for testing little things
what's "stot"?
"server" "stepHeight": 3.1251
stats start line 230 of goat.json to 415, and 523, 556, --603, 627
"damageTier": 2, deer too?
{ "code": "multiply", "enabledByType": { "*-female-adult": true, "*": false } }, requires a male within 10m, spawns 1 offspring "eatAnyway": true, "pregnancyDays": 20, "multiplyCooldownDaysMin": 4, "multiplyCooldownDaysMax": 11, "portionsEatenForMultiply": 10 { "code": "milkable", "enabledByType": { "*-female-adult": true, "*": false } }, ALL stress? attack? "hoursToGrow": 336, "code": "pettable", "minGeneration": 1 ALL { "code": "antlergrowth", "enabledByType": { "*-male-adult": true, "*": false } } variants line 788 "c1": "Disables the yearly interval of growing and shedding and uses the growDurationMonths value instead to grow the antlers once", "beginGrowMonth": -1, "growDurationMonths": 12
"client" { "code": "despawn", "minPlayerDistance": 16, "belowLightLevel": 8, "minSeconds": 300 }, "server" "code": "despawn", "minPlayerDistance": 8, "belowLightLevel": 8, "minSeconds": 300
"sizeByType": { "*-male-adult": 1.05, "*-female-adult": 0.95 so females can fit thru doors?
flee "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.95, "*": 1.0 "whenHealthRelBelow": 0.4 compare with "code": "fleeondamage", "duration": 40, "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.85, "*": 1.0 also "code": "aggressiveondamage", "duration": 30, "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.5, "*": 0.0 flee "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "bear-*" ], range 14 males meleeattack "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "bear-*", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "fox-male", "fox-female" males chargeattack "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", range 20, speed 0.05 compare lines __ with 581
sleep 04:00-20:00 interrupted by "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "bear-*" at 8m or hurt stop sit at 10m adult bleat range 60, baby 30
females "stayclosetoentity" male, and babies stayclose to females
I don't understand "saturated" or "alarmherdondamage" or "priority" or "eatLooseItems": true,
worldgen 0 triesPerChunk: Goats (including ox) spawn in grass&, shallow snow, or air, only on the world's surface&. A male might spawn alone, or with one or more females. A female might also have one or more babies. The average group size is 2, ±3. see line 813 and compare with deer.json
runtime chance 0.005: **** Goats (including ox) spawn in grass, shallow snow, or air, only on the world's surface and in light level 10 or greater. A male might spawn alone, or with one or more females. A female might also have one or more babies. The average group size is 2, ±3.
max runtime qty 4 goats per chunk? or...
Pampas deer are twice as likely to appear as Fallow deer. 0.003 average triesPerChunk: Fallow, Guemal, Chital, Pudu, Water, Caribou, Marsh, Red brocket, Moose (adult males). 0.006 average triesPerChunk: Pampas, Taruca, Elk, Whitetail.
--In addition to grass, shallow snow, and air, deer (including moose) can spawn on soil, sand, or gravel during Runtime in light level 10 or higher. The average group size is 2, with a maximum group size of 4. The chance is 0.005.
Deer might despawn if in the dark (below light level 8) for 5 minutes and at least 8 blocks away from the player.
Non-Regional conditions Variant Average triesPerChunk tryOnlySurface maxQuantity runtime insideBlockCodes angora File:-male-adult.png worldgen 0.05 tries true? 4 nochange ibexalp File:-male-adult.png worldgen 0.05 tries true? 4 nochange ibexnub File:-male-adult.png worldgen 0.02 tries markhor worldgen 0.04 tries true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1 mtn worldgen 0.05 tries musk worldgen 0.003 tries nub worldgen 0.004 tries sirohi worldgen 0.004 tries takin worldgen 0.05 tries tur worldgen 0.05 tries val worldgen 0.02 tries