
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 09:36, 20 May 2023 by Xandoria (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Altitude === L'altitude varie en fonction de la distance entre le manteau et la surface. En parlant de génération et de mécanique, le jeu calculera ses valeurs en utilisant les critères suivants :")
Other languages:
Paysage commun en surface.

Vue d'ensemble

Le monde traversable, la nature, la lumière du soleil, la pluie, la nature et la vie.


Le niveau de surface est défini comme les blocs les plus hauts qui seront affectés par la pluie ou la lumière du soleil.


L'altitude varie en fonction de la distance entre le manteau et la surface. En parlant de génération et de mécanique, le jeu calculera ses valeurs en utilisant les critères suivants :

  • The Surface will have a height of 1 or 100%.
  • The Mantle will have a height of 0 or 0%.

The calculations won't be based on coordinates or blocks, but in the value regarding the percentage defined by the previous Height Values.

Example: If you are in a hill that has a y of 150, and you are looking for height 0.6 or 60%; you will need to look at y90.



See Metal for detailed information.

Some ores, such as Lead, Copper, Coal, Borax and Quartz can be spotted as bits on the surface. This indicates that a deposit of these minerals is located underground.

Hills and cliffs may expose ore deposits due to the nature of ore generation.

Ore Generation

See Ore Deposits for detailed information.

Ore Generation will follow the Height Values mechanic. The specific values for ores can be seen in their own tables.

Example: Lignite (Brown Coal) is generated between the height values 0.48 (48%) and 0.92 (92%), this mean that, if the distance between the Mantle and the Surface is 100 blocks, Lignite (Brown Coal) will be generated between the blocks y48 and y92 (based on coordinates).



In order to survive, animals need light. Any that ventures into a cave will die after a while if no light is present.


See Farming for detailed information.

Unless defined on World Configuration, plants can't grow underground.
