Translations:List of server commands/32/en

From Vintage Story Wiki


  • /weather [setprecip|stoprain|acp|lp|t|c|setw|setev|setevr|set|seti|setirandom|setir]
    Controls weather and wind patterns. If /weather is run by itself it prints the current weather stats.
    • /weather setprecip [-1..1|auto]
      Running with no arguments returns the current precip. override, if one is set. Including an argument overrides the precipitation intensity and in turn also the rain cloud overlay. -1 removes all rain clouds, 0 stops any rain but keeps some rain clouds, while 1 causes the heaviest rain and full rain clouds. The server will remain indefinitely in that rain state until reset with auto or /weather acp.
    • /weather stoprain
      Stops any current rain by forwarding to a time in the future where there is no rain.
    • /weather acp
      Toggles auto-changing weather patterns.
    • /weather lp
      Lists all loaded weather patterns.
    • /weather t
      Transitions to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather c
      Quickly transitions to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather setev [event]
      Sets a weather event globally.
    • /weather setevr [event]
      Set a weather event only in the player's region.
    • /weather setw [lightbreeze|mediumbreeze|still|storm|strongbreeze]
      Sets the current wind pattern to the given wind pattern.
    • /weather [set|seti] [weatherpattern]
      Instantly sets the weather pattern to weatherpattern.
    • /weather setirandom
      Instantly sets the weather to a random weather pattern.
    • /weather setir [weatherpattern]
      Instantly sets the weather to [weatherpattern] only in the current region.