====Prospecting Results====
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You will only be informed about actually occurring deposits in the searched area. If there are no ores in the searched cubicle, the chat will display the "no ore node nearby" message.
You will only be informed about actually occurring deposits in the searched area. If there are no ores in the searched cubicle, the chat will display the "no ore node nearby" message.
If any deposits are found, the amount of blocks containing that ore is displayed again in words rather than actual numbers.
If any deposits are found, the amount of blocks containing that ore is displayed again in words rather than actual numbers.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| Verified...|| trace amounts || small amounts || medium amounts || large amounts || very large amounts || huge amounts
| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Verified...</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">trace amounts</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">small amounts</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">medium amounts</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">large amounts</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">very large amounts</span> || <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">huge amounts</span>
| Amount|| 1-9 || 10-19 || 20-39 || 40-79 || 80-119 || 120+
| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Amount</span> || 1-9 || 10-19 || 20-39 || 40-79 || 80-119 || 120+

==Mining Products==
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採掘しても、製錬できる塊はドロップしません。代わりに、石の大きな塊に含まれる鉱石がドロップします。採掘をしているとインベントリのスペースは貴重なものですが、この石の大きな塊は「製錬できる塊」よりも少ないスペースで済みます。岩の中の鉱石から製錬できる塊を得るためには、クラフトグリッドでハンマーを使って砕かなければなりません。「含有量が豊かな」大きな塊は鉱石の濃度が高く、砕くとより多くのナゲットが入手できます。鉱石を保管するための鍛冶用の[[containers#stationary containers|貯蔵容器]]を必ず作成しておきましょう!
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Smeltable nuggets do not drop from rocks when mined. Instead, ores contained in chunks of stone will be dropped.  When mining, inventory space is generally at a premium, and these chunks occupy less space than "smeltable nuggets".
Smeltable nuggets do not drop from rocks when mined. Instead, ores contained in chunks of stone will be dropped.  When mining, inventory space is generally at a premium, and these chunks occupy less space than "smeltable nuggets".
Ores within rock must be crushed with a hammer in the crafting grid to obtain smeltable nuggets. "Rich" chunks have a higher concentration of ore and will generate more nuggets when crushed, so be sure to create smithy [[containers#stationary containers|storage containers]] to store the ores!
Ores within rock must be crushed with a hammer in the crafting grid to obtain smeltable nuggets. "Rich" chunks have a higher concentration of ore and will generate more nuggets when crushed, so be sure to create smithy {{ll|containers#stationary containers|storage containers}} to store the ores!

== Video Tutorial - How to Use the Prospecting Pick ==
== ビデオチュートリアル:試掘ツルハシの使い方 ==

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! How to Use the Prospecting Pick
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">How to Use the Prospecting Pick</span>
| <youtube width="400" height="240">e1T8lddwJjM</youtube>
| <youtube width="400" height="240">reeRdqD5APU</youtube>

== Video Tutorial - Ore Deposits ==
== Video Tutorial - Ore Deposits == <!--T:22-->
{| class="wikitable"
! <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ore Deposits in Vintage Story English</span> !! Erz Verteilung in Vintage Story Deutsch
| <youtube width="400" height="240">bo3_KT-4UbM</youtube> || <youtube width="400" height="240">X9F_MWli0QY</youtube>

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ore Deposits in Vintage Story English !! Erz Verteilung in Vintage Story Deutsch
! Vintage Storyの鉱床(English) !! Vintage Storyのエルツファタイロン(ドイツ語)
| <youtube width="400" height="240">bo3_KT-4UbM</youtube> || <youtube width="400" height="240">X9F_MWli0QY</youtube>
| <youtube width="400" height="240">bo3_KT-4UbM</youtube> || <youtube width="400" height="240">X9F_MWli0QY</youtube>
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You have basically 3 ways of acquiring {{ll|Halite| halite}}, which is used to make Salt.
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You can purchase halite from aː
* {{ll|Trading#Commodities|Commodities Trader}} for an average price of 3 {{ll|Rusty gear|rusty gears}} for a stack of 16.
* {{ll|Trading#Survival_Goods|Survival Goods Trader}} for an average price of 3 {{ll|Rusty gear|rusty gears}} for a stack of 16.
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==Mining Sedimentary Rock Layers==
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[[File:Howhalitespawns.png|300px|thumb|right|A simple diagram of how halite spawns in sedimentary layers. The top of the dome will stick out above the bottommost sedimentary layer, so it can be most readily found via horizontal mining]]
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You can use the prospecting pick to find Halite the same way you can find metal ore (see above)
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If you are in an area with at least one {{ll|Rock#Sedimentary_rocks|sedimentary}} layer (except {{ll|bauxite|bauxite}}) use the main Prospecting Pick mode (Density Mode, being the only one that shows halite readings). If you find any halite readings, it might be an area prone to spawn a halite deposit known as a "Salt Dome". Find the area with the best readings and around, and go caving or making vertical tunnels until you are in the bottommost sedimentary rock layer, or in the first rock layer that's not sedimentary. Then, go making horizontal tunnels in that level, following the rock type you're in. Once you find a pink rock, that's it, eureka!
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A salt dome starts at the sedimentary layer and goes down to mantle level. It has so much salt that you might share it with other people and never run out, if in Multiplayer. In Singleplayer, once you find it, you won't need to search for a second time.
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Sedimentary rocks that might have domes: chalk, chert, claystone, conglomerate, limestone, sandstone, shale
Halite doesn't spawn in bauxite layers, but check below bauxite rock layers to be sure there isn't other sedimentary rocks.
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==In Deserts==
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Deserts have an average temperature between 15°C and 40°C and "Rarely" or "Very Rare" rainfall.
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They also frequently have cow skulls, hyenas or cactuses. Look below the dirt/gravel/sand; it is few layers of halite like 2 or 3 blocks below the dirt/gravel/sand, at most. The deposit might provide you several stacks, but it might run out pretty quickly. This is what is called a "Dry lake salt bed".
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You won't have propick readings to guide you; spawning is random in deserts only.
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The head developer settled a debate in 2023 about density readings.  To the [ question] "Are prospecting reading in density mode chunk-based, or position-based?" Tyron [ responded] "They are position based. thats why i don't want to represent them in the same way as prospector info".  The mod Prospector Info displays density-reading results on the map in squares aligned with chunk borders, and many video tutorials have perpetuated the misconception that prospecting results are chunk-based.
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* In version 1.19 the results of density samples will not only be printed to the chat box but also saved to the map.

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