
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 09:44, 6 April 2023 by Xestael (talk | contribs) (tried implementing a pic. but failed miserably :D added contact info)

About me

Hello there,

my name is Xestael or Xen, i dont really care. Its obviusly not my real name (mommy told me not to give info to strangers :P). Im new to editing and contributing to a wiki and to be honest, i have zero clue how to do this. BUT im willing to learn and see what possible. So you might see my Userpage change from time to time as i try out new thing i have learned.

I love Vintage Story and have been playing it for a long time. Im currently studying fulltime, so i dont have that much time to sink into wikimedia. Quite sad...i know.

If you want to contact me, you can find me on the Vintage Story discord. My discordname is the same as here.

Anyways. Thanks for visiting my profile. Travel safely!

*drifter sound*


Things i want to tackle are the following:

  • Overhaul the armor page (its very cryptic)
  • Specifie some things on the room page
  • Add general info i pick up while playing the game