Темпоральная шестерёнка

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Темпоральную шестерёнку можно получить как добычу за убийство дрифтеров, как редкую добычу из промывания или обменять на ржавые шестерни у охотников за сокровищами при [[trading|торговле] ]. Они используются для сброса точек возрождения и ремонта транслокаторов. Это уникальный предмет, поскольку это единственный способ сбросить точку возрождения игрока.

Temporal gear
Grid temporal gear.png
Размер стака 1

Spawn points

When a player starts a game or joins a server, they appear at the spawn point of the world. Any time a player is killed they will be sent back to respawn at their original location until they acquire a temporal gear. Using this item allows a player to choose any location as their spawn point. Each player in a game must acquire their own temporal gear, and resetting the spawn for one player does not affect any other player's spawn point. A player may override their set spawn location at any time by using an additional temporal gear.


  1. Place the temporal gear in an empty slot in your hotbar.
  2. With the temporal gear in your active hand, aim at the block on the ground you choose as your new spawn point.
  3. Hold right mouse button to use the item. As this happens, your screen will shake quite dramatically.
  4. When the gear is consumed, the shaking will stop, and your spawn point is reset.

Temporal gear tutorial video

Thanks to Ashantin for creating this video and sharing with the VS Community (Geronimo!)