
From Vintage Story Wiki

for testing little things

what's "stot"?

"server" "stepHeight": 3.1251

stats start line 230 of goat.json to 415, and 523, 556, --603, 627

"damageTier": 2, deer too?

{ "code": "multiply", "enabledByType": { "*-female-adult": true, "*": false } }, requires a male within 10m, spawns 1 offspring "eatAnyway": true, "pregnancyDays": 20, "multiplyCooldownDaysMin": 4, "multiplyCooldownDaysMax": 11, "portionsEatenForMultiply": 10 { "code": "milkable", "enabledByType": { "*-female-adult": true, "*": false } }, ALL stress? attack? "hoursToGrow": 336, "code": "pettable", "minGeneration": 1 ALL { "code": "antlergrowth", "enabledByType": { "*-male-adult": true, "*": false } } variants line 788 "c1": "Disables the yearly interval of growing and shedding and uses the growDurationMonths value instead to grow the antlers once", "beginGrowMonth": -1, "growDurationMonths": 12

"client" { "code": "despawn", "minPlayerDistance": 16, "belowLightLevel": 8, "minSeconds": 300 }, "server" "code": "despawn", "minPlayerDistance": 8, "belowLightLevel": 8, "minSeconds": 300

"sizeByType": { "*-male-adult": 1.05, "*-female-adult": 0.95 so females can fit thru doors?

flee "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.95, "*": 1.0 "whenHealthRelBelow": 0.4 compare with "code": "fleeondamage", "duration": 40, "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.85, "*": 1.0 also "code": "aggressiveondamage", "duration": 30, "chanceByType": { "*-male-*": 0.5, "*": 0.0 flee "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "bear-*" ], range 14 males meleeattack "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "bear-*", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "fox-male", "fox-female" males chargeattack "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", range 20, speed 0.05 compare lines __ with 581

sleep 04:00-20:00 interrupted by "player", "wolf-male", "wolf-female", "hyena-male", "hyena-female", "bear-*" at 8m or hurt stop sit at 10m adult bleat range 60, baby 30

females "stayclosetoentity" male, and babies stayclose to females

I don't understand "saturated" or "alarmherdondamage" or "priority" or "eatLooseItems": true,

Non-Regional conditions
Variant Average triesPerChunk tryOnlySurface groupSize insideBlockCodes
Fallow Deer-fallow-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Pampas Deer-pampas-male-adult.png 0.006 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Guemal Deer-guemal-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Chital Deer-chital-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Taruca Deer-taruca-male-adult.png 0.006 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Elk Deer-elk-male-adult.png 0.006 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Pudu Deer-pudu-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Water Deer-water-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Caribou Deer-caribou-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Marsh Deer-marsh-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Red brocket Deer-redbrocket-male-adult.png 0.003 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Whitetail Deer-whitetail-male-adult.png 0.006 true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1
Moose Deer-moose-male-adult.png 0 (0.003 for adult males) true 2 ±3 air, tallgrass-*, snowlayer-1