
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 07:51, 4 September 2021 by Kengo700 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "散らばった石と火打石は、採取時に地面に落ちているものが見つかります。破壊(左クリック)して回収...")





  • 斧(Axe):(採取)木、葉、植物ブロック、原木、板、フェンス、ゲートと木製の建物にダメージを与えます。クラフトグリッドで薪を作るために使います。
  • 弓(Bow)/火打石の矢(Flint Arrow):(武器)遠距離からダメージを与えます。
  • クワ(Hoe):(クラフト)農業で土を農地に変えるために使います。
  • ナイフ(Knife):(採取)植物ブロックにダメージを与え、動物、草、ガマなどの野生の植物、農業のための作物の採取に使います。革加工と木のアイテムのクラフトにも使います。
  • シャベル(Shovel):(採取)土、粘土、泥炭、砂、砂利などの地形ブロックにダメージを与えます。地形ブロックの収集や地形のテラファームに使います。
  • 槍:(武器)近接戦闘か投擲武器としてダメージを与えます。



Shaping Stones

Example of knapping interface
  • Placing Flint: Sneak and place (Sneak + Right Mouse Button) on a solid block to place the small stone on the ground. When performed with flint, a small dialog box will immediately open.
  • Placing Small Stones: When using stone types other than flint, the small stone will be placed on the ground. Continue to hold shift and press RMB with the stone highlighted a second time to open the knapping dialog box.
  • Selecting the tool: Using the dialog box, select the type of tool head to make.
  • Shaping the head: Use the second stone (of the same type) to remove all voxels marked in orange (Left Mouse Button). As of game version 1.12, removing the voxels outlining the tool head will remove all extra voxels.

Don't worry about making mistakes, the game prevents players from breaking the parts required to shape the tool. If another player has the same type of stone, he or she can work on the piece as well to complete the tool head faster. When the tool head is completed, it will jump into the inventory of the player who removes the last voxel.

Finishing Stone Tools

To complete the tool, place the tool head in the crafting grid and add a stick for a handle. With flint players can make an axe, hoe, knife, shovel, spear and arrowheads. With any other stone, players can make all of the tools listed above except arrowheads. Tool heads made of flint or obsidian tend to last longer than counterparts made of andesite, basalt, granite, or peridotite.

Video Tutorial: How to Knap Stone Tools

Thanks to SmileOnSpeedDial for creating and sharing with the VS community!
