Survival Guide - Your first day

From Vintage Story Wiki



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Your first day

Stone tools

Scavenging time!
A knapping surface

Find flint or hard enough stones. Sneak + Right click on solid ground to create a knapping surface. Select what tool you want to make. We recommend an Axe and a Knife. Chip away the orange boxes until all are gone. You now have a tool head, combine with a stick to create the actual tool.

Storage containers

You only have 10 inventory slots in the beginning. For starters, expand your inventory with stationary and mobile baskets. You need to harvest reeds which like to grow near lakes.


Berries and Meat are your best bet on your first day. Meat can be harvested from dead animals with a knife, then cooked on a fire pit

Light / Cooking

Once the sun sets, you might want to create a fir pit as a source of light and for cooking. Get the following resources:

  • Collect dry grass: Break tall grass with a knife in hands
  • Collect fire wood: Break trees with an axe and put the axe and log in your crafting grid to create firewood from logs

Now Sneak + Right click on solid ground with the dry grass in hands to place a fire pit. Then Sneak + Right click with fire wood in hands to complete the fire pit.  

Congratulations, you can now cook meat and create new torches by heating sticks.

Self defense

Be aware that in Vintage Story different weapons have different ranges. Use the knapping system to craft a spear or two. These are the strongest long range weapon in the stone age, but break quickly. As an emergency weapon, use knifes, axes or just plain sticks.