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'''Saltpeter''' is a {{ll|Ore_Deposits#Deep_ores|mineral}} that can be found underground.
'''Saltpeter''' is a {{ll|Ore_Deposits#Deep_ores|mineral}} that can be found underground.
== Obtaining ==
Saltpeter forms as a white-ish coating on the surface of natural rock in caves. The {{ll|Mining#Prospecting_.28Systematic_Method.29|prospecting pick}} doesn't detect/report saltpeter's potential presence.  There are no particular rock types saltpeter prefers to form on.  Pay attention while exploring caves.  White-looking rock might actually be a thin layer of saltpeter.
[[File:Saltpeter-deposits.jpg|thumb|right|<translate><!--T:9--> Saltpeter deposits in a granite cave.</translate>]]

[[File:Saltpeter-deposits.jpg|thumb|right|<translate><!--T:9--> Saltpeter deposits in a granite cave.</translate>]]
* Saltpeter can generate at or below 80% of {{ll||sealevel}} (which depends on the worldHeight).  It's equally likely to generate at elevation Y 1 as at Y 71 (0 ± 0.8<ref>Line 11 of %AppData%\Roaming\ Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\deposits\mineralore\saltpeter.json</ref>). Therefore, a player can expect to find no saltpeter until below elevation Y 88.
== Location == <!--T:3-->
* The average radius of a saltpeter deposit is 0 - 20 blocks (10 ± 10<ref>Line 10 of %AppData%\Roaming\ Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\deposits\mineralore\saltpeter.json</ref>).
* The average thickness of a saltpeter deposit is 4 - 10 blocks (7 ± 3<ref>Line 12 of %AppData%\Roaming\ Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\deposits\mineralore\saltpeter.json</ref>).
* Saltpeter gets 7 triesPerChunk<ref>Line 4 of %AppData%\Roaming\ Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\deposits\mineralore\saltpeter.json</ref>: the game tries 7 times to generate a deposit in each map chunk before giving up.

Saltpeter can be found as a coating on the surface of other rock types. It cannot be found through {{ll|Mining#Prospecting_.28Systematic_Method.29|prospecting}}, and must be discovered through caving or other means. Breaking a saltpeter coating drops a chunk of saltpeter powder. A {{ll|shovel|shovel}} is the most effective tool for mining saltpeter.
Breaking a saltpeter coating drops a chunk of saltpeter powder. A hand works but a {{ll|shovel|shovel}} is the most effective tool for mining saltpeter.

== Usage == <!--T:5-->
== Usage == <!--T:5-->

Saltpeter, along with {{ll|sulfur|sulfur}} and {{ll|coal|black coal}}, is used to create {{ll|Ore_blasting_bomb|ore blasting bombs}}. It can also be directly {{SneakClick|applied}} to farmland as {{ll|Farming#Fertilizer|fertilizer}}, adding 13% '''N''' and 33% '''K''' to each block per use.
* Saltpeter can be directly {{SneakClick|applied}} to farmland as {{ll|Farming#Fertilizer|fertilizer}}, adding 13% '''N''' and 33% '''K''' to each block per use. Additional applications increase its potency.
* Saltpeter, along with {{ll|sulfur|sulfur}} and {{ll|coal|black coal}} wrapped in linen, is used to create {{ll|Ore_blasting_bomb|ore blasting bombs}}.
== History ==
== Notes ==
== Gallery ==
== See also ==
* {{ll|Ore_Deposits#Deep_ores|Ore deposits}}
== References ==
<references />


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